
  1. 副总理汪洋在中美商贸联委会前发表演讲,中美商贸联委会也被称为JCCT。

    Vice Premier Wang Yang made the remarks this year 's meeting of the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade , also known as JCCT .

  2. 美国商务部长普利茨克(PennyPritzker)在接受采访时称,对美国内阁官员来说,本次美中商贸联委会会议最重要的问题之一就是更好地了解中方会谈代表、国务院副总理汪洋,这样在出现贸易和投资问题时双方可以及时化解。

    U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker said in an interview that one of the most important aspects of the session was for U.S. cabinet officials to get to better know Vice Premier Wang Yang , who headed the talks for the Chinese , so they can defuse trade and investment problems when they arise .

  3. 铜陵的当地人说,可以指望汪洋帮助铜陵。

    Locals say he can be counted on to help Tongling .

  4. 这是漂浮在浩瀚汪洋中的一座小岛

    It 's a tiny island adrift in a huge ocean .

  5. 国务院副总理汪洋也与雅各布·卢举行了会谈。

    Vice premier Wang Yang has also talked with Jacob Lew .

  6. 汪洋认为中国游客应成为中国形象的展示者。

    Wang said tourists should be ambassadors for China 's image .

  7. 在一片漆黑的汪洋之中有一丝微弱的白光

    A little white light in a sea gone black

  8. 我已经坠陷爱的迷幻汪洋

    I 'm already deep in love 's trance

  9. 他还每天注视着海上有否可搭救他的人,但却是除了汪洋一片,什么也没有。

    and every day he scanned the horizon for help , but none seemed forthcoming .

  10. 像汪洋中的雪花

    Lost as a snowflake in the sea

  11. 汪洋般的苦难

    through the various waters of suffering

  12. 中国国务院副总理汪洋敦促加强打击侵权假冒工作的努力。

    Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang urges more efforts to fight property rights violation and counterfeiting .

  13. 他的脸格外醒目,虽然有无数张脸,组成了一片脸的汪洋,而且也全都呆若木鸡,面无表情。

    His face stood out from a sea of faces , all frozen in the same mask of shock .

  14. 她是受她经历过的汪洋般的苦难所激发的。

    has had that condition activated amazingly in her through the various waters of suffering that she has been through .

  15. 电动自行车于1995年首次上市,但在脚踏自行车的汪洋大海里,它们一度是稀罕物。

    Electric bikes first went on sale in 1995 , but remained a novelty in a sea of pedaled bicycles .

  16. 汪洋大海上,800艘波斯战舰穷追猛打希腊战船,数量远远落后的希腊战船步步后退。

    At sea the Persian armada of 800 vessels bore down on the retreating Greek fleet who were hopelessly outnumbered .

  17. 在广东省省会广州市,省级官员们一直在努力给汪洋提出的幸福概念赋予具体的含义。

    In Guangzhou , the capital of Guangdong , provincial officials have tried to make concrete Mr. Wang 's concepts .

  18. 汪洋表示,中国全面深化改革的计划在理论上有重大创新,在改革举措上有重大突破。

    Wang Yang says China 's plan for deepening reforms has significant innovation and breakthroughs in both theoretical and practical terms .

  19. 记者去年曾通过电子邮件对汪洋进行过采访,他在书面回复中对幸福不是什么给出了明确的回答。

    Mr. Wang , in written responses to an email interview last year , is pretty clear about what happiness isn 't. '

  20. 汪洋表示中美经贸关系越密切,中美之间的分歧和摩擦也就越多。

    Wang Yang said that with an increasingly close trade relationship there is also an increasing number of disputes between the two sides .

  21. 汪洋说中美经贸关系具有互补性,现有的合作关系为两国创造了百万的就业岗位。

    Wang Yang said the two economies are complementary , and that the existing cooperation has provided millions of jobs for both countries .

  22. 电影背景设在未来,极地冰层因温室效应融进汪洋,所有环境恶化的预言悉数兑现。

    The movie takes place in the future when dire environmental predictions have come to fruition with the polar ice caps melted by global warming .

  23. 冬天过后,它会再次咆哮新生,水流一泻汪洋。稍不留神,就会被冲走。

    But after its winter period , it would roar back to life , The water flowing so fast , an unwary man could drown .

  24. 今年5月,中国国务院副总理汪洋强调说,中国游客在海外旅行时要注意言行,以保护中国在海外的形象。

    In May , Vice Premier Wang Yang stressed the need for Chinese tourists to behave better while traveling overseas so as to protect China 's image abroad .

  25. 本届会谈在钓鱼台国宾馆举行,由中国国务院副总理汪洋和美国商务部长潘妮·普利茨克、贸易代表迈克尔·弗罗曼共同主持。

    The talks are co-chaird by Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and Trade Representative Michael Froman at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse .

  26. 汪洋表示,虽然其他国家欢迎中国旅行团,但其中有些游客素质并不高。

    Wang Yang , one of China 's four deputy prime ministers , said that while other countries had welcomed Chinese tourism , the quality of some travellers was not high .

  27. 普利茨克称,汪洋与我们开玩笑说,美方可能比他更了解三中全会,因为美方常常会引述其中的内容。

    Mr. Wang ' was joking with us that maybe we knew the Third Plenum better than he did , ' said Ms. Pritzker . ' We were quoting from it . '

  28. 中国国务院副总理汪洋会见日本商界领导人代表团,商讨加强双边合作的方法,目前亚洲两大经济体关系冷淡。

    Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang has met with a delegation of Japanese business leaders to discuss ways of increasing bilateral cooperation , amid chilly ties between Asia 's two biggest economies .

  29. 汪洋指责游客乱写乱画应是源于中国景区发生的一件事:近日,有游客在北京故宫一口清代大缸上刻了“梁齐齐到此一游”的字样,这一文物破坏行为引起了社会极大反响。

    Wang 's complaint about graffiti may have been inspired by a domestic incident : there was anger recently when a vandal carved " Liang Qiqi was here " into a relic at Beijing 's Forbidden City .

  30. 从纽约到巴黎,各旅行社和百货公司为了提高营业额,都在讨好中国游客。但中国国务院副总理汪洋日前警告说,中国游客在海外的不文明行为有损国家形象。

    While tour operators and department stores from New York to Paris court Chinese visitors to boost their coffers , one of the country 's top leaders has warned that ill-behaved tourists are damaging the national image .