
  • Johnson & Johnson;JNJ;J&J
  1. 强生(JohnsonJohnson):私人门房服务

    Johnson Johnson : Private concierge service

  2. 在上周举行的2012年赛扶世界杯中国站创新公益大赛全国赛中,来自强生(中国)有限公司的评委AmyWang对这个想法赞扬有加。

    Their idea was praised by Amy Wang , one of the judges from Johnson Johnson China Ltd in the 2012 SIFE China National Competition held in Beijing last week .

  3. 谷歌公司的员工可以无限量地取用免费冰淇淋,医疗巨头强生公司为员工付干洗费。

    Google gives its staff unlimited1 free ice cream , while drugs giant Johnson & Johnson pays for its workers ' dry cleaning .

  4. 阿斯利康公司发言人表示,他们“不愿排除任何可能”有助于缓解接种疫苗后疼痛的事情,但他们“的确不清楚这么做有什么帮助”。辉瑞和强生公司也告诉《卫报》,他们没有足够的科学证据对此发表评论。

    A spokesperson for AstraZeneca said they were " loth to rule anything out " when it comes to helping with post-vaccine aches but they were " certainly not aware of it being helpful . " Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson both told the Guardian that there was not sufficient scientific evidence for them to be able to comment .

  5. LOVE网保健专家们特意给咱们身处困境的男同胞们列举了以下有利于男性保养强生的食品。

    LOVE network health experts specifically to fellow men in distress we have listed the following Johnson in favor of men 's skin care products .

  6. 强生(Johnson&Johnson):私人门房服务

    Johnson & Johnson : Private concierge service

  7. 由SWOT分析知:强生公司内部的优势和外部环境的机会是占主导地位的。

    Conclusion of SWOT analysis : J & J internal strength and environment opportunity are dominant .

  8. CNN特派员周艾琳:贝西·强生说那不是她的风格。

    ALINA CHO , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Betsey Johnson says that 's not her style .

  9. 她还说,第一批50辆车将在9月份交付给上海强生控股股份有限公司(ShanghaiQiangshengHoldingCo.)。

    The first batch of 50 TX4s will be delivered to Shanghai Qiangsheng Holding Co. in September , she said .

  10. 在这25年间,IBM与强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)年年榜上有名。

    Two companies , IBM ( IBM ) and Johnson & Johnson ( JNJ ) , have made that list every year for the full quarter century .

  11. 他在强生公司内部获得晋升的同时也取得了沃顿商学院(Wharton)的MBA学位。

    Starting in pharmaceutical sales in 1988 , he earned his MBA at Wharton while climbing the corporate ranks .

  12. 上海英伦是浙江吉利控股集团(ZhejiangGeelyHoldingGroup)的子公司。据《上海日报》(ShanghaiDaily)援引上海强生的话报道称,这些出租车在投入运营后将优先服务老年人和残障人士等有特殊需求的群体。

    The Shanghai Daily cited Shanghai Qiangsheng as saying it will use the vehicles to give priority service to people who have special needs , such as the elderly and disabled .

  13. 强生公司已开始召回该工厂生产的泰诺8小时缓释胶囊(Tylenol8-HourExtendedRelease),原因在于有客户投诉说,该产品有霉味。

    Johnson & Johnson is recalling Tylenol 8-hour extended release caplets made there because customers complained that the product smelled moldy .

  14. 她生于印度金奈,在加尔各答印度管理学院(IndianInstituteofManagement)获得MBA学位后,在强生(Johnson&Johnson)孟买公司工作两年,然后跨越大西洋,来到了美国。

    Born in Chennai , Nooyi took an MBA at the Indian Institute of Management in Kolkata , and worked for two years for Johnson & Johnson in Mumbai , before crossing the Atlantic .

  15. FDA称,强生公司的利培酮能用于治疗易激惹,包括包括攻击行为,蓄意自伤和发脾气。

    The FDA said Johnson & Johnson 's Risperdal could be used to treat irritability , including aggression , deliberate self-injury and temper tantrums .

  16. 赫比尼亚克认为,强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)、IBM和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等都有利用内部顾问的成功案例。

    Hrebiniak points to Johnson & Johnson ( JNJ ) , IBM ( IBM ) , and Motorola ( MMI ) as businesses that use internal consultants successfully .

  17. 在上周举行的“2012年赛扶世界杯中国站创新公益大赛全国赛”中,来自强生(中国)有限公司的评委AmyWang对这个想法赞扬有加。

    Their idea was praised by Amy Wang , one of the judges from Johnson & Johnson China Ltd in the 2012 SIFE China National Competition held in Beijing last week .

  18. 方法:使用强生公司PHS修补老年腹股沟疝40例(包括马鞍疝2例),其中有单侧疝36例,双侧疝4例;

    Methods : Forty cases of inguinal hernia in the elderly were performed by applying the PHS , including two cases of pantaloon hernia .

  19. 该公司是更年轻、更敏捷,是21世纪版的麦肯锡(Mckinsey),它向苹果(Apple)、强生(Johnson&Johnson)等世界顶级企业提供趋势观察以及商业战略等服务。

    Psfk is a younger , nimbler , 21st-century re-boot of the mckinseys of the world , offering trend insight and business strategies to top corporations from apple to Johnson & Johnson .

  20. 强生集团品牌总监凯蒂?德克尔(KatieDecker)说:青少年真的渴望那种深到毛孔内部型的清洁。

    ' Teens really crave that deep-down-to-the-pores type clean , ' says Katie Decker , group brand director at Johnson Johnson .

  21. 另一款则是OneTouchVerioSyncMeter,研发商LifeScanInc.是血糖监测领域领先者强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)的旗下子公司。

    The other is the OneTouch VerioSync Meter and comes from LifeScan Inc. , a Johnson & Johnson company that is a leader in the glucose-monitoring business .

  22. 方法使用美国强生一次性PPH吻合器或国产PPH吻合器对68例痔病患者进行PPH手术,在手术改进前后分别对每例黏膜环切的标本以及症状的改善进行测量及观察。

    Methods 68 cases with hemorrhoidal prolapse were preformed PPH with disposable stapler made in Johnson factory in USA or the stapler in China .

  23. 多家大型外资制药商在中国开设了研发中心,或是有这样做的计划,其中包括诺华(Novartis)、辉瑞(Pfizer)和强生(JohnsonJohnson)。

    Several big foreign drugmakers have opened research and development centres in China , or are planning to do so – including Novartis , Pfizer and Johnson Johnson .

  24. 比如直到2012年2月,强生还召回了50多万瓶泰诺(Tylenol)。

    As recently as February 2012 , the company had to recall more than 500,000 bottles of Tylenol .

  25. 后来我还去比利时的滑铁卢工作过。那是强生公司(JohnsonJohnson)欧洲总部所在地。我在那里负责强生公司医疗器械业务的技术方案管理。

    And later I accepted the opportunity to work in Waterloo , Belgium , the European headquarters for Johnson Johnson , where I managed technology solutions for J & J 's medical devices sector .

  26. 多家大型外资制药商在中国开设了研发中心,或是有这样做的计划,其中包括诺华(Novartis)、辉瑞(Pfizer)和强生(Johnson&Johnson)。

    Several big foreign drugmakers have opened research and development centres in China , or are planning to do so - including Novartis , Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson .

  27. SoumitraDutta是康奈尔大学强生商学院的院长。

    Soumitra Dutta is Dean of SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University .

  28. 为了物色约翰•艾克斯的继承人,董事会指派了一个专门委员会,其中包括美国广播公司(ABCCapCities)首席执行官汤姆•墨菲和声名卓著的强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)前任首席执行官吉姆•伯克。

    To find a successor to CEO John Akers , it appointed a committee that included Tom Murphy , CEO of ABC cap cities , and Jim Burke , the highly acclaimed former CEO of Johnson & Johnson ( JNJ ) .

  29. 植根中国回报社会&美国强生公司国际副总裁(北亚区)、强生(中国)医疗器材有限公司李炳荣(SimonLi)董事长专访

    Towards China and repay the society & A special interview to Simon Li , Vice President for International Service ( North Asian Region ) of USA Johnson Company and Board Director of Johnson Medical Equipment and Materials Company Limited

  30. 方法使用强生公司的PHS治疗腹股沟疝112例,其中斜疝81例,直疝31例。

    Methods Using the PHS ( Ethicon Inc ), 112 patients with inguinal hernia were performed operation , including 81 cases of oblique inguinal hernia and 31 cases of direct hernia .