
  • 网络Integrated wastewater discharge standard
  1. 运行结果表明只要控制好蒸氨塔的操作条件和废水的pH值,对NH3-N可达到较高的去除效率,出水水质可以达到《污水综合排放标准》。

    The operational results show only if controlling the work conditions of ammonia still and the pH of wastewater , ammonia still has high treatment effect on NH_3-N removal , the effluent quality reaches the secondary criteria specified in Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard ( GB 8978-1996 ) .

  2. 各出水指标基本都可以达到污水综合排放标准(GB9878-1996)的二级标准。

    Every effluent water quality index can satisfy the secondary standard of the integrated wastewater discharge standard ( GB8978-1996 ) .

  3. 柠檬酸废水通过IC厌氧反应器和兼氧&好氧技术工艺流程,达到污水综合排放标准中的二级标准。

    By employing IC reactor and anaerobic-aerobic process , the citric acid sewage reaches the second grade of sewage comprehensive discharge standard .

  4. 当出水无回用要求时,处理设施可按照CASS工艺运行,出水水质要求满足污水综合排放标准中的一级标准和部分低杂用水水质标准。

    When the effluent has no request of reclamation and reuse , it runs as CASS , the effluent reach the demand quality of integrated wastewater discharge standard ( GB18918-2002 , grade 1 ) and some low water quality standard for miscellaneous water consumption .

  5. 在360℃下反应10min,处理水可达到《污水综合排放标准》GB9878-1996的一级标准。

    When the reaction time is 10 minutes at 360 ℃, the quality of the treated wastewater can meet the specification for grade 1 in Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard ( GB 8978-1996 ) .

  6. 在300℃下反应30min或在280℃下反应60min,处理水可达到污水综合排放标准GB9878-1996的三级标准。

    The treated wastewater can meet the requirements of standard III of the comprehensive wastewater discharge standard ( GB9878-1996 ) when the reaction time is 30 minutes at 300 ℃ or reaction time is 60 minutes at 280 ℃ .

  7. 《污水综合排放标准》的实施与监测

    Application and Related Monitoring of Comprehensive Sewage Discharge Standards

  8. 对辽宁省《污水综合排放标准》(DB21/1627-2008)的探讨

    Discussion on Synthetical Sewage Discharge Standard ( DB21 / 1627-2008 ) in Liaoning Province

  9. 评价选用国家制定的污水综合排放标准。

    The evaluation is complied with national stipulation about comprehensive discharge standard of sewage .

  10. 系统运行结果表明:其出水各项指标均达到国标《污水综合排放标准》一级排放标准,取得了良好的环境和经济效益。

    Operation results showed that all the indexes of the effluent could meet the first-order of National Overall Discharge Standard of Sewage , thus obtaining good environmental and economic benefits .

  11. 研究采用内电解-混凝-吸附法处理松香及樟脑生产废水,处理出水可达国家污水综合排放标准的一级标准。

    The treatment of colophony and camphor wastewater by inner electrolysis - coagulation-adsorption process has been studied in this paper . The specifications of final effluent can meet the requirements of the Effluent Standards .

  12. 实践表明,采用本处理技术,能确保出水水质氟离子浓度达到上海市《污水综合排放标准》(DB31/199-1997)的二级标准,即F-浓度≤10mg/L。

    The practical result proves that this new method can ensure the concentration of fluorinion of the treated water agree with the second-class limit of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard ( DB31 / 199-1997 ) in Shanghai .

  13. 结果显示,系统的COD总去除率达98%以上,出水水质达到污水综合排放二级标准。

    The result shows that the removal rate of CODcr is up to98 % , and then the effluent can meet the overall sewage discharge standard of the second grade .

  14. 处理后的出水达到国家污水综合排放三级标准。

    The treated effluent water reaches the second grade national discharge standard .

  15. 实验结果表明,经预处理和生物法联合联合处理后的钻井废水可达到国家污水综合排放一级标准。

    The experiment result expresses , after pretreatment and biological method , drilling sewage can attain a class standard of national waste synthetical discharge .

  16. 本课题的废水采用合理的方法处理后,可达到国家污水综合排放二级标准,失活催化剂上的贵金属铂可以采用燃烧掉炭来回收。

    The wastewater treated by suitable method could reach the second grade of national wastewater discharge standards . The platinum could be recovered after burning off the support carbn .

  17. 其目的是提供一种改进的平筒滤芯,使经其过滤的污水达到国家规定的《污水综合排放标准》。

    The utility model aims at providing an improved flat barrel filter element capable of making the sewage filtered by the filter element reach Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard of the state .

  18. 另外,本工艺可根据污水不同的出路,调整运行方式,使出水达到污水综合一级排放标准和农田灌溉水质标准。

    In addition , the SBR technics can adjust the operation patterns on the basis of the different drainage ways of the wastewater , and so the treated water can meet the grade one of Integrate Wastewater Discharge Standard and the Standards for Irrigation Water Quality .

  19. 该文介绍了国家新颁布的《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》的主要内容及与国家1996年颁布的《污水综合排放标准》之间的关系和区别。

    The main contents of the new Standards and the relation and differences between them and the existing " integrated Wastewater Discharge Standards " promulgated in 1966 are briefed .

  20. 试验研究表明,利用人工芦苇湿地处理城市污水,一方面,通过芦苇湿地系统对污水中的污染物质有较强的去除作用,处理后水质均达到污水综合排放标准;

    The study reflects that using man-made reed marsh to decontaminate city sewage can effectively get rid of some pollutants in the polluted water , and the water after being decontaminated can reach the national standard of water discharging .