
  • 网络Vandal;Vandale;The Vandals
  1. 萨姆,船上也许还有汪达尔人。

    Sam , there might be more vandals on the boat .

  2. 来自迦太基的汪达尔人于455年侵占并洗劫了罗马。

    The Vandals from Carthage took and sacked Rome in 455 .

  3. 北欧的汪达尔人占领了罗马帝国。

    The Vandals of Northern Europe overran the Roman Empire .

  4. 正牌的汪达尔人跟今天的汪达尔人相比,就显得非常可敬了。

    Compared to today 's vandals , the original ones seem very respectable .

  5. 汪达尔人用白垩和油漆亵渎圣坛。

    Vandals desecrated the altar with chalk and paint .

  6. 在汪达尔人与哥特人中不存在这样的错误。

    There are no wrongs among the Vandals and none among the Goths .

  7. 汪达尔人所创造的这一辉煌艺术,学院派把它扼杀了。

    This magnificent art produced by the Vandals has been slain by the academies .

  8. 他们不是像匈奴人、哥特人或汪达尔人一样的粗鲁野蛮人。

    They were not rough barbariana like the huns , the goths , or the vandals .

  9. 在他死后的20年时间里,10个由汪达尔人和其他雇佣军拥立的不同皇帝统治过罗马。

    After his death ten different emperors ruled in Rome in twenty years , set up by Vandal and other mercenary troops .

  10. 经过拜占庭人的短暂统治和汪达尔人的洗劫,公元870年,马其他被阿拉伯人占领。

    After a short spell of Byzantine rule , and a probable sack by the Vandals , the islands were conquered by the Arabs in AD870 .

  11. 这场瘟疫摧毁了查士丁尼大帝的税收基础,削弱了他对汪达尔人和哥特人的进攻,从而阻碍了东西罗马帝国的合并。

    The plague decimated the Emperor Justinian 's tax-base , undermining his ability to battle the Vandals and the Goths and effectively ended the chance of uniting the Western and Eastern Roman Empires .