
  • 网络Sunk Cost;sink cost
  1. 本文还证实,自我主体意识是禀赋效应、现状偏爱现象、沉没成本谬误、占便宜悖论、Ellsberg悖论和分离效应等异常现象产生的真正原因。

    This article also proves that subjective self-consciousness is the real cause of some abnormal phenomena , such as endowment effects , status quo bias phenomenon , sunk cost fallacy , the paradox of profiting at other people 's expense , Ellsberg Paradox , isolation effects , etc.

  2. 退出成本即退出壁垒(J.Bain,1956)指阻碍企业退出市场(行业)的因素,包括沉没成本、违约成本、行政法规壁垒,信誉损失,等等。

    ( Chen Lu , 2000 ); Exit cost is the exit barrier ( J.Bain , 1956 ), i.e.the obstacles for enterprise to exit a market / an industry , which includes sunk cost , penalty cost , law and regulation barrier , reputation ruin cost , etc.

  3. 现在就减产在经济上实在没有意义,因为大部分成本已是沉没成本,标普资本智商股权投资(SPCapitalIQEquity)的能源产业分析师斯图尔特·格里克曼(StewartGlickman)表示。

    It really makes no economic sense to bring down production at this point because most of the costs are sunk , said Stewart Glickman , an energy equity analyst with SP Capital IQ Equity .

  4. 出口沉没成本是否对净出口动态有影响?

    Do Sunk Costs Of Exporting Matter for Net Export Dynamics ?

  5. 改扩建项目中的沉没成本

    The Settling of Sunk Costs in the Project of Renovation and Expansion

  6. 此外,文章还讨论了沉没成本的逆效应以及影响沉没成本效应的主要因素。

    The reverse sunk cost effect and influential factors are also discussed .

  7. 源自后悔厌恶的沉没成本效应研究

    The Study of Sunk Cost Effect Based on Regret Aversion

  8. 他们不能忘记并忽视这些沉没成本。

    Instead of ignoring sunk costs , they can 't forget them .

  9. 沉没成本效应是一种常见的非理性行为。

    The sunk cost effect is a kind of common irrational behavior .

  10. 在新古典经济学中,沉没成本是与决策不相关的。

    In the theoryof neoclassical economics , sunk cost is the irrelative cost .

  11. 想必大家还记得上篇文章所讲述的沉没成本。

    Maybe you still remember the term Sunk Cost I mentioned last time .

  12. 不过,如今所有这些错误都成了沉没成本。

    Yet all these mistakes are now sunk costs .

  13. 沉没成本与战略转移模式的选择

    Sunk Cost and the Choice of Strategic Transfer Model

  14. 基于动态沉没成本的更新时机优化模型

    The optimizing of the equipment renewal opportunity based on the dynamic sunk cost

  15. 沉没成本相关性的新制度金融学分析

    A New Institutional Financial Analysis on Sunk Cost Relevance

  16. 我曾经写到过沉没成本谬论的危险性。

    The other day , I wrote about the danger of the sunk-cost fallacy .

  17. 沉没成本效应中的心理学问题

    Psychological Issues in the Sunk Cost Effect

  18. 新技术并非总是最先在发达国家和先进企业出现,由于沉没成本的影响和先进企业存在的垄断倾向,以及垄断带来的替代效应、效率效应决定了这类企业在新技术创新中表现滞后。

    New technology does not always appear first in the developed countries and advanced business .

  19. 政府在制定反垄断政策时应重点考虑怎样减少潜在进入者的沉没成本;

    We should strive to reduce sunk costs of potential competitors while drawing up the anti-monopoly policies !

  20. 沉默的开始,是计算沉没成本的开始。

    The moment when you decide to keep silence is the beginning to calculate the sunk cost .

  21. 如果这些都近于完美的话,那就没有什么沉没成本能拉回她的心了。

    If these can satisfy her needs perfectly , no previous sunk cost may hold her back .

  22. 创新技能、模块化程度、沉没成本及市场环境等因素影响新厂商进入。

    In addition , innovation techniques , modularity level , sunk cost and market environment influent the entrants .

  23. 最终,一个没有进入壁垒和沉没成本的完全竞争医疗市场能够达到市场的有效。

    Eventually , a perfectly competitive health care market without barriers to entry and sunk costs can reach the efficiency .

  24. 反之,寡占或垄断市场的福利更好,因为研发的沉没成本得到了节约。

    On the contrary , the welfare of oligopoly or monopoly market is better because the sunk cost will be economized .

  25. 相反,他们哺育了那些拥有最强大游说团体的行业&特别是有大量沉没成本需要补偿的成熟行业。

    Instead , they spoon-feed those with the most powerful lobby groups – typically mature industries with vast sunk costs to recoup .

  26. 本文认为核心能力刚性的产生主要是因为企业历史发展的路径依赖性,沉没成本效应和替代效应以及人类线性思维方式的局限性。

    This article believes that reasons of core rigidities mainly are path - dependence , sunk cost effect and substitute effect , linear - thinking .

  27. 我知道过去的一年会成为沉没成本,但我不想那么轻易地放弃这样一个好男人。

    I know the one year is a sunk cost , but I 'm reluctant to give up so easily on such a nice man .

  28. 在提出三种转移成本的类型:沉没成本、潜在投资、机会成本的基础上,又提出了管理客户转移成本的建议。

    This paper proposes three kinds of switching costs : sunk cost , prospective invest , opportunity cost and gives suggestions to manage switching costs .

  29. 沉没成本谬论影响了你的判断:你希望得到一个硕士学位、美食和一位意大利情人。

    Your judgment has been clouded by the sunk-cost fallacy : you hoped to get a master 's degree , great food and an Italian paramour .

  30. 但从经济学的角度看,库存又是一种浪费,是一种机会成本(这部份库存占用资金可用作其它投资),甚至是一种沉没成本。

    However , in economics , it is a waste and opportunity cost , extremely sunken cost for inventory not to be used for other investment .