
  1. 而且,据报道,有些银行已经在测试一个与回购协议市场联动的利率。

    And some banks have reportedly been testing a rate linked to the market for repurchase agreements .

  2. 本文分别就银行间同业拆借市场、回购协议市场与票据市场围绕上述方面展开分析。

    The article launches analysis around above-mentioned respects on Call Market , Repurchase Agreements Market , Note Market separately .

  3. 强制要约制度与中小投资者保护&基于我国上市公司协议收购市场反应的实证研究

    Mandatory Bid Rule and Minority Shareholders Protection : & An Empirical Research of Negotiated Trades of Corporate Control

  4. 企业间达成卡特尔协议是市场经济中一种重要的限制竞争的行为,为各国竞争政策所规制。

    Cartel agreement between enterprises is an important restrictive behavior in market-economy-oriented economy , which is strictly regulated by competition policies in various countries , with no exception to Chinese Anti-Monopoly Draft .

  5. 中国加入WTO之后,根据《服务贸易总协定》和新的金融服务协议,资本市场上首先开放的就是投资银行业。

    After China 's entry into WTO , according to the General Agreement on Trade and Service and the new Finance Service Agreement , the first open financial industry is investment bank industry .

  6. 从垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位、经营者集中三个方面详细说明了ICT产业反垄断政策应该如何做出调整。

    He described how to make adjustments in the antitrust policy of ICT industry from three aspects of monopoly agreements , abuse of market dominance , concentration of business operators . 5 .

  7. 世界黄金协会的央行及公共政策事务董事总经理纳塔莉登普斯特(NatalieDempster)表示,新协议对黄金市场是重大利好消息。

    Natalie Dempster , managing director for central banks and public policy at the World Gold Council , said the new agreement was extremely positive news for the gold market .

  8. 房东可以按协议过的市场价出租房子。

    The landlord can let at an agreed market rent .

  9. 非流通股协议转让的市场效率研究

    The Market Efficiency Research on Noncirculating Stock Negotiated Transition

  10. 但如果不能达成协议,金融市场不会恐慌吗?

    But would the financial markets not panic at a failure to agree a deal ?

  11. 国有股协议转让的市场定价机制探索房地产品牌之路探索

    An Exploration of the Market Pricing Mechanism for the Transfer of State-owned Shares by Agreement

  12. 《新巴塞尔协议》的市场约束监管与货币政策传导的信贷渠道

    The Market Discipline in the Basel II and the Credit Channel of the Monetary Policy Transmission

  13. 人们对于美国的信心将会动摇,而期待达成协议的金融市场也会出现动荡。

    Confidence in the US will be shaken and the financial markets which expect a deal will quake .

  14. 反垄断法主要规制联合限制竞争协议、滥用市场优势地位和企业结合。

    Antimonopoly law mainly regulate the united restrict competition agreement , abusive market dominant place and combination of enterprises .

  15. 一般情况下,反垄断法将垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位、经营者集中等行为作为规制的重点。

    Typically , antitrust law has regulations about monopoly agreement , abuse of a dominant market position and concentration of business operators .

  16. 印度《竞争法》的规制对象包括限制竞争协议、滥用市场支配地位和企业联合行为三种。

    The India Competition Act mainly has three regulating objects , namely , anti-competition agreements , abuse of dominant position and anti-competitive combinations .

  17. 这些机构投资中国银行间债券、以及回购协议等货币市场工具时,不再需要特许证。

    These institutions no longer require licences to invest in Chinese interbank bonds , as well as money market instruments such as repurchase agreements .

  18. 这是第一次由多个行业达成的协议,运用市场体系来减少工业气体排放。

    This is the first time that businesses operating in more than one industry have agreed to use a market-based system to reduce industrial gas emissions .

  19. 过渡期结束后,仍未签署《主协议》的市场参与者,不得进行新的金融衍生产品交易。

    A market participant who still does not sign the Master Agreement after the close of the transition period , shall not conduct any new transaction of financial derivatives .

  20. 一个国际监管机构的主要事务应是监督协议,促进市场化体系中的自由资本流动,而不是恢复40年前那样对全球经济的管制。

    The principal activities of an international regulator should be to monitor agreements and promote free capital flows in a market-based system , not to re-regulate the global economy as it was 40 years ago .

  21. 中印两国新制度的建立都经历了漫长的协商过程,以欧盟模式为广泛基础,涵盖了反竞争协议、滥用市场支配地位和合并管制这三大支柱。

    The new regimes in each country were developed after lengthy consultation and are broadly based on the EU model , spanning the three main pillars of anti-competitive agreements , abuse of dominance and merger control .

  22. 据悉,《指南》将针对与知识产权有关的垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位和经营者集中等行为,细化《反垄断法》相关条款,特别是对于何种情形可以主张豁免给出具体指引。

    Targeting monopoly agreements related to IPR , abuse of market dominance and concentration of undertakings , the guidelines aim to detail relevant provisions of the Anti-Monopoly Law and offer guidance on when one can claim an exemption .

  23. 但当它妨碍了竞争,它不仅是对知识产权的滥用,而且还会落入反垄断法适用的范围,即可能构成限制竞争协议或滥用市场支配地位。

    Since it hinders the competitions , not only intellectual property rights might be abused but also the agreement in restraint of competition or the abuse of market-dominant position will be formed . It violates the anti-monopoly law .

  24. 但问题并不仅限于此,由于纵向垄断协议与滥用市场支配地位大都是在上下游企业之间发生的垄断行为,所以难免出现相互重合、交叉的问题。

    Because vertical monopoly agreements and the abuse of a dominant position both are monopolized activities between upstream and downstream firms , it is unavoidable to come up over-lapped problems . There are maybe two different kinds of affirmations for the same action .

  25. 在三大垄断行为(垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位、经营者集中)中,垄断协议的隐蔽性最高、危害最大,因而使执法机构对其调查处理的启动、结案也最为困难。

    In these three monopolistic conducts ( Monopoly Agreement , Abuse of Dominant Market Status , and Concentration of Business Operators ), " Monopoly Agreement " has the largest threat to the market competition order and the highest difficulty to be investigated or punished by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency .

  26. WTO金融服务协议与中国金融市场开放

    Finance Service Agreement of WTO and Opening Chinese Finance Service Market

  27. tmt异常严重地参与了远期运费协议(ffa)市场,以调整未来的货运成本。

    TMT is unusually heavily involved in the paper forward freight agreement ( FFA ) market for future freight costs .

  28. 分析了公用交换电话网络工作原理,分析了在因特网和基于IP的数据网上传送语音业务技术的协议标准及其在市场应用方面的优势,并给出了一个VoIP组网模型。

    This paper describes the principles of PSTN and analyzes the technology of Voice over IP . The paper also gives the advantage of VoIP in market application , including a VoIP model for discussion .

  29. 另外,美联储(fed)提供了支持,它决定与4个新兴市场国家韩国、新加坡、巴西和墨西哥签订货币互换额度协议,向这些市场注入巨额美元流动性。

    Moreover , the US Federal Reserve has provided support with its decision to establish currency swap lines with four emerging markets South Korea , Singapore , Brazil and Mexico to inject large amounts of dollar liquidity into these markets .

  30. 代理协议所包括的市场详列在附件中

    The markets covered by the agency agreement are listed in the appendix