
  • 网络sale meeting;sales conference
  1. 参加公司召开的销售会议或组织的培训。

    Participant sales meeting or training courses arranged by the company .

  2. 对销售会议来说,两三个人就绰绰有余了。

    For a sales meeting , two or three people are more than enough .

  3. 那么准备好参加销售会议了吗

    Daniel : So ... ready for your big pitch meeting ?

  4. 很快就要召开销售会议了。

    We 've got a sales convention coming up shortly .

  5. 销售会议前后总是很忙乱。

    It 's always hectic around convention time .

  6. 他的销售会议确实很成功。

    His sales meeting really went over well .

  7. 所有参与销售会议的人,已经辛辛苦苦地工作了几个星期。

    Everyone connected with the sales convention has been working very hard for several weeks .

  8. 张三,李四,王二,你们对上周的销售会议怎么看?

    Hey , Sally , what did you think about the sales meeting last week ?

  9. 谁参加过销售会议?

    Does anyone attend the sales briefing ?

  10. 男:恐怕我们得把销售会议改到别的日期。

    Man : We 'll have to move the sales conference , I 'm afraid .

  11. 销售会议的日程安排制定后分发到所有与会者。

    An agenda should be compiled and distributed to all participants of the sales meeting .

  12. 销售会议结束后。

    Once the sales convention was over .

  13. 找你来,是想谈谈全国销售会议的事,他亮底道。

    " I wanted to see you about the national sales meeting ," he announced .

  14. 销售会议开得怎样?

    How was the marketing meeting ?

  15. 本次会议的目的是确定一下欧洲年度销售会议的细节。

    I 've called this meeting to fix the details for the Annual European Sales Conference .

  16. 为销售会议多做准备

    More Preparations for the Convention

  17. 安装壳体前先验证壳体校准销均已定位。为销售会议多做准备

    Verify that housing alignment dowels are in position before installing housing . More Preparations for the Convention

  18. 琼和希拉花了大半个上午为即将召开的销售会议起草日程表。

    June and Sheila spend much of the morning compiling a draft programme for the forthcoming sales convention .

  19. 所以你一边参加枯燥的季度销售会议,一边幻想海滩度假,也可以获得好评。

    So you can get credit for attending that boring quarterly sales meeting while also dreaming of a beach vacation .

  20. 第二天,我有幸参加了公司的销售会议,它让我受益良多。

    The next day I was given the opportunity to participate in the sales meeting , which I appreciated a lot .

  21. 你准备好这场销售会议上所需的材料了吗?&好了,我们去进行提案吧。

    You have all the materials ready for the sales meeting ? & yes . let 's go make the pitch .

  22. 销售会议结束后,我们下一个重要任务就是交易会了。

    The convention ended with a cocktail party . That our next important job once this convention is out of the way .

  23. 之后卢克的家教要来家里,45分有个销售会议,我还得送艾丽克斯去上柔道课。

    Then Luke 's tutor comes to the house , 45 sales meeting , and I still got to get Alex to judo .

  24. 是的,我明天要参加一个销售会议,如果可以的话,我想现在拿。

    That 's right , I 'm at a sales conference tomorrow , so I 'll take them with me now if I can .

  25. 我住在曼彻斯特,上周,我碰巧要和客户一起参加了他们在威尔士举行的销售会议。

    Although I 'm actually based in Manchester , last week I happened to be with some clients at their sales conference , which was being held in Wales .

  26. 一名微博名为“拉平均”的用户表示,许多学生以后都有可能参加销售会议,而一个人的酒量往往能够决定他的销售业绩。

    Many of students may go to sales meetings , and how much one can drink may decide how many deals he can seal , said Lapingjun , another Weibo user .

  27. 最好的点子不是产生在办公室里,而是在我们散步、在湖边举行销售会议和玩极限飞盘时出现。

    Spend More Time Outside We come up with our best ideas not in offices , but while we take walks , go out on the lake for sales board meetings , and play ultimate Frisbee .

  28. 我出席衍生品销售会议,会上没有花哪怕一分钟时间来讨论如何帮助客户,而仅仅讨论我们如何能够从客户身上赚取最多的利润。

    I attend derivatives sales meetings where not one single minute is spent asking questions about how we can help clients . Its purely about how we can make the most possible money off of them .

  29. 你的角色意味着你应该在销售会议上帮助支持你的老板,而不是当公司新的任务下来的时候,眼睛转来转去,哀叹连天,更不能向你的客户承诺一些生产商并不能提供的服务。

    Your role means supporting your boss in sales meetings , not rolling your eyes and sighing when the new demands come down from corporate , and not promising clients things that your production people can 't deliver .

  30. 联合国国际货物销售合同会议

    United Nations Conference on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods