
kè jí
  • a settler from another province;province into which settlers move;settler from other province
客籍 [kè jí]
  • (1) [settler from other province]∶具有外地籍贯的本地居民

  • (2) [province into which settlers move]∶寄居地的籍贯

客籍[kè jí]
  1. 论泰华客籍作家的创作特色

    On the Characteristics of the Writings by Hakka Writers in Thailand

  2. 战后联邦德国客籍劳工研究(1955-1973年)

    The Study about the Guest Workers of German Federal Republic in Postwar ( 1955-1973 )

  3. 不料革命失败,客籍被土籍压迫如故。

    But unfortunately the revolution failed and they continue to be oppressed by the native inhabitants .

  4. 所谓的外来工人(客籍工人)和他们的后裔组成了奥地利的很重要的少数民族。

    The so-called guest workers ( Gastarbeiter ) and their descendants form an important minority group in Austria .

  5. 棚民·客籍·客家意识&义宁州客家的历史实际

    Slum dwellers 、 the Hakka 、 Consciousness of the Hakka & The factual history of the Hakka in Yining State

  6. 客籍劳工主要分布在联邦德国的工业领域,且居住相对集中,形成了许多聚集地。

    The Guest Workers mainly distributed in the industrial field of German Federal Republic . They also lived together , forming many concentrated areas .

  7. 安吉县方言分布的显著特点是客籍方言数量庞大,人口众多,而且互相交错分布,形成典型的多方言接触区。

    And Anji County is a typical area of multi-dialectal contacting where a large quantity of dialects spoken by many people as their mother tongues distribute crossly .

  8. 这种客籍人从闽粤边起,沿湘、赣两省边界,直至鄂南,大概有几百万人。

    The settlers , numbering several millions , live in a zone extending from the Fukien-Kwangtung border all the way along the Hunan-Kiangsi border to southern Hupeh .

  9. 当代枣庄作家群是指将枣庄人民的生活收入创作视野的两类主要当代作家,即枣庄本土作家和枣庄客籍作家。

    It refers to the lives of creative vision of the two main types of income writers , that is , local writers and guest writers in Zaozhuang .

  10. 1973年,由于世界石油危机的影响,联邦德国就停止了募工计划,并遣返大量的客籍劳工。

    In 1973 , the Federal Republic of Germany stopped the program of recruiting workers and repatriated a lot of Guest Workers because of the world oil crisis .

  11. 同时,对居住在山西的客籍画家进行概述和介绍,通过分析得知,客籍画家对山西当地绘画几乎没有什么影响。

    At the same time , with live in Shanxi the native this painter introduced and analysis we know that native painter of Shanxi local painting almost no effect .

  12. 我们的区域内,宁冈、遂川、酃县、茶陵,都有土客籍问题,而以宁冈的问题为最严重。

    Within our own area the problem of the native inhabitants and the settlers exists in ningkang , suichuan , linghsien and chaling , and is most serious in ningkang .

  13. 客籍话和本地话之间的差异主要是因为两者在历史上的迁徙有着先后次序,并由此出现基于时代差异而造成的语言上的不同层次。

    The difference between the Guest Language and the Host Language is caused by the migrant in different time , and it presents different language layers basing on different time .

  14. 兴国境内的客籍话是指明末清初由闽西、粤东迁来的客家人所流传下来的话;

    The Guest Language derived from the forefather who came from the west of Fujian and the east of Guangdong in the end of ming dynasty and the beginning of qing dynasty ;

  15. 十月、十一月红军打败白军,土籍农民跟着反动派逃走,客籍农民又去没收土籍农民的财物。

    And when the Red Army routed the White troops in October and November , the native peasants fled with the reactionaries , and their property in turn was seized by the settler-peasants .

  16. 同时,客籍劳工对劳工输出国也产生了重大影响,为他们带来了丰厚的外汇,但也造成了严重的人才流失。

    At the same time , the Guest Workers also brought many great impacts on the labor-exporting countries . They taken back many foreign exchanges , but also resulted in serious brain drain .

  17. 由于德国社会强烈的排外性,客籍劳工的融合程度不高,很难融入德国主流社会。

    Because of the strong xenophobic society of Germany , the degree of the Guest Workers ' social integration was not high . It was also difficult to integrate into the mainstream society of Germany .

  18. 同时,本章还对二湖地区客籍诗人在移入前期、中期和后期的诗歌创作进行了比较分析,指出了在不同时期二湖诗具有不同特征。

    At the same time , there is a comparative analysis of the external poets into early , middle and late poetry , points out that the two lake poetry is provided with different characteristics in different periods .

  19. 客籍劳工是战后联邦德国经济建设的主力军,为其经济的繁荣做出了巨大的贡献,并成为联邦德国平衡经济的工具。

    The Guest Workers were the main force for the economic construction of German Federal Republic in postwar . They made great contribution for the economic prosperity of German Federal Republic and became a tool for balancing economic .

  20. 第二次世界大战以后,德国经历了三次大的外国移民潮:客籍工人潮、回归移民潮和难民潮,最终使德国成为事实上的非典型意义的移民国家。

    And after the World War ⅱ, Germany has experienced three times of large immigration including the tides of foreign workers , return emigrators and refugees , which has finally made Germany a state of immigration on a non-typical sense .