
  1. 基于AHP对生态脆弱性的灰色综合评价方法&以湖南省临湘市为例江淮分水岭生态脆弱性特征及对策研究

    Studies on Gray Assessment Method and AHP for Ecological Frangibility & A Case Study in Linxiang City , Hunan Province

  2. 江淮分水岭地区干旱分析

    Drought Analysis of Watershed Region Between Changjiang River and Huaihe River

  3. 江淮分水岭自然经济系统的波动性、人类不合理利用自然资源与生态脆弱性三者之间在空间分布和成因上均有密切的联系。

    Nature and economy system fluctuations , improper utilization of natural resources and ecological frangibility in Jiang-huai Water-shed have close relations in space distribution and cause of formation .