
chí táng
  • pond;pool;etange;mere;a big pool in a bathhouse
池塘 [chí táng]
  • (1) [pond]∶蓄水的坑池,较小而浅

  • (2) [pool]∶澡塘中的浴池

池塘[chí táng]
  1. 孩子们在池塘里相互把对方按入水中。

    The kids were ducking each other in the pool .

  2. 我们整天都在池塘边消磨。

    We lazed by the pool all day .

  3. 把池塘里的树叶和其他庭园垃圾清除干净。

    Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond .

  4. 鸟儿飞来飞去,然后落在池塘边上。

    The birds flew around and then resettled on the pond .

  5. 如不控制这种植物的生长,池塘和水道很快就要被阻塞。

    The plant will soon choke ponds and waterways if left unchecked .

  6. 池塘被腐烂的叶子塞满了。

    The pond was choked with rotten leaves .

  7. 这个池塘宽约2米。

    The pond measures about 2 metres across .

  8. 池塘里养了许多鱼。

    The pond was well stocked with fish .

  9. 池塘里的水逐渐变成了死水。

    The water in the pond was stagnating .

  10. 没有风,池塘的水面上几乎看不到波纹。

    The air was so still that there was hardly a ripple on the pond 's surface .

  11. 昨天警方的蛙人在公用草地上的一个小池塘里打捞。

    Yesterday police frogmen dragged a small pond on the Common .

  12. 往池塘里扔块鹅卵石就会激起一片涟漪。

    You throw a pebble in a pool and it ripples

  13. 他的池塘里长满了恣意蔓生的杂草。

    His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed .

  14. 池塘表面有一层黏腻腻的污泥。

    There was an unappealing film of slime on top of the pond .

  15. 过了好久,他们来到一个池塘。

    After a time they came to a pond .

  16. 池塘虽小,但能为许多水生植物和鱼类提供足够的养分。

    The pond is quite small but can support many aquatic plants and fish .

  17. 通常青蛙会在任何条件适宜的池塘中繁殖。

    Frogs will usually breed in any convenient pond

  18. 由于缺少降雨,池塘里的水逐渐减少。

    Water in the pond gradually diminished due to lack of rainfall .

  19. 房子后面曾经有个很深的池塘。

    There was a deep pond behind the house .

  20. 3年前,这里有一个池塘。

    There was a pond here three years ago .

  21. 牛群踏出了一条通往池塘的小径。

    The cattle had trodden a path to the pond .

  22. 有几头牛在那池塘边饮水。

    Some cattle were drinking at the pool .

  23. 这个池塘深约5米。

    The pond is about five metres deep .

  24. 孩子们带了溜冰鞋前往结冰的池塘。

    The children took their ice skates and made for the frozen pond .

  25. 池塘四面竹树环合。

    The pond is surrounded by bamboos and trees .

  26. 男孩子们爱往池塘里扔石头子儿。

    The boys like to throw pebbles ( or stones ) into the pond .

  27. 那个池塘映出周围的树木。

    The pond mirrors the surrounding trees .

  28. 池塘快干了。

    The pond is drying up .

  29. 他坐在池塘旁边,仔细玩味着经理对他的批评。

    He sat by the pond chewing the cud of the criticisms coming from his manager .

  30. 有个老师掉进了池塘里,这件事轰动了全校。

    There is a big drama at school when one of the teachers fell in the pond .