
  • Hannah;Henna;Hanah
  1. 汉娜轻松自然的举止消除了她的疑虑,于是她放松了下来。

    Hannah 's natural manner reassured her , and she relaxed .

  2. 他和汉娜一直在他房外的院子里扭打。

    He and Hannah had been scuffling in the yard outside his house .

  3. 汉娜抬头看见戴维和另一个男的站在门口。

    Hannah looked up to see David and another man standing in the doorway

  4. 后来,当汉娜上学时,她看到了另一个无家可归的人。

    Later , when Hannah attended school , she saw another homeless person .

  5. 这让汉娜非常伤心,她打算做点什么的决心更加坚定了。

    This made Hannah very sad , and even more determined to do something .

  6. 汉娜开始为马尼托巴和其他省份的流浪者发言。

    Hannah began to speak out about the homelessness in Manitoba and then in other provinces .

  7. 汉娜很难过。

    Hannah was very upset .

  8. 在汉娜开始各种活动的五年多时间里,她受到了很多赞扬。

    In the more than five years since Hannah began her activities , she has received a lot of praises .

  9. 温尼伯有一个叫"汉娜之家"的紧急避难所,汉娜对此感到非常自豪。

    There is an emergency shelter in Winnipeg called " Hannah ` s Place " , something that Hannah is very proud of .

  10. 世界上有所作为的年轻人有很多,汉娜就是其中之一。你也可以的!

    Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are making a difference in the world . You can , too !

  11. “汉娜之家”被分成几个区域,当天气寒冷到户外睡觉可能意味着死亡时,它就是人们的避难所。

    Hannah ` s Place is divided into several areas , providing shelter for people when it is so cold that sleeping outdoors can mean death .

  12. 尽管如此,汉娜仍然过着温尼伯女学生的生活,只是她经常去看望无家可归的人。

    But through all this , Hannah still has the through life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl , except that she pays regular visits to homeless people .

  13. 汉娜开始考虑帮助的方式,但很显然,一个五岁的孩子解决无家可归的问题是无能为力的。

    Hannah started to think about how she could help , but , of course , there is not a lot one five-year-old can do to solve the problem of homelessness .

  14. 彼得,汉娜建议的那几天你有空吗?3.

    Peter , are you available on the dates Hannah 's suggested ?

  15. 汉娜库赫勒(HannahKuchler)是驻旧金山记�

    Hannah Kuchler is San Francisco correspondent

  16. 不过,耐克负责可持续经营的主管汉娜琼斯(hannahjones)表示,这些批评已经成为进行有益对话的基础。

    But Hannah Jones , its head of sustainable business , says these criticisms have become the basis for useful conversations .

  17. 粉丝们还震惊地发现,美国终极好女孩汉娜•蒙塔娜(HannahMontana)变得卖弄风骚、不修边幅了。

    Fans were shocked to see Hannah Montana , America 's ultimate good girl , get raunchy .

  18. 剧中扮演汉娜妈妈的波姬•小丝(BrookeShields)也在认真掂量:我只想知道是谁在给她提供建议。

    Brooke Shields , who played Hannah 's mom , weighed in , too : I just want to know who 's advising her .

  19. 汉娜·西尼乌拉是(HannaSiniora)是东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦全国委员会成员。

    Hanna Siniora is a member of the Palestine National Council from East Jerusalem .

  20. 批评家们赞扬了KateWinslet的表演,她扮演汉娜,一个在二战中在纳粹死亡集中营里任警卫的女人。

    Critics have praised Winslet 's performance as Hannah , a woman who worked as a guard at a Nazi German death camp during World War Two .

  21. 即使现在,韦汉娜仍在伯克利训练,教练是美国奥运女子游泳队主教练泰里.麦基弗(TeriMcKeever)。

    Even now , Ms. Wilson trains at Berkeley under Teri McKeever , head coach of the U.S. Olympic women 's swimming team .

  22. 还有一批初级专家,比如东村MimiCheng’sDumplings餐厅的汉娜和玛丽安·郑(HannahandMarianCheng),那里的饺子是用可持续性的肉类做成的,从农场到餐桌的蔬菜配菜是按照她们台湾妈妈的食谱做成的;

    There is also a junior class of specialists , like Hannah and Marian Cheng of Mimi Cheng 's Dumplings in the East Village , where the dumplings are made from sustainable meat and served with farm-to-table vegetable sides from their Taiwanese mother 's recipes ;

  23. 在我帮汉娜的妈妈逃过牢狱之灾后

    After I helped Hanna 's mom get out of jail ,

  24. 拜托了汉娜这可能是你唯一的机会

    Please , hanna . This could be your only chance .

  25. 汉娜被A撞断腿的时候吗

    When Hanna broke her leg because of " A " ?

  26. 看来你跟汉娜还有些未化解的芥蒂

    Sounds like you still have some unresolved issues with Mona .

  27. 不,汉娜,她说元首这样回答她。

    " No , Hanna ," she says the Fuehrer replied .

  28. 我是汉娜最好的朋友肖恩

    I 'm one of Hanna 's best friends , Sean ...

  29. 汉娜现在这种情况忘记是没用的

    Hanna , forgetting is not gonna work in this situation .

  30. 汉娜你没必要去理他

    Hanna , you don 't have to talk to him .