
  • 网络Effective Communication;Communicating Effectively;efficient communication
  1. 然而,与一般受众进行有效沟通的重要性不仅仅体现在气候变化等热点问题上。

    However , the importance of effective communication with a general audience is not limited to hot issues like climate change .

  2. 运用PDCA循环实现绩效管理系统的有效沟通

    Effective Communication in Performance Management System With PDCA Cycle

  3. 当管理者不明白员工的具体工作(比如在编程公司)时,就会发生这种问题,于是也无法与员工有效沟通。

    This problem can occur when the manager does not understand the employees ' work ( in a programming company , for example ) and therefore cannot communicate effectively with the employees .

  4. 目的:加强ICU医务人员与病员家属进行有效沟通,减少医疗纠纷。

    Objective : To strengthen the effective communication between the medical personnel and the family members of patients in ICU , and reduce the dispute of medical treatment .

  5. 建立并维护ICT服务目录有助于服务提供商和客户进行有效沟通、理解ICT服务的确切价值和在业务流程中发挥的作用,并对ICT服务的成本进行恰当预算。

    ICT service catalogue helps service providers and customers communicate effectively , understand the exact value of services in the business process , and estimate the cost of services appropriately .

  6. 英国公共政策研究院院长尼克•皮尔斯(NickPearce)表示,缺乏与成人的有效沟通,意味着许多年轻人没有学会如何正确行事。

    Nick Pearce , director of the IPPR , said a lack of structured interaction with adults meant that many youngsters were not learning how to behave as they should .

  7. 今年1月,当下议院财政部委员会询问他如何确保财政部、金融服务管理局(FSA)和央行之间的有效沟通时,塔克表示,它们需要容忍一定程度的职能重叠。

    Asked by the House of Commons Treasury committee in January how he would ensure effective communication between the Treasury , the Financial Services Authority and the Bank , Mr Tucker said they needed to tolerate a degree of overlap in their functions .

  8. 根据整合营销中的4R原则,提出博物馆整合营销策略应包括重视观众的需求和欲求,观众获得满足的成本,观众参观博物馆的方便性,博物馆与观众的有效沟通几个方面。

    According to the 4R Principles of integrated marketing theory , the museum integrated marketing strategy is proposed as audience needs , cost for the audience getting satisfied , convenience for the audience visiting the museum , and effective communication between the museum and the audience .

  9. 有效沟通&提升读者满意度的基石

    Effective Communication & the Cornerstone of Promoting Reader 's Satisfactory Rate

  10. 具有团队精神及有效沟通之能力。

    To acquire capability of the team spirit and effective communication .

  11. 相互理解、通信与协作的能力。师生间要有效沟通和相互理解。

    There is effective communication and mutual understanding between teachers and students .

  12. 论情感类电视谈话节目主持人现场的有效沟通

    The Efficient Communication of the Hosts in the Emotional TV Talk Shows

  13. 编辑专用书信对作者有效沟通的影响

    The Influence of Editors ' Special Letters on the Communication with the Authors

  14. 生活中没有什么比有效沟通能力更重要的了。

    Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively .

  15. 基于设计管理的有效沟通方式的建立

    Establishment of Effective Communication Mode based on Design Management

  16. 有效沟通另一个决定性因素是专注。

    Another critical aspect of effective communication is focus .

  17. 达到有效沟通所必须的技能是什么?

    What skill must you have to communicate well ?

  18. 我国货币市场和资本市场有效沟通问题的实证研究

    The study about how to communicate money markets and capital markets in China

  19. 第四、团队缺乏有效沟通。

    Fourth , the team lacks effective learning .

  20. 领导才能与有效沟通的研究

    Studies on Talent of Leading and Effective Communication

  21. 跨文化的有效沟通企业绩效管理中沟通对话之我见

    The Effective Linking up of Trans-culture Ideas on the management of enterprise efficiency evaluation

  22. 了解这种变化对中美员工的有效沟通和管理工作的顺利开展是非常有帮助的。

    Understanding these changes is helpful to effective cross-culture communication and Human Resource Management .

  23. 论酒店内部的有效沟通

    Discussion on the effective internal communication in hotels

  24. 一种有效沟通的重要方面是听别人说的话。

    An essential aspect of effective communication is listening to what others are saying .

  25. 仔细分析和有效沟通十分重要

    Careful analysis and effective communication were very important

  26. 怎样与别人进行有效沟通,是目前大学生面临的一个重要问题。

    How to communicate effectively with others is an important problem in the university .

  27. 实现有效沟通,改善组织管理

    Realize Effective Communication and Improve Organization Administration

  28. 家长和子女缺乏有效沟通。

    Less communication between parents and children .

  29. 有效沟通对成功起着决定性作用。

    Effective communication is critical for success .

  30. 与人面对面交流是最有效沟通的方式之一。

    One of the most effective aspects of communication is to be face-to-face with people .