
  • 网络Shantou City;Swatow
  1. 基于GIS的汕头市水灾信息系统

    GIS-based Flood Information System of Shantou City

  2. 基于GIS的汕头市城市综合防灾系统的研究方案及实施框架

    Methodologies and its implement framework of a GIS-based urban comprehensive hazard-prevention system for Shantou City

  3. 基于GIS的汕头市房屋数据库图库及其显示管理系统的研制

    Development of GIS based Shantou building map database and its display management system

  4. 基于GIS的汕头市水利设施数据库及成灾模型的研究

    The Research on the Hydraulic Facility Database and the Flood Disaster Model in Shantou Based on GIS

  5. 基于GIS的汕头市洪涝灾害分析、评估和决策综合系统

    The Integrated Analysis , Assessment and Decision-making System of the Flood and Waterlog Disaster in Shantou City Based on GIS

  6. 本文采用面向对象的空间数据模型&Geodatabase,建立了基于GIS的汕头市水利设施数据库;

    The paper upbuilded a GIS database for Shantou 's hydraulic facility , with the 00 spatial data model & Geodatabase .

  7. 方法:对汕头市STD年报资料及人口数据进行统计分析。

    Methods : STDs reports and demographic data in Shantou in 2003 were collected and analyzed .

  8. 结果2000~2004年汕头市NT年报告发病率为0.23‰~0.38‰,病死率4.67%。

    Results The annual reported incidence rate of NT was 0.23 ‰ - 0.38 ‰, with fatality rate 4.67 % from 2000 to 2004 in Shantou .

  9. 通过汕头市防洪物资优化配置设计实例展示了GIS技术在城市物资运输中良好的应用前景。

    Furthermore , through an example , the design of the optimum distribution schema on goods resisting flood in Shantou city , it is shows that GIS technology gives a good perspective for the development of urban goods transportation .

  10. 方法对汕头市1990~2005年艾滋病血清学监测、哨点监测资料进行分析。结果到2005年底止,汕头市已发现艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者108例,其中艾滋病病人29例。

    Method The data of HIV / AIDS from serologic and sentinel surveillances were analyzed from 1990 to 2005.Result By the end of 2005 , an accumulative 108 HIV positive cases were discovered , among whom 29 cases had developed AIDS .

  11. 目的了解汕头市潮阳区被强制监管人员的HIV感染状况、高危行为及其艾滋病相关知识,为制订艾滋病防治策略提供科学依据。

    Objective To reveal HIV infection , risk behaviors and AIDS knowledge among the people who were under custody in Chaoyang district of Shantou city , providing a basis for the formulation of strategies for the prevention and control of AIDS .

  12. 方法以辖区内各县区CDC填报全省统一报表为数据来源,对汕头市CDC健康教育专业人员构成、设备、经费等情况对照现有的有关部省级相关要求进行研究与分析。

    Methods Unified report forms from the individual districts and counties as data resource , research and analysis were conducted on the composition of professionals , equipment , fund with the requirement of the ministries and provinces as control .

  13. 本文以MEDLINE为数据源,检索1984-2004年间被MEDLINE收录的汕头市作者发表的学术论文,从论文发表年限、核心作者、期刊国别、研究机构与研究内容等方面进行文献计量分析。

    Based on MEDLINE database , retrieve Shantou academic literature from 1984 to 2004 and make bibliometric analysis on them by publication year , major author , country of publication , research institution and investigation contents .

  14. 1996年汕头市居民吸烟行为的流行病学调查分析

    Epidemiological Survey on Smoking Pattern of Residents in Shantou , 1996

  15. 汕头市90年代农村剩余劳动力转移研究

    Surplus agricultural labor force transfer in Shantou City in recent years

  16. 汕头市涂阳肺结核控制效果分析

    Analysis of effect of managing smear-positive tuberculosis patients in Shantou city

  17. 汕头市中小学生矮小与少年型甲状腺功能减退关系研究

    Relations Between the Short Body and Hypothyroidism Among Students in Shantou

  18. 1996~2005年汕头市食物中毒资料分析

    Analysis of Food Poisoning in Shantou City from 1996 to 2005

  19. 汕头市地方环境管理信息系统研究与实践

    A Study and Practice of Environmental Management Information System in Shantou

  20. 汕头市产业集聚效果的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on the Effect of the Industrial Conglomeration in Shantou

  21. 汕头市游泳跳水馆周边环境设计

    Design of Environment round Swimming and Diving Hall in Santou

  22. 1993-2000年汕头市工业发展状况分析

    An Analysis of the Industrial Development at Shantou during 1993-2000

  23. 汕头市妊娠期妇女贫血患病率调查

    Gestational screening of the incidence of anemia in Shantou area

  24. 汕头市妇女围绝经期健康状况及保健需求调查

    Health Condition of Perimenopausal Women and Their Health Demands in Shantou City

  25. 汕头市11年维持无脊髓灰质炎状态分析

    Poliomyelitis-free status for 11 years , 1994-2004 , in Shantou

  26. 时代与典雅&汕头市中级人民法院设计

    Modern and Elegance : Shantou Secondary People 's Court Design

  27. 汕头市聋哑学校的学生。

    Is comprised of students of the Shantou deaf and mute school .

  28. 汕头市的旅游发展模式和驱动机制

    The tourism development model and motivational mechanism of Shantou City

  29. 汕头市登革热的流行与控制情况分析

    Analysis on Epidemic and Control Situation of Dengue Fever in Shantou City

  30. 汕头市中小水库库区水源林调查研究初报

    Investigation on Water Conservation Forest in middle and small reservoirs in Shantou