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  • endurance race
  1. 在R10原型赛车的柴油发动机的第一赢得了它在百灵,佛罗里达州,当它是对一个汽油发动机的整个领域的挑战者,进站耐力赛。

    The diesel engine in the R10 sports prototype won its very first endurance race at Sebring , Florida , when it was pitted against an entire field of gasoline-engined challengers .

  2. 不要把耐力赛当作冲刺来对待。

    Don 't treat an endurance race like a sprint .

  3. 在世界铁人公司于2009年推出自己的高管项目后,肯尼迪离职,CEOChallenges最终被总部位于芝加哥的运动器材制造商LifeTimeFitness收购,后者也是耐力赛的赞助商。

    After the Ironman organisation offered its own executive programme in 2009 , Mr Kennedy went his own way and CEO Challenges was eventually acquired by Life Time Fitness , a Chicago-based maker of sporting goods that also sponsors endurance races .

  4. 事发前一年,丰田章男已连续第三次参加每年一度在德国尼尔堡(Nurburg)大奖赛(GrandPrix)赛道上举办的24小时耐力赛。

    That was one year after Mr. Toyoda drove for the third year in a row in an annual 24-hour race on a Grand Prix track in Nurburg , Germany .

  5. 肯尼迪所在的组织CEOChallenges在耐力赛中为高管提供特殊招待和后勤服务,如今正帮助1200名首席执行官和企业所有者参加比赛,一些人每年参加的赛事多达10场。

    Mr Kennedy 's organisation , CEO Challenges , offers senior executives special handling and logistics at endurance races , and now helps 1200 CEOs and business owners to participate in events , with some taking part in up to 10 races a year .

  6. 伍德喜欢的一种铁人三项名叫半程铁人三项(Ironman70.3),这种耐力赛包括1.2英里(合1.9公里)的露天游泳、56英里的自行车骑行、最后是13.1英里的路跑。

    The kind of triathlon Mr Oud favours is called an Ironman 70.3 , a torture test involving a 1.2 mile ( 1.9km ) open-water swim , a 56-mile bike race , topped off with a 13.1 mile road race .

  7. 如今,他尽力每年参加2到4场耐力赛,包括莱德维尔100英里山地自行车赛。

    Now , he tries to participate in two to four endurance events a year , including the Leadville race .

  8. 真正促进环保技术发展、将环保技术应用于汽车的地方是赛车耐力赛。

    The place to really spur the development of green technologies for use on road cars is in endurance motor racing .

  9. 这辆车最高时速可达每小时320公里,而且届时举行的勒芒24小时耐力赛上将会出现它的身影。

    This car can reach 320 kilometers per hour and is set to be entered in the Le Mans 24-hour race .

  10. 最近的趋势是,年纪较大的高管尽管体能不足,但也正在加入耐力赛。

    One recent trend is that older executives are now joining the endurance competitions despite the wear and tear on their bodies .

  11. 在你下次进行马拉松或耐力赛训练时,要不断提醒自己“痛苦只不过是离开了躯体的弱点”。

    Just keep reminding yourself " pain is weakness leaving the body " as you train for your next marathon or endurance event !

  12. 在参加了今年的美国勒芒系列赛后,他希望明年参加欧洲系列赛以及勒芒24小时耐力赛。

    After completing the American Le Mans this year , he hopes to do the European series next year as well as the Le Mans 24-hour race .

  13. 虽说过去的几年你已经觉得像场耐力赛,但进一步的测试将因为活跃的冥王星继续停留在你的星座上而持续。

    The past few years may have already felt like an endurance test , but the process of deep change continues as relentless Pluto persists through your sign .

  14. 但对于一些耐力赛,如赛程长达6小时自行车赛,是绝对有必要的,这类比赛有可能延期或推迟到另外一天。

    But definitely the endurance sports like the cycling race where you have to compete for six hours , these are examples of competitions that might be postponed or delayed to another day .

  15. 对他来说,出演动作电影几乎就像肾上腺素上瘾,“它是无法挑战灵魂的耐力赛”。

    Appearing in action films became , for him , almost like an adrenaline addiction , he said , " an endurance contest that doesn 't challenge your soul , at all . "

  16. 运动真的可以帮助人更熟悉自己,当我不需要药物就可以生下我的女儿时,我想我大概能够打入耐力赛的世界。

    And the exercise helps you become more acquainted with yourself . I realized that I could perhaps enter into the world of endurance sports after I gave birth to my daughter without drugs .

  17. 杰夫:欧美流行:大奖赛、运动赛、普通汽车赛、耐力赛、创记录赛、组装赛、检修赛、多日赛等。

    Jeff : In Europe and America , it prevails grand prix , professional sports car race , ordinary auto race , endurance race , setting up records race , assembling race , examination and repair race and multi-day race .