
  • 网络Gangseo-gu;Kangso gu
  1. 江西煤矿区煤层瓦斯风化带的划分方法

    Division method of coalbed gas weathering zone of coal mining areas in Jiangxi

  2. 江西啮齿动物区系及其与国内部分省(市)的异同比较

    On the Rodents Fauna of Jiangxi and Comparison with Faunas of Other Provinces and Municipalities of China

  3. 江西烟区植烟土壤镁素丰缺状况评价及施镁技术研究

    Study on Assessment of Soil Magnesium Condition and Magnesium Supply Technology in Tobacco Plant Area in Jiangxi

  4. 江西红壤区籽粒苋引种筛选及产量因子分析

    Selection of varieties and Analysis of Output Factors of Grain Amaranth Growing in Red Soil in Jiangxi Province

  5. 当前,江西鄱阳湖区推广的棉花高产优质高效施肥方案,是通过多年的科学试验获得的。

    The model of fertilizer application in cotton with high yield , quality and efficiency was made through the scientific experiments for many years .

  6. 该区种子植物较丰富,是江西植物区系最丰富的地区之一,根据调查研究有种子植物1498种,隶属于174科668属。

    It is one of the areas with richest species of spermatophyte florae in Jiangxi Province , which has 1498 species of seed plants belonging to 174 families and 668 genera .

  7. 江西红壤区农业产业政策改革的农户行为响应与水土保持效果分析&以江西省上饶县村庄及农户调查为例

    Response of Farm Households ' Behavior to Regional Agricultural Industrial Policy Reform and Analysis of Effect of Soil and Water Conservation in Red Soil Area of Jiangxi Province & A Case Study of Shangrao County

  8. 明清时期是江西政区沿革史上的确立和稳定阶段,今天江西省政区体系的基本架构即形成于这个时期。

    During the Ming and Qing dynasties , the evolution of administrative districts of Jiangxi proceeded to the stage of establishment and stabilization , in which the basic framework of the system of the administrative districts of Jiangxi had formed .

  9. 文中在利用Richards函数对湿地松生长进行拟合和利用动态规划方法在计算机上直接模拟抚育间伐的基础上,初步确定了江西省丘陵区湿地松多效益经营模式林分的采伐技术。

    In this article , the cutting technology of the multi-benefit management pattern of the Pinus elliottii plantation in the hilly region of Jiangxi Province was established at the base of modeling its growth by use of Richards function and simulating its cutting using dynamic programming by computer .

  10. 相持阶段江西自然保护区发展对策

    Discussion on Development Countermeasure of Jiangxi Nature Reserve in Stalemate Stage

  11. 江西森林旅游区饭店管理创新研究

    The Research on Hotel Management Creation of Jiangxi Forest Recreation Area

  12. 江西木本植物区系成分及其特征的研究

    Studies on the woody floristic components and characters of Jiangxi

  13. 江西金山金矿区硅质岩成因及意义

    Origin and significance of silicalites in Jinshan gold deposit , Jiangxi Province

  14. 江西自然保护区现状、存在问题及其对策

    Present Situation , Existing Problems and Countermeasure in Nature Reserves of Jiangxi

  15. 江西木本植物区系地理的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis in the geography of woody flora in Jiangxi

  16. 江西高速公路服务区经营模式转变研究

    Jiangxi Expressway Service Area Study of Transforming Conduct Mode

  17. 江西武功山东区大型韧性剪切带的显微构造特征

    Microstructures of a large-scale ductile shear zone in East Wugong mountain area of Jiangxi

  18. 江西昆虫地理区的讨论

    Discussion on the insect geographic regions of Kiangsi

  19. 江西裸子植物区系分析

    The analysis of gymnospermous flora in Jiangxi Province

  20. 江西东江源区生态补偿机制初探

    The Study of the Mechanism of Ecological Compensation on the Riverhead Area of East River

  21. 江西红壤开发区水质与施肥的初步探讨

    Preliminary Exploration of Water Quality and Fertilization in Red Soil Exploitation Area in Jiangxi Province

  22. 试论浙西红壤旱地持续农业中的土壤培肥问题江西红壤丘陵区发展持续农业的对策

    The Countermeasure for the Sustaining Agriculture of the Red Soil Hilly Area of Jiangxi Province

  23. 江西省鄱阳湖区血吸虫病传播风险及其原因分析

    Causes and risks of schistosomiasis transmission in Poyang Lake region of Jiangxi Province , China

  24. 江西萍乡采煤区地面塌陷灾害现状及发展趋势分析

    Ground Subside of the Coal Mine and its Development Tendency in Pingxiang City , Jiangxi Province

  25. 江西省高新区高新技术产业科技实力灰色评价

    Grey Evaluation of Competitiveness of New & High-tech Industry of the Hi-Tech Zone of Jiangxi Province

  26. 关于加快江西省旅游区水土保持生态修复技术研究的思考

    Thoughts of Speeding up Technique Research of Natural Eco-restoration for Soil and Water Conservation at Tourist Area in Jiangxi Province

  27. 江西红壤丘陵区稻田养分变化定位观测初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Monitoring Nutrient Variation of the Paddy Field in Jiangxi Province in the Red Soil Hilly Regions

  28. 江西省水功能区划分与水质达标分析

    The division of water function areas of Jiangxi Province and the analysis of water quality which reach the standard or not

  29. 江西省丘陵区湿地松多效益经营模式最适立地类型的研究

    Study on the optimal site types for the multi-benefit management pattern of Pinus elliottii stands in the hilly region in Jiangxi province

  30. 第一章阐述了进行江西风景名胜区村落景观风貌保护与发展研究的意义和重要性,指出了本研究的必要性。

    Chapter ⅰ scenic spots for the villages in Jiangxi Environment Protection and Development of landscape significance and importance are described in details , pointing out that in the present study is urgently needed .