
zì yǒu zī jīn
  • Own funds;funds in the hands of the localities;funds at the disposal of the localities
自有资金[zì yǒu zī jīn]
  1. 3G公司大部分的资金是其自有资金。

    The people at 3G , most of that money is probably their own money .

  2. 麦晋桁(JohnMack)提高了摩根士丹利的风险承受意愿,并扩大了自有资金的使用。

    John Mack has increased the bank 's risk appetite and expanded the use of its own capital .

  3. 潘伟迪还告诉读者们,他支持所谓的沃尔克法则(Volckerrule),这项法则将限制银行以自有资金对股票和债券进行投机。

    Pandit also told the audience he supported the so-called Volcker rule , which would restrict banks from speculating on stocks and bonds with their own capital .

  4. 例如,共和党的MegWhitman在竞选活动中已经花费了超过1.4已美元的自有资金。

    For example , Republican Meg Whitman has spent more than one hundred forty million dollars of her own money on her campaign .

  5. 布雷耶在2005年用自有资金冒险投资Facebook的时候,并不知道它会取得如此惊人的成功,而硅谷尽管是建立在政府资助的研究基础之上,但并非大到不能倒。

    Mr Breyer risked his own money in Facebook in 2005 , not knowing how astonishingly successful it would be , and Silicon Valley , although built on government-funded research , is not too big to fail .

  6. 他们两人,再加上一个英国籍的首席运营官史蒂夫威廉斯(SteveWilliams),共同投资二十万美元的自有资金,创办了这家私营企业。

    Together the two men , and a British chief operating officer , Steve Williams , invested a couple of hundred thousand dollars of their own money to found the company , which is privately held .

  7. 最根本和最直接的转变,是银行不愿拿自有资金冒险。这一转变源自市场恐慌,但只有在《巴塞尔协议III》的新资本金要求出台后,它才会更牢固地确立下来。

    The most fundamental and immediate change comes with banks ' unwillingness to risk their own capital – a shift that was born of the market panic but will be only become more entrenched when the new capital requirements of Basle 3 are introduced .

  8. 从1985年批准第一个项目起至2004年4月30日,IFC在中国共投资了72个项目,计16亿美元,其中11.12亿美元为自有资金,4.95亿美元来自银团中的其他银行。

    From 1985 to April 30th , IFC has supported 72 projects in China , and it has provide $ 1 . 6 billion , included $ 1.1 billion of its own and the rest from banks .

  9. 全租方案的全部投资和自有资金的税后财务内部收益率(IRR)都远高于选定的基准贴现率(8%),表明项目全部投资和自有资金都具有良好的盈利能力。

    Both the all investment of the overall rent plan and the internal rate of return ( IRR ) of self-raised capital are far higher than the selected benchmark rate ( 8 % ) . It shows the good profitability of the whole project investment and the self-raised capital .

  10. 通过契约安排,可增加自有资金、贷款抵押和担保的数量,它是降低信息不对称程度的理想选择。

    Contract arrangement is an ideal way to reduce information asymmetry .

  11. 她们在竞选中花费了数百万美元的自有资金。

    They spent millions of their own money on their s.

  12. 以自有资金出资,来源合法。

    Making the investment with self-owned capital from legitimate sources .

  13. 三家公司是看是否有足够的自有资金。

    Three companies is to look at the adequacy of its own funds .

  14. 内部融资包括科研经费、内部职工筹资和自有资金。

    Inside financing include research fund , financing from employees and own capital .

  15. 这种未将客户资金和自有资金分开的做法,违反了美国法律的规定。

    Failure to separate customer and house funds is a violation under US law .

  16. 企业自有资金与借入资金结构研究

    A Research into the Structure of the Enterprise 's Own Fund and Borrowed Fund

  17. 加强高校院系、部门自有资金管理的思考

    Pondering over the Management of Self owned Funds by Departments and Schools under Universities

  18. 没有理由出售公司,因为用的是自有资金,而且效果不错。

    There is no reason to sell because we are self-funded and it works .

  19. 但创新者应让自有资金承担风险,而不是让整个金融体系承担风险。

    But innovators should risk their own capital , not the entire financial fabric .

  20. 自营交易应使用银行的自有资金,而不能动用储户存款。

    Proprietary trading ought to be financed out of banks ' own capital not deposits .

  21. 这些资金一部分来自于民间放贷者的自有资金,也有一部分可能来自银行贷款。

    The funds are in part owned private loaners and in part are from banks .

  22. 在自有资金充裕情况下,总需求取决于购买意愿。

    When the self-capital is adequate , the gross requirement depends on the willingness to purchase .

  23. 它们开始更多地以自有资金(以及后来的客户资金)押注。

    They started to gamble more with their own ( and later others ' ) capital .

  24. 试论自有资金内部收益率与资本结构之关系

    A Preliminary Discussion on Relationship between Internal Rate of Return and Capital Structure for Self-possessed Fund

  25. 这项业务与自营交易部门一样,也是利用公司的自有资金进行投资。

    Like proprietary trading , Morgan Stanley 's strategic finance group invested the firm 's own capital .

  26. 但一家从定义上看具有系统重要性的金融机构,不仅是在拿自有资金冒险。

    But a financial institution that is systemically important by definition risks more than its own money .

  27. 而相对于贷款购买和自有资金购买等形式,租赁在现金流量等方面有其显著的优势。

    Com-pared to purchasing with loan or with private capital , lease has obvious advantages in cash flow .

  28. 这些企业也往往拥有自有资金和资产,用以平衡经营活动中可能存在的财务风险。

    They also have internal funds and assets that can be leveraged to help finance their new ventures .

  29. 如果腾中重工利用自有资金完成交易,北京方面或许没什么可说的。

    If Tengzhong uses its own funds to finance the transaction , Beijing may have little to say .

  30. 与私人股本不同,战略性买家能够通过自有资金来弥补融资缺口。

    Unlike private equity , strategic buyers can bridge funding gaps with their own paper , he said .