
  • 网络Shanwei;shanwei city
  1. 汕尾市新港大桥桥型方案比选

    The Comparison and Choice of Xingang Bridge Type in Shanwei City

  2. 汕尾市高考学生乙型肝炎表面抗原携带状况调查研究

    Survey of HBsAg-Carrying rate in students attending university entrance examination in Shanwei City

  3. 汕尾市100kW波力电站空气透平与气室匹配设计

    Match-design of the air turbine and air chamber of Shanwei 100 kW Wave Power Station

  4. 汕尾市雾霾天气的能见度多时间尺度特征分析

    An Analysis of Multi-time Scale Variability of Fog and Haze Visibility in Shanwei City

  5. 广东省汕尾市城区慢性病相关危险因素监测报告分析

    Analysis of report about the relative risk factors of chronic diseases in Shanwei of Guangdong

  6. 汕尾市海滨大道综合整治规划浅析

    Initial Analysis on the Integral Planning and Construction of the Beach Avenue , Shanwei City

  7. 汕尾市在乡复退军人精神疾病患者现状调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of present situation of rural retired soldier patients with psychiatric in Shanwei

  8. 汕尾市拥有丰富的“红色旅游”资源,为发展“红色旅游”奠定了坚实的基础。

    Shanwei city is rich in revolutionary tourism resources , which lays a foundation on the citys tourism development .

  9. 并以此为基础,结合上述耕地现状分析和耕地动态变化分析,对汕尾市耕地保护面临的形势进行了总结;

    The cultivated land protection status in Shanwei city was summarized on the basic of the former three analyses .

  10. 新课标背景下汕尾市重点中学体育教学现状的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis on Current Situation of Physical Education in Key Secondary Schools in Shanwei under the New Curriculum Standard

  11. 信利半导体有限公司的生产基地建于广东省汕尾市,占地二十二万平方米。

    The Truly semiconductors limited manufacturing base is located in the Group's2.2 million square feet industrial complex in Guangdong Province of China .

  12. 广州,深圳,珠海,和汕尾市的中小学都已经停课。所有外出捕捞的渔船也回到了港口。

    Primary and middle schools in Guangzhou , Shenzhen , Zhuhai and Shanwei cities have closed and all fishing boats have returned to port .

  13. 捷胜是粤东一座历史文化名城,也是汕尾市的新渔港;

    Jiesheng is one of the famous historical cultural towns in East guangdong . it 's also a new fishing port in Shanwei city .

  14. 随后,本文对汕尾市耕地和基本农田保护规模进行了预测,制定了汕尾市耕地和基本农田保护方案,提出了汕尾市耕地和基本农田保护的对策和措施。

    Subsequently , the scientific needed size of cultivated land and norm farmland was forecasted , and the cultivated land and basic farmland protect scheme was established .

  15. 目的掌握汕尾市城区1960~1999年传染病疫情动态,为今后传染病防治工作提供可靠依据。

    Objective To study the epidemic situation of infectious disease in Shanwei city zone and to offer the dependable basis for prevention and control the infectious disease .

  16. 目的调查广东省汕尾市城市、农村与渔村小学生近视的发生、发展状况及影响近视的相关因素。

    Objective To investigate the myopia status and related influence factors among the city , the countryside and the fishing village school children in Shanwei of Guangdong Province .

  17. 首先对广东省汕尾市耕地资源现状和耕地动态变化进行了系统分析,找出了汕尾市耕地利用中存在的主要问题;

    At first , the Status quo and dynamic change of cultivated land resources in Shanwei city was analyzed in this thesis , and main questions of cultivated land using in Shanwei city was found out .

  18. 结论自1996年实施全民供应碘盐以来,汕尾市人群碘营养状况得到明显改善,并于2000年达到实现消除碘缺乏病的阶段目标。

    [ Conclusion ] The iodine nutrition status among populations of Shanwei was significantly improved after salt iodination was implemented in 1996 , and the stage goal for IDD elimination by the year 2000 was achieved .

  19. 本文对北京市房山区、湖北省武汉市和广东省汕尾市三个地区的豆野螟种群进行了形态学、生物学特性比较研究,并成功配制了一种适合豆野螟生长发育的人工饲料。

    In this paper , the biology , morphology of three regions legume pod borer populations in Beijing , Hubei and Guangdong , and the success of the preparation of artificial diet based on laboratory populations of legume pod borer .

  20. 本文借阅国内外大量有关耕地和基本农田保护的理论和技术方法,针对土地利用总体规划修编中耕地和基本农田保护有关问题,以广东省汕尾市为例进行探讨。

    This thesis have studied abundant theories and methods about the study of cultivated land and basic farmland protection , and made a case study of Shanwei City on cultivated land and basic farmland protection in the revision of general land use planning .

  21. 结果表明,汕尾市雾霾天气能见度的时次变化都是在08时次出现最多,在08~14时次逐渐减少,在14时次出现最少;

    The results show that : as for the time and frequency change of fog and haze visibility in Shanwei , the maximum value occurred at 8 ∶ 00 , then declined gradually from 8 ∶ 00 to 14 ∶ 00 , and the minimum value at 14 ∶ 00 ;

  22. 在广东省汕尾陆丰市大安镇,周一有数百居民抗议长期存在的水污染,他们表示,污染是由一些违法的稀土矿造成的。

    Hundreds of residents of the southern town of Daan in Guangdong province protested on Monday against chronic water pollution , which they say is caused by illegal rare earths mines .