
  • 网络negotiation
  1. 随着Internet的发展,传统的协商谈判模式正在逐渐向电子协商模式转变。

    With the developing of Internet , A variety of traditional negotiation models are gradually changing to electrical negotiation models .

  2. 此外,学生将学习考虑到可能导致协商谈判困难的文化差异。

    In addition , students will learn what make the difficulty of negotiation between cultures .

  3. 但该案中一名文物购买人拒绝参与协商谈判,民事诉讼陷入僵局,涉案的68件文物一直被英警方扣押。

    However , a local buyer of dozens of remaining relics refused to take part in negotiations , and the civil dispute dragged on after hitting a deadlock . The 68 relics remained impounded by British police .

  4. 10多年前,中国与东盟国家就已达成《南海各方行为宣言》(DOC),《宣言》规定,南海争议应由直接当事国通过协商谈判和平解决。

    More than 10 years ago , China and ASEAN countries signed the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea ( DOC ), which stipulates that the relevant disputes should be resolved peacefully through consultations and negotiations between the countries directly concerned .

  5. 技术转移协商谈判系统方法探讨

    A Study on Systematic Methodology of Negotiation in Technology Transfer

  6. 否则,在协商谈判开始前,你就已经失去了优势。

    Otherwise , you 've already lost the edge in a negotiation before it even began .

  7. 在这一过程中,相邻国家有必要通过协商谈判方式来划定边界。

    In this process , it is necessary for neighboring countries to delimit the boundary through peaceful negotiation .

  8. 这就是中方坚定致力于通过对话协商谈判解决伊朗核问题的原因。

    That 's why China is firmly committed to the solution of the issue through dialogue , consultation and negotiation .

  9. 通过协商谈判或提交国际法院裁判等渠道尽早划界是解决矛盾的理想办法。

    Negotiation or submitting it to the International Court is among the ideal solutions to eliminate the contradiction as early as possible .

  10. 本文在理论上,运用数学方法分析研究、构建电子商务交易协商谈判模型和协商策略;

    Mathematic method is applied in this paper to analyze , research and build up negotiation model and strategy of electronic commerce trade-off ;

  11. 通过一对一的协商谈判机制选择第三方物流服务商是企业物流外包的重要方式。

    Selecting the third party logistics outsourcing provider through " one to one " negotiation mechanism is a major way for logistics outsourcing .

  12. 研究表明,排行中间并不会令他们感情冷淡或孤独离群,相反,他们在家庭中所处的位置更有利于协商谈判和沟通交流能力的发展。

    Far from being apathetic or withdrawn , researchers found that a middle childs place in the family helps them develop negotiation and communication skills .

  13. 对抗只能带来紧张,战争更会造成灾难,所以平等对话、协商谈判才是正道。

    Confrontation will only bring tension and war will only cause disaster . Equal-footed dialogue , consultation and negotiation is the only right way forward .

  14. 世界各国在经过多年的协商谈判后,在1982年召开的联合国大会上共同创立联合国海洋公约,为解决类似上述事件的各国间的领海纷争提供了法律依据。

    Central to all efforts to disentangling such claims is the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea-created in1982 after years of international negotiations .

  15. 主要工作是运用运筹学和概率论的方法,寻找一种高效率的信息沟通规律,以建立一种自动协商谈判机制。

    Main task is to adopt operational research and probability theory to find a kind of effective information intercommunion law and establish a kind of automated negotiation mechanism .

  16. 双方领导人在包括通过平等基础上协商谈判来解决贸易纠纷等一系列事务中达成一致。

    Leaders of both sides have reached consensus on a broad range of issues , including resolving trade disputes through negotiation and consultation on the basis of equality .

  17. 首先论证了和解的启动主体、启动方式和条件,其次重点对和解的协商谈判过程进行了规制。

    At first , the start subject , start method , and condition of reconciliation are argued , and then the negotiation process of reconciliation is regulated mainly .

  18. 上述两种“清除”程序典型地引发了在管理和预算办公室工作人员与机关官员之间广泛的协商谈判,通常都可达成某种妥协办法。

    Both of these " clearance " procedures typically give rise to extensive negotiations between OMB staff and agency officials , and usually a compromise solution is reached .

  19. 争取在一个中国的原则基础上尽快恢复两岸协商谈判,解决两岸同胞关心的重大问题。

    We will work for the early resumption of cross-Straits negotiations on the basis of the one-China principle to address major issues of concern to compatriots on both sides .

  20. 最后提出了基于遗传算法的协商谈判策略,以提高消费者需求代理系统的协商能力。

    In order to improve the consumer demand proxy system , a negotiating model based on genetic algorithm to cope with trades in the web has already been put forward .

  21. 工资集体协商谈判是协调企业内部劳动关系的重要手段,工资协商的过程也就是劳资双方博弈的过程,因此,掌握必要的博弈知识,对正确认识工资协商的意义,提高协商的水平,十分有益。

    The collective consultation on wages is an important means in coordinating labor relations in enterprises . The course of it is a game between the parties to industrial relations .

  22. 中国奉行睦邻友好政策,也希望有关直接当事国遵守承诺,通过双边协商谈判妥善解领土问题。

    China is committed to developing friendly relations with its neighbors and hopes that the countries directly concerned will honor their commitments and properly resolve territorial issues through bilateral consultations and negotiations .

  23. 这三种方法包括,一是坚持由直接当事方通过协商谈判达成解决方案;二是继续落实《南海各方行为宣言》;三是积极探索“共同开发”。

    They include reaching agreement through consultation and negotiation between direct parties concerned , continuing to implement the Declaration of the Conduct of the South China Sea and searching for ways of common exploitation .

  24. 市场貌似已经等不到欧盟再召开宪政会议、无休止地辩论整合方案或者为条文内容协商谈判了,更何况迎接它们的永远只是议会的投票否决。

    Markets are unlikely to wait for the EU to call a constitutional convention , debate schemes for integration and negotiate a text , only to see it buffeted in parliamentary votes and referendums .

  25. 并且指出了解决这一争端的前提是坚持主权立场,谋求和平稳定,途径是双方协商谈判、和平解决,最后争取实现搁置争议、共同开发的科学解决办法。

    And pointes out the premise is to insist on sovereign rights , way is to negotiate and resolve peace fully , realizes " shelving the dispute , going in for joint development " finally .

  26. 协议转让方式的产权交易实质上是一个多轮讨价还价的过程,国有产权买卖双方根据自己的出价策略,在协商谈判的情况下确定成交价格。

    The negotiation transfer mode is essentially a bargaining process of several rounds . In the case of negotiation , the state-owned property rights buyers and sellers determine the transaction price according to their bidding strategies .

  27. 集体谈判权是指劳动者集体为保障自己的利益,通过工会或其代表与雇主就劳动和就业条件进行协商谈判,并签订集体合同的权利。

    Right of collective bargaining is owned collectively by labors who want to protect their interests and bargain with the employer on the work conditions and sign the collective labor contract by the labor union or their representatives .

  28. 不过这周有一项研究特别有意思,讲到脸比较肥大——呃,“富贵饱满”——的人,在协商谈判的时候具有优势。

    But I was particularly intrigued by a study out this week purporting to show that men with fat faces - ahem , " greater facial width-to-height ratios " - hold an advantage in negotiations with other men .

  29. 将传统的企业决策问题看作具有利益冲突情况下的非合作博弈问题,并提出群体协商谈判问题,即冲突条件下,不同利益集团之间在维持非合作竞争收益的前提下如何进行合作的问题。

    The traditional decision-making problem of enterprises is expanded to non-cooperation game with profit conflict condition , then to group negotiation problem . It is how to cooperate with each other while their non-cooperation profit not being cut down .

  30. 正是由于中国与周边国家凝聚起合作共赢的共识,共同营造了通过协商谈判处理分歧的良好氛围,东亚地区才有了今天的繁荣发展。

    Thanks to the common ground China reached with neighboring countries for cooperation and win-win progress , a sound atmosphere has been created for handling differences through negotiations and consultations , hence the prosperity and development of East Asia today .