
  • 网络clifford
  1. 克利福德正在边境北部自在地生活。

    Clifford is enjoying life north of the border .

  2. 本文作者分别是政治风险咨询公司欧亚集团(EurasiaGroup)总裁和研究主管。本文是二人与该集团业务主管克利福德库普钱(CliffordKupchan)联合撰写

    The writers are president and head of research at Eurasia Group respectively . The article was co-authored with Clifford Kupchan , practice head at the risk consultancy group

  3. 克利福德和他的团队早在2003年就对该地进行了搜索。

    Clifford and his team dove the site back in 2003 .

  4. 你为什么不邀请那位和气的克利福德先生呢?

    Why don 't you invite that nice Mr clifford ?

  5. 我读的是《大红狗克利福德》。

    I read " Clifford the Big Red Dog . "

  6. 他同克利福德对新旧总统的交替期都抱有忧虑。

    He shared Clifford 's concern about the interregnum .

  7. 现在克利福德是洛克维尔首都个人电脑用户协会的秘书。

    Today Clifford is secretary of the Capital PC User Group in Rockville .

  8. 克利福德:别卖关子,快告诉我吧。

    Clifford : Don 't keep me in suspense .

  9. 克利福德和拉里是很好的人。

    Clifford and Larry were nice guys .

  10. 但是没有人真的相信克利福德。

    But nobody really believes that Clifford .

  11. 《纽约时报》的克利福德?利维获得了普利策调查报道奖。

    Clifford Levy of the New York Times earned the Pulitzer for his investigative reporting .

  12. 米歇利斯和克利福德都生活在象征工业文明的城市,远离大自然。

    Both Michaelis and Clifford live in the city of industrial civilization , away from nature .

  13. 经过一些研究调查后,克利福德意识到这次是残骸的可能性非常大。

    After doing some research , Clifford realized that this wreck could be the big one .

  14. 《文化的解释》是美国著名人类学家克利福德。

    Interpretation of Culture is the finest work of Clifford Geerz , a famous anthropologist in America .

  15. 提名:肯尼-阿特金森,布雷特-布朗,史蒂夫-克利福德,格雷格-波波维奇,尼克-纳斯

    Others receiving votes : Kenny Atkinson , Brett Brown , Steve Clifford , Gregg Popovich and Nick Nurse

  16. 美国游客桑德拉-克利福德去爱尔兰旅游,想着能沾点仙气。

    When tourist Sandra Clifford went on holiday to Ireland she was hoping to connect with her Catholic roots .

  17. 第三例是克利福德先生和他保姆博尔顿夫人之间的恋母情结。

    The third is the Oedipus complex between Sir Clifford , the aristocrat and master and her servant nurse Mrs. Bolton .

  18. 内容简介:作为职业训狗师的姨妈认为大红狗克利福德必须学会听话和服从,可对主人艾米丽·伊丽莎白来说,这只大狗已经很棒了。

    Content Abstract : Auntie , who is a dog trainer , thinks Clifford needs to learn obedience , but to Emily Elizabeth , the big dog is perfect already .

  19. 克利福德表示,当前矿产行业的这轮换帅预示着,“一个在资本管理上更加严格、关注股东回报时代即将到来”。

    In contrast , Mr Clifford says the current change of guard heralds " an era of much more stringent capital management , and a focus on shareholder returns " .

  20. 接着,利用克利福德代数域上的推导结果与后期实验数据,结合运动视觉产生原理与光照辐射理论,提出了基于光照辐射的光流场模型并利用梯度场提高准确性。

    And then , a new optical flow model is proposed which bases on Clifford algebra and post-experiments data considering with principle of generating movement vision and illumination radiation theory .

  21. 丹•克利福德在查看店内的闭路电视监控时,确信自己看到一枚鬼魂在一张双人餐桌上方飘动,顿时不寒而栗。

    Chills went down Dan Clifford 's spine when he checked his CCTV and saw what he 's convinced was a ghostly apparition hovering over a table set for two .

  22. 所有这些情况都出现在近三年,并且都包括过去三年的夏洛特黄蜂。这都是克利福德放弃快攻机会,五名球员都致力于保护篮筐的结果。

    All played within the past three seasons , including the past three Charlotte teams - the product of Clifford 's abdication of fast-breaking in favor of having all five guys protect the glass .

  23. 不过这也是问题所在。自从克利福德发现以来这门大炮以来一直被争来夺去。因此,为了确定这就是圣玛利亚号考古学家必须进行挖掘。克利福德计划回到海地解决接下来的事情。

    There 's a problem , though.The cannon has been looted since Clifford explored it . So , in order to determine if this is the Santa Maria archeologists will have to excavate the wreckage . Clifford 's planning a trip back to Haiti to figure out the next steps .