
  • 网络Sales Negotiation
  1. 尽管如此,如今人情对中国销售谈判的影响逐渐减少。

    Despite the fact , the influence of renqing is decreasing in Chinese sales negotiation nowadays .

  2. 因为在真正的销售谈判中,可能会发生这样的情况:你的搭档出去透透气,一下之间,你只能和客户独处。

    This is because such a situation might occur during a real sales negotiation . You might suddenly be left alone with a client when your partner steps out for a short break .

  3. 销售、谈判和演讲培训人鲍勃•埃瑟林顿(BobEtherington)表示,自信可以决定你成功与否。

    Bob Etherington , a sales , negotiation and presentation trainer , says it can be the difference between success and failure .

  4. 有关销售的谈判用了很长时间。

    Negotiation of the sale took a long time .

  5. 苹果曾与中国移动就iphone销售问题进行谈判,但双方未能就收入分成达成一致。

    Apple held talks with China Mobile about potential iPhone distribution in the past , but the two could not agree on how to share revenues .

  6. Geronimo开发人员在与IBM关于销售Gluecode的谈判中花费了许多的时间,才解决了这些细节方面的问题。

    The Geronimo developers took as much time as needed to iron out these details in their negotiations with IBM for the sale of Gluecode .

  7. 能够操纵基本销售流程。谈判,价格核准,处理反对意见的能力都是技能的核心。

    Able to navigate the basic sales process . negotiation , cost justification , demonstration ability and objection handling are suggested core skills .

  8. 有关宝马2015年销售目标的谈判仍在继续,经销商辩称,鉴于中国经济增速放缓,2015年的销售目标定的过高。

    Talks are continuing over the German automaker 's 2015 sales target , which dealers argue has been set too high given slower economic growth in China .

  9. 在外界对此做出的诸多复杂的政治解释中,最为流行的一个说法是:逮捕这四人是为了报复力拓,因为它在去年与中国钢铁业就铁矿石销售展开的谈判中采取了强硬立场。

    Of many complex political explanations , the favourite is the allegation that the arrests were payback for Rio Tinto 's tough stance in talks on iron ore sales with the Chinese steel industry last year .

  10. 中国企业迟至7月仍与摇摇欲坠的卡扎菲政权就销售武器进行谈判,违背联合国决议,这对北京是一个巨大的难堪,北京方面在与取胜的利比亚反对派改善关系方面已经困难重重。

    The revelation that Chinese companies discussed selling weapons to the tottering regime as late as July , in contravention of UN resolutions , is hugely embarrassing for Beijing , which is already struggling to improve relations with the victorious rebels .

  11. 协助销售工程师进行商务谈判。

    Assist the sales engineers during business negotiations .

  12. 具有销售技巧和商业谈判技能。

    Sales know how and negotiation skills .

  13. 帮助销售工程师准备用于谈判的相关技术文件。

    Support the Sale Engineers on preparing all technical documents required for the technical argumentation , and final negotiation with clients .

  14. 关于补贴和销售目标的紧张谈判在每年年初都很常见,但中国经济增速放缓令谈判形势更为紧张。

    Tense negotiations over rebates and sales targets are common at the beginning of every year , but have been exacerbated by slowing economic growth in the world 's second-largest economy .

  15. 不过ATT和苹果之间的独家销售合同将于明年到期,据称目前两家公司正在就ATT继续保持独家销售权事宜展开谈判。

    As the exclusive contract between AT & T and Apple expires next year , the company is reportedly currently negotiating to retain the exclusive rights to Apple 's phone .