
  • 网络Worsley;Wolseley
  1. 历史学家沃斯利并不是英国唯一知名的无子女高智商女性,同样还有BBC主持人凯特·汉博和演员海伦·米伦。

    Worsley isn 't the UK 's only famously clever childless woman , with others including BBC presenter Kate Humble and actress Helen Mirren .

  2. 英国癌症研究中心的沃斯利博士对该研究评论说:“这篇论文回答了这些植物如何能够合成特定分子这个非常有趣的生物学问题,但研究并没有探讨特定分子能否用于治疗癌症.”

    Commenting on the study , Dr Alan Worsley of Cancer Research UK , said : " This paper answers a very interesting biological question about how these plants are able to make particular molecules , but the study doesn 't look at whether the molecules can be used to treat cancer .