
  • 网络capital structure;fund structure
  1. 企业效益与资金结构

    Efficiency of Enterprises and Fund Structure

  2. 本文主要论述了两个问题:一,采用数学方法证明了企业的经济效益与企业资金结构之间的关系;

    The article discusses chiefly two questions : first , it proves employing mathematics method the relationship between the economic effectiveness of enterprise and fund structure ;

  3. BOT项目的资金结构中研究了内资和外资、权益投资、银行贷款、政策性信贷等融资方式;

    In the portion of structure of fund , it analyses different mode of investment , such as domestic investment , foreign investment , bank loan and government loan etc ;

  4. 利用CAPM模型,引入项目资金结构的净现值模型对特许权期的求值是更能够准确反映项目成本和收益的科学方法。

    Using the CAPM model , the introduction in project 's capital structure model is a scientific method to reflect the cost accurately when it used to evaluate the concession period .

  5. 股份制企业筹资最佳资金结构的确定

    Determination of optimal capital structure for fund raising in corporation

  6. 试论企业资金结构及其优化

    Research on the Structure of Corporation Fund and Its Optimization

  7. 关于乡镇企业负债经营与资金结构优化的财务思考

    Ideas for township enterprise operation under debt and optimization of its capital structure

  8. 企业实业投资决策及其资金结构分析

    Enterprises ' decission on investing in industries and analysis on its capital structure

  9. 基于脉冲响应函数的技术创新资金结构研究

    Study on Investment Structure of Technological Innovation Based on the Impulse Response Function

  10. 第三部分优化资金结构的措施进行研究。

    ; and the third part discusses some optimization means on capital structure .

  11. 澳大利亚博物馆资金结构的初步分析

    The Preliminary Analysis of Capital Structure of Australian Museum

  12. 三是研究了金融机构信贷资金结构对信贷传导机制的影响。

    The structure of the finance institution credit capital influencing the credit conduct mechanism .

  13. 第3章,电联营项目融资的资金结构及选择。

    Chapter 3 : the capital structure and source of project financing for CPPP .

  14. 牛市资金结构分析

    Structure Analysis of Bull Stock Market 's Fund

  15. 当然,除了资金结构,更重要的是内容本身。

    Certainly , apart from capital structure , the more important is the content itself .

  16. 资金结构的不合理使一些地勘单位的发展步履维艰。

    The unreasonable funds construction can make the development of the geologic prospecting units stagnation .

  17. 目前我国大多数企业主要有高负债和高权益两种资金结构形式。

    High liability and high shareholders equity are two main forms of current Chinese corporations .

  18. 房地产上市公司营运资金结构与企业绩效相关性的实证研究

    Empirical research into structure of working capital and enterprise performance of the listed real estate companies

  19. 因此,对电力行业排头兵电力上市公司营运资金结构的研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Therefore , studying the working capital of listed power companies is of theoretical and practical importance .

  20. 最佳资金结构的确定,关系到股份制企业资金成本的高低和财务风险的大小。

    The determination of optimal capital structure has a direct influence on fund cost and financial risk .

  21. 再次是加强学校内部控制制度和优化资金结构。

    Again , is to strengthen the school system of internal control and optimize the capital structure .

  22. 资本预算决策对企业获利能力、资金结构、偿债能力及长远发展都有重要影响。

    Capital budgeting decision-making plays an important role in corporate profitability , capital structure , solvency and long-term development .

  23. 但外资的流入在资金结构上、产业流向上、地区分布上等均存在一些问题。

    On the other hand , there exists some problems in capital structure , industrial flow direction and regional distribution .

  24. 文章认为财政农业支出资金结构偏差是其整体绩效低水平运行的最主要原因。

    The results show a poor efficiency of the spending as a whole , and a declining trend over time .

  25. 由于政府投入逐渐减少,自身盈利能力较差等原因,国有企业的资产负债率居高不下,长短期资金结构很不合理。

    Due to decreasing government input and poor profitability , assets-liability ratio remains high and long-term capital structure irrational in state-owned enterprises .

  26. 如何合理确定项目资金结构对项目融资决策非常重要。

    In project financing , how to obtain a reasonable project capital structure is a question which the decision_maker pays more attention to .

  27. 希腊债务肯定需要重组,但在出台任何解决方案之前必须准备好救援意大利和西班牙的资金结构。

    Greek debt will surely have to be restructured , but funding structures must be in place for Italy and Spain before any resolution .

  28. 如何通过筹资发挥财务杠杆的作用,确定最佳资金结构是股份制企业筹资决策的关键。

    How to perform the function of financial lever by fund raising and determine an optimal capital structure are keys to decision-making of corporation fund raising .

  29. 通过剖析资产配置结构在资金结构中的定位和作用,从理论上论证并提出可供选择的资产配置结构理想模式,为企业选择符合自身利益的资产配置结构提供参照依据。

    By analyzing the position and function of asset distribution structure in fund structure , an ideal mode of asset distribution structure is presented for enterprises sake .

  30. 我们明白银行各有不同的资金结构,但这无碍大家一直沿用同一个最优惠贷款利率。

    We recognise that funding structures differ among banks , but that did not stop them from using the same best lending rate for a long time .