
  1. 在多数消费者要预先付费来购买手机的市场,iPhone的昂贵价格抑制了销售。

    In markets where most consumers pay for the handset upfront , the iPhone 's big price tag damps sales .

  2. 污染越来越严重,然而政府却没有采取任何措施抑制机动车销售。

    E.g.The pollution is getting worse and worse , however , the government still doesn 't place a curb on motor vehicle purchase .

  3. 中国的银行存款实际利率为负值,而在北京方面抑制房产销售、且股市表现糟糕之际,其它投资渠道相当有限。

    Chinese bank deposits offer negative real interest rates , and other outlets for investment have been limited as Beijing has curbed property sales and the stock market has performed poorly .

  4. 尽管上述针对房地产市场的限制措施可能抑制了房产销售,但取消这些措施并不一定会使房地产市场重现昔日的繁荣。

    But while the restrictions may have damped property sales , removing them won 't necessarily restore the good old days .

  5. 印度和埃及也抑制了今年的销售以保障本地供应。

    India and Egypt have curbed sales this year to safeguard local supplies .