
  • 网络Funding;fund raising;Fundraising;Capital Raising
  1. 对资源供给因子的分析主要是从木材原料供给和资金筹集两各方面展开。

    The factor of supply of resources the main raw materials supply and fund raising .

  2. 世界银行贷款卫生Ⅵ项目特困医疗救助资金筹集的问题与建议

    The Problem and Opinion of Fund Raising on Poverty Relief Project of Health VI Loaned by World Bank

  3. 安东尼爵士是自由民主党热心的资金筹集者。

    Sir Anthony was a keen fundraiser for the Liberal Democrats .

  4. VanPatten也是当地一名共和党官员,这次资金筹集活动的主持人。

    Van Patten is also a local Republican party official , and the fundraiser host .

  5. 除了可能的违约罚金外,RPS不需要政府进行大量的资金筹集和管理工作。

    Apart from possible outside of a default fine , RPS does not need substantial government funding and management .

  6. 在德梅因郊区一个后院共和党的资金筹集会上,商人NickVanPatten听说了近期华尔街许多令人震惊的消息。

    Iowa Voters Focus on Economy In a backyard GOP fundraiser on the outskirts of Des Moines , businessman Nick Van Patten is getting an earful about the recent volatility on Wall Street .

  7. 在资金筹集会上的主要讲话者,希望竞选总统的米特·罗姆尼(MittRomney)希望给出答案,同时获得人们的支持。他希望促进商业发展,精简政府机构,重新实现经济繁荣。

    Hoping to provide some answers while gaining support , presidential hopeful Mitt Romney , the keynote speaker at Van Patten 's backyard fundraiser , wants to promote business growth and shrink government as a way back to economic prosperity .

  8. 民主党(DPJ)里有很多忠于小泽一郎的后座议员,小泽一郎以前是民主党的领袖,由于资金筹集丑闻他从民主党领袖的位置上退了下来,但是他依然在暗地里削弱菅直人的势力。

    The DPJ is stuffed with backbenchers loyal to Ichiro Ozawa , an old-timer who resigned from the party leadership because of a fund-raising scandal but who still undermines Mr Kan .

  9. 经过短短三年的疯狂扩张、产品开发和资金筹集,两兄弟的公司i-level已经在上海的出租车上安装了4000个数字广告显示屏,并已签下合同,将在北京的出租车上再安装4000个。

    After just three years of feverish expansion , product development and money-raising , the brothers ' company , i-level , has 4,000 digital advertising screens installed in taxis around Shanghai and has contracts to put another 4,000 into the Beijing taxi armada .

  10. 新型农村养老保险;资金筹集;风险研究;

    The New Rural Endowment Insurance ; Fund collection ; Risks ;

  11. 她们星期六晚上在伦敦出席了癌症慈善的资金筹集活动。

    Both attended a cancer charity fundraiser Saturday night in London .

  12. 浅议中小型高新技术企业的资金筹集

    Talking about the Fund Procurement of Small and Medium-sized Hi-tech Enterprises

  13. 公立高校独立学院资金筹集与应用研究

    Public Colleges and Universities of Independent Colleges and Applied Research Funding

  14. 谈社会保障资金筹集形式的选择

    On Choices of Raising Fund in Social Securities SECURITIES FINANCING

  15. 生态公益林的资金筹集与运用研究

    A Study on the Funds Raising and Application of Ecological Welfare Forestry

  16. 资产证券化使得社会基础设施建设的资金筹集发生了巨大的变化。

    Asset securitization greatly changes the financing of social infrastructure .

  17. 第六部分,补偿资金筹集和使用管理。

    Part six , raise and management on compensation fund .

  18. 主要研究了资金筹集战略和资金投放战略。

    It mainly studies the fund - raising strategy and investment strategy .

  19. 关于水库移民后期扶持资金筹集、管理的思考

    Raising and Managing Aid Fund for the Later Stage of Reservoir Emigration

  20. 证券投资者保护基金(SIPF)的资金筹集制度研究

    Study on the Money Raising of Securities Investors Protection Fund

  21. 现代企业的资金筹集及其风险防范

    The Funds Raising and Risk Preventing of the Modern Enterprise

  22. 城市养老社会保险资金筹集模式的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of Pension System of Cities ' Social Ageing Insurance

  23. 农村公路建设资金筹集的探讨

    Discussion the construction fund of rural highway of raising

  24. 我国青少年体育俱乐部资金筹集的分析研究

    Analysis on Fundraising of Junior Sports Clubs in China

  25. 天保工程区社会保障模式能否正常运行,资金筹集是关键。

    Whether the mode of social assurance works depends on the fund collection .

  26. 浅论我国城市污水厂建设资金筹集问题

    Funds-raising Problems about Building Municipal Sewage Plants in China

  27. 她爬这座悬崖作为资金筹集的特技表演,很勇敢。

    She was very brave to climb the cliff as a fund-raising stunt .

  28. 法律援助资金筹集方式及可行性研究

    Ways of raising funds for legal aid and the feasibility study on them

  29. 我国南方流动人口疟疾控制资金筹集机制初探

    Study on the Malaria Financial Mechanism of the Floating Population in South China

  30. 试论高校在举债发展中的资金筹集及管理

    Discussion on Universities ' Raise and Management of Funds In the Development with Loans