
zī jīn ɡuǎn lǐ
  • fund management
  1. ERP中的资金管理模块其本质是一个数据接收系统。

    The fund management module of ERP is a data receiving system .

  2. 面向资金管理业务领域的基于AJAX的J2EE快速开发框架设计与实现

    Rapid J2EE Development Framework for the Field of Fund Management of AJAX-based Design and Implementation

  3. 虽然F公司只是一家中小规模的国有企业,但它在资金管理方面遇到的困难非常具有代表性。

    Although F company is only a small-sized state-owned enterprise , the difficulties it experiences is representative for many other companies .

  4. 现金管理(CashManagement),是现代商业银行针对企业资金管理需求而推出的一种数字化和网络化的专业化金融服务。

    Cash management is a kind of specialized financial services launched by modern commercial banks , which is based on digital and networks , aiming at meeting the needs of enterprise funds management .

  5. 内容包括构建覆盖全省商业企业的网络,IP电话,视频会议,资金管理,分销管理,专卖,辅助决策,办公自动化等子系统。

    The system includes several parts such as the network covering all commerce enterprises , IP phone , visual meeting , funds management subsystem , selling management , monopolization subsystem , aid decision subsystem , OA etc.

  6. 第四章针对CD企业资金管理中存在的问题,结合资金集中管理理论,就如何建立科学、有效的资金管理体系提出系统化的解决方案。

    The fourth chapter the question which exists in view of the CD enterprise fund management in , the union fund centralized management theory , how establishes scientifically , the effective fund management system proposes the systematized solution .

  7. 合同资金管理系统(CCMS)是客户关系管理系统(CRMS)的子系统,在企业中有着广泛的应用。

    Contract capital management system ( CCMS ) is a subsystem of custom relation management system ( CRMS ), which is widely used in enterprises .

  8. 加强投资项目和资金管理。

    Supervision of investment projects and investment funds will be tightened .

  9. 再针对A公司在营运资金管理方面存在的问题进行深入分析。

    A company in the management of working capital in-depth analysis .

  10. 这对投资者和资金管理公司至关重要,其中有着重要原因。

    That matters for investors and money managers for important reasons .

  11. 建立健全资金管理各项规章制度,规范支出行为,保证资金及时、合理、有效使用是推进财政支农资金整合工作的保证。

    Setting up perfect regulations is the guarantee of the work .

  12. 高等院校预算外资金管理与监督之我见

    Views on the Management and Supervision of Extra-budgetary Funds in Higher School

  13. 风险投资业的现状分析及其对策我国海运企业集团资金管理若干问题的探讨

    The Status Quo Analysis and Countermeasure Consideration about Venture Captial in China

  14. 有自己的交易风格和交易系统及资金管理模式。

    Have their own trading styles and trading systems and financial management .

  15. 资金管理:军队财务工作中一项重之又重的任务

    Fund management : an important task of army financial work

  16. 对森林生态效益补偿资金管理问题的探讨

    On the Management of the Compensation Funds for Forest 's Ecological Benefit

  17. 政府采购资金管理与核算问题研究

    A Research on the Accounting and Management of the Government Purchasing Funds

  18. 强化铁路运输企业资金管理的研究

    A Research to Strengthen the Management on Railway Transportation Enterprises ' Funds

  19. 加强财政支农资金管理的若干思考

    Several Thoughts on Reinforcing Management of Financial Funds for Agriculture

  20. 石油集团资金管理方法研究与体系建立

    Method Research and System Building of Petroleum Group Capital Management

  21. 究其原因,主要是目前的资金管理体制存在缺陷。

    Its underlying reason is that the capital management system is flawed .

  22. 从金融危机谈军队资金管理

    On funds management in the forces from the financial crisis

  23. 关于减少备件储备与消耗资金管理的探讨

    An Approach to Decreasing Spare Piece Storage and Strengthening Consumption Fund Management

  24. 出口信用保险扶持发展资金管理办法

    Administration Measures of Funds for Developing and Supporting Credit Insurance on Export

  25. 加强资金管理降低采购成本

    Strengthening the capital management and reducing the purchasing cost

  26. 集团化资金管理网络架构及安全方案

    Collective Fund Management Network Architecture and Its Security Scheme

  27. 加强资金管理提高经营效益

    Strengthening the capital administration to promote the economic efficiency

  28. 提高集团公司资金管理的价值分析

    Enhancing Its Analysis of the Value of Fund Management

  29. 加强小农水资金管理的对策

    Countermeasures for strengthening the fund management of small sized irrigation and water conservancy

  30. 现代企业制度与航材资金管理

    Contemporary Enterprise System and Air Material 's Fund Management