
dī fánɡ
  • embankment;dyke
  • remain alert;be watchful
堤防 [dī fáng]
  • [dike] 堤

  • 修固堤防

  1. 将GM(1,1)模型应用于堤防工程沉降观测分析与预报,得到了有益的结论。

    The models is used to analyze and forecast the settlement ob - servation of embankment project , some useful conclusion is obtained .

  2. HWH-1多功能数字直流激电仪在濮阳市黄河堤防隐患探测中的应用

    Application of HWH-1 multipurpose digital electric meter in surveying hidden danger in the Yellow River embankment in Puyang

  3. 堤防挡住了洪水。

    Dikes confined the flood water .

  4. 小时候,我总喜欢观看怒涛淹没港湾的堤防。

    As a child , I used to enjoy watching the stormy waves breaking over the harbour wall .

  5. 嗽叭形堆积通常由堤防决口的洪流所形成

    Splays are commonly formed by currents from crevasses in levees .

  6. 3S堤防数据库管理系统的建设与应用

    3S Technique Dike Database Management System Construction and Application

  7. 基于DEM的工程土方量算法研究&以抚州市人工湖项目堤防工程土方量计算为例

    Earthwork Volume Algorithm Research Based on DEM & Take the Case of Fuzhou City Artificial Lake Project

  8. 基于地理信息系统(GIS)和网络技术(Web),研究和开发分布式堤防管理系统,综合系统包括堤防信息查询子系统、堤防工程结构风险分析子系统、洪水风险子系统。

    A distributed dike management system was developed based on GIS and Web . The integrated system includes dike information inquiry system , dike reliability analysis system and floods risk analysis system .

  9. 该文根据影响长江堤防安全的主要因素,在设定的多层次指标体系基础上,将层次分析法(AHP)用于堤防的安全评价中,其中考虑了信息不全的AHP和不确定的AHP。

    The Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) was used to assess the safety of the Yangtze River levee based on the specified hierarchy index system , using the fragmentary AHP and the indeterminate AHP .

  10. 同样,传统的TDR方法也能达到监控堤防或大坝的目的,评估结构构件的效果,如上游止水设备。

    Also conventional TDR methods can be used for monitoring purposes in dikes or dams in order to estimate the effectiveness of structural elements like the upstream sealing .

  11. CSF-30型薄壁防渗墙造墙机主要适用于水利水电工程堤防的堤身、堤基防渗、地下水截水墙、围堰、库区防渗处理等。

    CSF-30 thin diaphragm wall making machine is mainly used for anti leakage of dike bodies and dike bases , water cut off walls , cofferdams and water reservoirs .

  12. 临江堤防破坏时二线堤防对灾情影响分析

    Analyses of the secondary dike effect during the front dike failure

  13. 干砌石护坡与混凝土护坡在堤防加固中的应用比较

    Comparison of dry stone pitching and masonry revetment in dyke reinforcement

  14. 河道堤防工程老化评定初探

    Evaluation on Dike Aging in the Lower Reaches of Yellow River

  15. 堤防地基渗透破坏机制及其治理

    Mechanism of seepage failure in levee foundation and the protecting methods

  16. 堤防管涌整险加固的环境地质条件分析

    Analysis of Environmental Geological Conditions for Dike Piping and the Reinforcement

  17. 堤防工程减压井淤堵及其应对措施研究

    Clogging Mechanism and Treatment Measures for Relief Wells in Dyke Engineering

  18. 堤防垂直截渗墙对堤坡稳定的影响

    Influence of Vertical Cut-off Wall in Embankment on its Slope Stability

  19. 关于《堤防工程地质勘察规程》中若干问题的探讨

    Some Problem in the Rules of Engineering Geology Prospecting about Dike

  20. 堤防工程施工质量控制的难点及对策

    Difficult points and countermeasures for construction quality control in dyke engineering

  21. 无定向导线在黄河堤防工程地质勘察测量中的应用

    Application of astatic lead to geotectonic investigation for Yellow River dike

  22. 堤防漏洞进水口探测新技术及其应用

    The new technique and the application of dike leak inlet detection

  23. 高压摆喷注浆在长沙市堤防建设中的应用

    The application of high-pressure shotcrete on the dyke construction in Changsha

  24. 黄河标准化堤防渗流稳定可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of seepage stability on standard dyke of Yellow River

  25. 长江重要堤防穿堤建筑物加固工程安全监测设计

    Safety monitoring design for structures across major embankment of Yangtze River

  26. 水平二向渗流有限元法在堤防中的应用

    Application of horizontal plane two-dimensional seepage finite element method in levee

  27. 吹填施工是堤防加固工程中普遍采用的方法。

    The hydraulic fill method is common in the bank stabilization .

  28. 深层搅拌桩在长江堤防防渗加固中的应用

    Application of deep-mixing-pile wall in dike reinforcement and seepage prevention works

  29. 长江堤防除险加固新工艺的应用

    Application of New Crafts in Reinforcing the Dyke of Changjiang River

  30. 建立了堤防工程系统溃决的影响和后果评价简化模型。

    A simplifying model for consequences evaluation of levee-break is developed .