
  1. 我国江河湖库清淤疏浚实践与分析

    Analysis on dredging practice in rivers , lakes and reservoirs

  2. 在分析我国清淤疏浚队伍及疏浚实践的基础上,提出了江河湖库清淤疏浚的基本原则。

    Some basic principles about dredging are also put forward .

  3. 他正详细说明到江河湖海中去游泳的好处。

    He was expatiating upon the benefits of swimming in rivers , lakes and seas .

  4. 土石方挖填量大,施工过程中发生的水土流失直接进入江河湖海。

    The projects need a large number of excavations and filling of earth and stonework in the construction .

  5. 由于处在跨越江河湖海和承力的环境下,主缆必须进行特殊防护。

    Being over a river or sea and a stressed condition , main cables must be specially protected .

  6. 水很谦卑,它总是向下、向下,可它却流成了江河湖海;

    Water is very humble , it is always down , down , may it flow into rivers and lakes ;

  7. 长江是中国第一大河,全长6300公里,大多数的江河湖海中都有鱼。

    The Yangtze River ( Changjiang ), 6,300 kilometers long , is the largest river in China . Fish occur in most waters .

  8. 福娃贝贝带给你的祝福是繁荣,她是一条小鱼,代表着江河湖海,象征着繁荣与昌盛。

    Beibei is a little lovely fish representing the rivers , lakes and sea of China , and carrying the blessing of prosperity .

  9. 近年来,全球工业化脚步的加速迈进导致了更为严重的江河湖海等水体资源的污染。

    In recent years , the pace of global industrialization accelerated lead to more serious rivers , lakes and other water resources pollution .

  10. 我国的江河湖库水体污染主要包括氮、磷等营养物和有机物污染两方面。

    In our country , water pollution mostly includes two hands , one is nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition , the other is organic contamination .

  11. 低盐盐度计是针对江河湖海(浅海)水深在50米以内的范围进行低盐度测量而设计的,本文仅为一种实用性产品介绍,以供有关部门参考使用。

    This device is designed for low salinity measurement at the depth less than 50m , i. e. in river , lake and offshore .

  12. 污水氮、磷元素排放量已经超过地表水体自净能力,使江河湖海水中逐渐形成富营养化环境。

    The discharge of nitrogen and phosphorus are excess the self-cleaning ability of surface water , the eutrophication of rivers lakes and sea are more clearly .

  13. 我国幅员辽阔、自然地理环境各不相同、土质各异,尤其在江河湖海周围广泛分布着软黏土。

    Our country has vast territory , natural and geographical environment is different , especially soft clay is widely distributed around the rivers , lakes and oceans .

  14. 此外,民以食为天,种植粮食的土壤也因使用化肥而越发贫瘠。最终,化肥将会侵入水源,污染江河湖海。

    Finally , the fertilizers erode from the point of application and work down through the water systems , creating dead zones in streams , lakes and oceans .

  15. 与跨越江河湖海的其他交通方式相比,水下隧道有其独有的优势,因此近些年来在国内外发展迅速。

    Compared with other means of transportation , underwater tunnel has its own advantages , so it has been developed quickly both at home and abroad in recent years .

  16. 请好好看一看我:受污染的江河湖海、扩张的沙漠、森林和野生生物的毁灭、臭氧层的耗尽。

    Please have a good look at me : polluted rivers and lakes , growing deserts , the destruction of the forests and wild life , and the depletion of the ozone layer .

  17. 污水处理技术没有得到普遍应用,污水处理率低,大量未经处理的污水排入江河湖海,造成了严重的污染。

    Sewage treatment technology has not been widely used , sewage treatment rate is low , large amount of untreated sewage flood into rivers , lakes , the sea , causing serious pollution .

  18. 地表水源热泵的开式系统直接利用水泵抽取江河湖海等地表水送入板式换热器或水处理器直接进入机组进行换热的运行方式。

    The open loop system of surface water heat pump is an operation mode in which pumps are used to carry water from lake , river or sea directly to the plate heat exchangers .

  19. 水中悬浮隧道是在水中穿越江河湖海的新型构筑物,具有其他水下隧道不可比拟的优势。

    Submerged floating tunnels ( SFT ) are a kind of innovative structure to cross great rivers , large lakes , bays and straits , having the advantages that no other underwater tunnels can match .

  20. 我以为用作瓢舀水,倒不如把它用作腰舟渡江河湖海。

    I think , instead of using the gourd as a ladle for water , it would be better to use it as a yao zhou ( floating aid ) to cross rivers and seas .

  21. 严重水土流失产生的径流泥沙不仅淤积江河湖库,降低湖库调蓄洪能力,而且还是面源污染的主要载体。

    The serious soil erosion produces the runoff silt that not only fills up sea dykes and reduces adjusting and storing floodwater ability of sea dykes , but also is main carrier of surface source pollution .

  22. 每年,大量含有苯环、胺基、偶氮基团等致癌物质的有毒废水不断地排入江河湖海,不仅给我们人类的健康带来了极大的威胁,也给其他生物的生存带来了极大的影响。

    Cancer causing compounds such as benzene ring , amidocyanogen and azo radical fouled lake and sea ceaselessly , which not only form great threat to human health but also enormously influence all other forms of life .

  23. 随着城市化和工农业生产的发展,江河湖库水体富营养化现象日益严重,利用生物修复技术净化富营养化水体是目前国内外的研究热点。

    As the development of industry and agriculture , the problem of eutrophication in water become more and more severe , and the bioremediation technique is used to solve the problem , which has become a worldwide research hotspot .

  24. 麒麟除了能唤醒沉睡的昆虫,还能影响地球上的水源,麒麟一声长吼,江河湖海的水也从冬季的漫长冰封状态复苏重现生机。

    In addition to being able to move the insects from their sleep , the Dragon also is capable of influencing the waters on earth , which also come to life after being frozen over from the winter time .

  25. 饱经忧患,阅尽人生百态,胸有千山万壑的屐痕,有江河湖海的涛声,然而却深思不语,这也是沉默。

    Worries and sufferings , tastes of changes and vicissitudes of the world , footprints left in mountains and valleys and noises of rivers and oceans cherished in the heart are all but hidden unrevealed -- that is still silence .

  26. 疏浚设备,又称挖泥船,广泛应用于江河湖库的清淤整治、港口航道的建设与维护、填海造地以及城乡现代化建设等国民经济基础建设领域。

    Dredging equipment , also called dredgers , have been widely used in the fundamental infrastructure of national economy , such as dredging in rivers and lakes , construction and maintenance of ports and waterways and modernization in urban and rural areas .

  27. 通过对洗涤剂中磷酸盐流入江河湖海引起赤潮污染造成巨大经济损失的分析。提出只有通过政府等部门立法洗涤剂禁磷,才是能决磷酸盐污染的最佳方法。

    By analysing enormous economic losses caused by red tide pollution which result from phosphate in detergent flowing into rivers , lakes and seas , this paper put forward the best way to resolve phosphate pollution is that government should legislate laws to prohibit phosphorus in detergent .

  28. 近些年,随着石油工业的发展以及海上溢油事件的发生,产生了大量的石油废水,其特点是浓度高、色泽深、成分复杂,由于大量的排入江河湖海,严重地污染了水体环境。

    Recently with the development of petroleum industry and oil tanker accidents in the sea , a great lot of waste water appeared which is high concentration , deep color and complicated constitutions is ejected into the rivers and seas , and the water conditions are polluted badly .

  29. 为了让世界更好,我想到了一台革命性的净水器谷歌引用了张天羽的原话,它能够大量转化江河湖海里的污水,把它们变成安全卫生的净水。

    To make the world a better place , I invented a transformative water purifier , Google quoted Zhang as saying . It takes in dirty and polluted water from rivers , lakes and even oceans , then massively transforms the water into clean , safe and sanitary water .

  30. 杰夫:你在江河或湖海中游过泳吗?

    Jeff : have you ever swum in a river or a lake ?