
  • 网络sedimentary money
  1. 稀释沉淀资金疏导经济循环

    Diluting Sedimentary Money and Improving Economic Circulation

  2. 沉淀资金过大、膨胀速度过快是现阶段我国经济诸多问题的根源。

    In the present situation of China , the root of many social problems is the excessively large amount of sedimentary money and its amazingly fast swelling .

  3. 对沉淀资金的法律监管也急需完善。

    It is also an urgent need to improve the legal regulation .

  4. 如果沉淀资金得不到有效管理,可能导致偿付风险和金融风险。

    If the precipitation funds are not effectively managed , it could lead to solvency and financial risks .

  5. 因此如何正确的看待沉淀资金问题并加以妥善处理,已经成为一个急需解决的课题。

    So how to properly treat precipitation funds and properly handle the issue has become an urgent issue .

  6. 如何监管这些沉淀资金,并且规范这些拥有庞大沉淀资金的第三方支付平台也是我们应该思考的问题。

    How to regulate the precipitation funds and third-party payment platform which has a huge precipitation funds is that we need to think about .

  7. 但因第三方支付行业起步较晚,在运行过程中产生的问题也层出不穷,行业本身的技术条件和行业的管理都有不成熟之处,尤其是沉淀资金方面。

    But because the third-party payment industry started late , many problems arise , including technical conditions and industry management , especially in terms of precipitation funds .

  8. 通过收费,微信用户将不愿提现,此举将扩大沉淀资金池,投资利润颇丰的金融管理产品。

    Charging fees can discourage WeChat users from taking money out of their accounts , leaving Tencent with more funds to invest in lucrative wealth management products .

  9. 然后,本文从基础理论出发,分析了在线第三方支付服务商的法律属性、在线第三方支付中的法律关系以及沉淀资金的法律性质。

    I will analyze the legal nature of the third party payment institution and the sedimentary money , as well as the legal relationships in the online third party payment .

  10. 监管的重点是界定地位,明确法律关系和对沉淀资金的监管。

    The focus of the supervision system is to clarify its legal status and the legal relationships among the parties . What is more , to guard against deposit capital risks .

  11. 互利互惠,你不用买卡沉淀资金,我可以早点用完,减少资金沉淀,大家都方便哦。

    Mutual benefit and reciprocity , you do not buy a card precipitation funds , I can run out as early as possible to reduce the capital precipitation , everyone conveniently Oh .

  12. 启用储币税,与铸币税一起纳入财政收入,收入的增加自然能够稀释沉淀资金,同时化解垄断资本。

    The best solution is to start the deposit money tax and include it into the revenue together with the mintage tax . This income increase will naturally dilute the sedimentary money and at the same time , it will disperse the monopoly capital .

  13. 本文以我国第三方支付业务中沉淀资金运作中产生的问题为出发点,借鉴欧盟和美国的成熟发展经验,为我国的沉淀资金问题提出相应的法律解决方案和监管建议。

    In this paper , our third-party payment services in the precipitation funding problems as a starting point , learn from the European Union and the United States of mature development experience , and presents the appropriate legal solutions and regulatory advice to the precipitation funds problems .

  14. 央行票据的微观财务成本主要体现在利息支付和损失的外汇投资收益上,宏观经济成本主要体现在对贷款资金的挤出导致的资源错配和沉淀大量资金有损宏观经济运行效率两方面。

    Micro-financial costs of central bank bills is mainly reflected in interest payments and losses on foreign investment income , while macroeconomic costs primarily reflected on the loss of macro-economic operating efficiency due to precipitated a lot of money .

  15. 当前很多地区新农合的资金出现了大量沉淀的情况,其中部分地区考虑利用新农合的沉淀资金对妇幼卫生服务给予补偿,从而达到双赢的目的。

    Presently , in many areas , the new rural cooperative ( NCMS ) financial situation appears a lot of precipitation , and some them consider using the precipitation of the NCMS funds to compensate for MCH services , so as to achieve win-win .