
dī àn
  • bank;embankment;bunding;dikes and dams;brink
堤岸 [dī àn]
  • [dikes and dams] 堤和坝,泛指防水、挡水的建筑物

堤岸[dī àn]
  1. 车子在弯道处失去控制,一头扎下堤岸。

    The car went out of control on a bend and plummeted down an embankment .

  2. 他们爬上了陡峭的堤岸。

    They climbed a steep embankment .

  3. 许多小河的水已经漫过堤岸,造成一些道路不能通行。

    Many streams have flooded their banks , making some roads impassable .

  4. 堤岸被冲毁。

    The embankment was destroyed by rush of waters .

  5. 河水泛滥,冲塌了堤岸。

    The river floods caved in the bank .

  6. 河水漫过了堤岸。

    The river brimmed over its banks .

  7. 我们沿着泰晤士河的堤岸散步。

    We walked along the Thames embankment .

  8. 这个吸引人的凉爽对旅游者来说谁会到堤岸来访问这个海的Galilee。

    The attraction cools tourists who visit the shores of the Sea of Galilee .

  9. 通过灰色预测模型的选择,对防洪堤岸坡的沉降变形观测资料建立GM(1,1)模型,作时间~沉降量的预报。

    A GM ( 1,1 ) model was set up for the subsiding deformation observation materials of flood embankment bank slope , and the prediction of time-subsiding was made .

  10. 谁真的相信,规划中沿着维多利亚堤岸(VictoriaEmbankment)修建的“自行车高速公路”会真的有用?它只会让泰晤士河沿岸原本行进缓慢的车流几乎停止前进。

    And who truly believes the planned " cycle superhighway " along Victoria Embankment will do anything but slow the miserable snake of cars along the river to a near standstill ?

  11. 纽约州州长安德鲁库默(AndrewCuomo)承认,官员们对风暴带来的大浪准备不足。河水冲垮了堤岸,淹没了隧道和电力基础设施。

    Andrew Cuomo , governor of New York state , admitted that officials had not been prepared for the scale of the storm surge as rivers burst their banks , flooding tunnels and power infrastructure .

  12. 养殖渔民SofianAhmad蹲坐在养殖中心附近一处被破坏的堤岸上,听一名粮农组织官员解释划分区域如何会给他带来好处。

    Fish farmer Sofian Ahmad squats on a damaged bank near the Aquaculture Centre as an FAO official explains how zoning might work to his advantage .

  13. 河水冲破堤岸,整座城镇都遭了水灾。

    The whole town flooded when the river burst its banks .

  14. 他坐在树篱旁长满青草的堤岸上。

    He sat down on the grassy bank under the hedge .

  15. 研究成果可为城市滨水空间的亲水性堤岸设计提供指导。

    The results can hydrophilicity of urban waterfront embankment design guidance .

  16. 海河下游塘沽段生态堤岸设计导则

    Natural Levee Design Guidelines for Downstream Corridor of River Haihe , Tanggu

  17. 他们蜂拥挤过桥去,然后开始爬上堤岸。

    They swarmed across the bridge and began climbing up the bank .

  18. 河水冲破堤岸,淹没了山谷

    The river has burst its bank and flooded the valley

  19. 河流冲刷作用下堤岸稳定性研究进展

    Research progress on stability analysis of embankment under effects of river scouring

  20. 城市滨江堤岸空间的环境设计研究

    Study on the Environment Design of Urban Riverfront Revetment Space

  21. 广州大学城堤岸防护工程设计招标浅评

    Evaluation of Levee Project Bidding for University Town of Guangzhou

  22. 堤岸退水速度判别指标的试验研究

    Model study on discrimination parameter for drawdown velocity of dike

  23. 堤岸环境钢管灌注桩施工技术

    The Construction Technique of Simplex Pile of Steel on Embankments

  24. 河水冲决了堤岸,淹没了城镇。

    The river burst its banks and flooded the town .

  25. 浅析植筋技术在旧混凝土堤岸加固中的应用

    On application of embedded steel bars in bank reinforcement of old concrete

  26. 我国城市河流堤岸景观规划模式初探

    Recreation area planning in river banks of cities in China

  27. 如果你乐意,我们可以在堤岸上散步。

    If you like , we can take a walk on the embankment .

  28. 基于城市河流半自然化的生态防洪对策&河滨缓冲带与柔性堤岸设计导引

    Design guide of riparian buffers and soft banks design

  29. 堤岸被暴风雨摧毁了。

    The embankment was washed out by the storm .

  30. 洪水期间河水冲破了堤岸。

    The river broke its banks during the flood .