
  • Coordination;Coordinating;Coordinating ability
  1. 这项锻炼可以提高协调能力、平衡力、把握时机的能力和脚法。

    This exercise improves your coordination , balance , timing and footwork .

  2. 因为Agent它能依据心理状态自主工作,并具有语义互操作和合作行为协调能力的软件实体。

    Agent can accord to the psychological state independent work , and semantic interoperability and cooperative behavior coordination ability of the software entity .

  3. 要想提高手眼协调能力,就练习投球和接球。

    To improve hand-eye co-ordination , practise throwing and catching balls .

  4. 专家认为,滑冰能帮助改进一个人的平衡和身体的协调能力。

    According to experts , skating helps improve balance and coordination1 .

  5. 换而言之,Web服务事务处理必须具备针对松散耦合事务环境及自治资源提供策略的协调能力。

    In other words , the transaction technologies for web service have to provide the abilities to coordinate loosely coupled or autonomous transactions .

  6. 能独立学习工作,有团队意识,具备较好的沟通、协调能力;4、CET-4,能适应经常出差;

    Good ability in learning , communication and team spirit . 4 , CET-4 , adapt to frequent business trips .

  7. 结论:1、2型糖尿病患者HRV各项指标的数值明显降低,提示糖尿病交感-副交感神经平衡协调能力下降。

    Patients with type 2 diabetes HRV index numerical decreases obviously , which suggests that the sympathetic-parasympathetic nerve balance coordination ability of the diabetes decrease .

  8. TiN薄膜在高速钢上的膜基结合力进一步得到提高,这是由于深冷处理后薄膜与基体的塑性变形协调能力进一步提高,碳化物的钉扎作用所导致的。

    In the high-speed steel adhesion of TiN film is further improved , this is due to plastic deformation coordination of film and matrix ability and the result of the pinning effect of carbide .

  9. 舰艇CGF具有自主性、智能化等特征,并具备感知、通信以及协调能力。

    The CGF of naval ships is an intelligent autonomous entity , which has the ability of sensing , communicating , and collaborating .

  10. 牵引实验和倾斜平板实验的结果显示,在更大剂量(540mg/kg),DAP不损伤小鼠的肌肉协调能力。

    Even at much higher doses ( 540mg / kg ), DAP did not impair muscle tone in the traction test and the inclined plane test .

  11. 胳膊和手指会变长,以便减少伸长手臂的次数。手及手指上的神经末梢将会增加,这是由于iPhone等电子设备的大量使用需要复杂的眼手协调能力。

    Arms and fingers get longer to reduce the need to reach too far and nerve endings in hands and fingers will increase because of the greater use of devices such as iPhones that need complex eye-hand coordination .

  12. 面对卡特里娜飓风,特别是在新奥尔良引发的洪灾,FEMA协调能力差,反应速度慢,曾为此遭受了令其难堪的批评。

    FEMA came under withering criticism for its slow and poorly co-ordinated response to Katrina , particularly to the flooding of New Orleans .

  13. 与野生型小鼠相比S100B转基因小鼠表现出明显的进行性运动协调能力障碍。

    Compared with the wild type mice , S100B transgenic mice showed apparently progressive decline in motor coordination assessed by Rota-rod test .

  14. 本研究首次将pOCCs单层共培养体系引入猪卵母细胞IVM领域,对pOCCs单层在猪卵母细胞核质同步发育上的协调能力进行研究,并获得成功。

    It 's the first time for pOCCs monolayer to be studied in the co-culture IVM system of porcine oocytes .

  15. 指出FPC的加入可以增加电力系统的总阻尼,特别是机电模式的阻尼,并增强系统的阻尼协调能力。

    Research results indicate that the total damping of power system , especially the damping of the electromechanical mode , is increased with the FPC . And the ability to coordinate damping is enhanced by the FPC .

  16. 转杆实验、牵引实验和倾斜板实验表明,RTB在所给剂量下对小鼠的肌肉和运动协调能力没有明显损伤。

    The results from the rotarod test , the traction test , and the sloping panel test showed that RTB did not impair muscle and sports coordination of mice .

  17. 运用集群服务器的网格服务注册系统,从而解决传统的网格服务注册系统OGSATP5协调能力差的问题;根据层次分析法原理,设计该平台的全局工艺规划模块中MGRS的最佳性价比算法;

    The adoption of grid service registration system with cluster services to improve the corresponding of OGSA TP5 , the design of the best cost performance arithmetic of MGRS in GPP module ;

  18. 结果TFSB(30~300mg·kg-1)不影响自发活动,对戊巴比妥钠诱导睡眠时间和睡眠潜伏期无明显影响,对肌肉协调能力和运动协调能力没有显著影响(没有肌肉松驰作用)。

    Results : TFSB ( 30 ~ 300mg · kg-1 ) produced neither influence on latency time and sleeping time induced by Pentobarbital sodium and spontaneous activity nor muscle and motor coordination ( no relaxing muscle ) .

  19. 我认为这对我的协调能力有很大帮助。

    I think it is a great help to my coordination .

  20. 具有独立工作能力和良好的沟通协调能力,能经常出差。

    Good at communication and can work independently and travel constantly .

  21. 具有和团队工作和协调能力。

    Experience in the handling of working groups and activities coordination .

  22. 还有研究发现气功能改善身体协调能力、降低血压。

    Other studies have found improvements in balance and blood pressure .

  23. 良好的沟通与组织协调能力,主动性,责任心强。

    Good communication organization ability , initiative , sense of responsibility .

  24. 具有责任心,有良好的沟通能力和协调能力。

    Have strong responsibility and good ability on communication and coordination .

  25. 组织协调能力因子;论组织税收收入与依法治税的关系

    Relationship between Organizing Revenue and Administering Tax Revenue According to Law

  26. 较强的谈判和组织协调能力,能与客户建立良好的对话关系。

    Good negotiation and organization skill and found good cooperation relationship .

  27. 具有良好的综合协调能力和组织管理能力。

    With good command of coordination , organization and communication skills .

  28. 运用体操教学发展7~12岁儿童动作协调能力的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Coordinate Ability for 7-12 Year old Children in Gymnastics

  29. 这项训练特别针对改进加速,平衡和协调能力。

    This exercise particularly improves acceleration , balance and coordination .

  30. 手术室低年资护士应急协调能力的培训

    Cultivating Emergency and Coordination Capability for Junior Operating Room Nurses