
  1. 深水巨型钢沉井基础施工方案

    Construction Schemes for Huge Steel Open Caisson Foundations in Deep Water

  2. 特殊地质条件下桥梁沉井基础施工方法的研究

    Research on Construction Method of Bridge Caisson Foundation under Special Geologic Condition

  3. 浅谈水闸沉井基础施工技术

    Constructing Skills in Sunk Shaft Foundation of Gates

  4. 南宁永和大桥主桥南岸桥台沉井基础施工

    Construction of Open Caisson Foundation for South Abutment of Yonghe River Bridge in Nanning

  5. 南京长江第四大桥北锚碇沉井基础施工监控技术

    Construction Monitoring Techniques for North Anchorage Caisson Foundation of the Fourth Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge

  6. 分析了沉井基础施工中虚假中心的形式、形成原因及危害,阐述了在施工过程中需注意的事项及预防与纠正措施。

    In this article , the author analyzes some aspects of false centers in construction of sunk shaft foundations such as formation , reasons and hazards , and states matters need attention in construction and prevention and correction measures .

  7. 广州带钢总厂粗加工热处理车间工程沉井设备基础施工中,通过采用有效措施控制泥浆大量反涌,确保了沉井封底和施工质量。

    In the construction of equipment foundation caisson of pre-treating workshop of Guangzhou Band Steel Factory , effective measures were taken to control mud gushing , ensuring the quality of caisson sealing and construction .

  8. 沉井技术是深基础施工中常用的一种方法。

    Open caisson is often applied in construction of deep foundation .