
  • 网络hamilton college;Hamilton College Clinton, NY
  1. 汉密尔顿学院(HamiltonCollege)今年共收到了187份实习补贴申请,高于去年的116份,这些申请既有在政府部门的无薪实习,也包括在非盈利性和盈利性企业中的实习。

    Hamilton College received 187 stipend applications this year , up from 116 last year , for unpaid positions in government , nonprofit and for-profit enterprises .

  2. 她来自纽约,以优异成绩毕业于汉密尔顿学院,外语和经济学专业。

    Originally from New York , she graduated with honors from Hamilton College with a concentration in foreign languages and economics .

  3. 汉密尔顿学院的就业指导中心不仅将普拉丹推荐给了那家公司的首席运营官和创始人吉姆•埃利(JimEly),还为他提供了津贴以补助租金、食品和交通费用。

    Hamilton 's career center introduced Mr. Pradhan to Jim Ely , the firm 's chief executive and founder , and offered the stipend to cover rent , food and transportation .

  4. 乌吉瓦•普拉丹(UjjwalPradhan)是一位在汉密尔顿学院学习经济学和数学的大三学生,在完成了位于纽约一家资产管理公司的无薪实习后,获得了学院给予的4800美元的津贴(约合人民币29664元)。

    Ujjwal Pradhan , a rising Hamilton junior majoring in economics and mathematics , received a $ 4800 stipend after securing an unpaid position at New York-based money manager Priority Capital Management LLC.

  5. 华威大学和汉密尔顿学院的研究人员称,先前的研究表明“快乐”的国家自杀率很高,丹麦就是一个例子。

    Researchers from the University of Warwick and Hamilton College in New York said that previous studies have shown'happy'nations had high suicide rates , with Denmark often singled out as an example .