
  • 网络collaborative logistics management
  1. 装配型企业网络化协同物流管理决策支持系统研究

    One Kind of Decision-Making Support System of Networked Collaborative Logistics Management for Assembly Manufactory

  2. 在上述体系结构研究的基础之上,建立了装配型企业网络化协同物流管理决策支持系统实现的技术框架,该框架包括总体技术、专题技术、支撑技术等三个部分;

    Based on what is mentioned above , the technology architecture for implementation is proposed . The architecture consists of systemic technology , special technology and supporting technology .

  3. 虚拟库存管理及协同物流配送管理系统研究

    Research on System Management of Virtual Inventory and Collaborative Logistics

  4. 同时,实行虚拟库存和协同物流配送管理也是物流企业管理信息化的一个重要组成部分。

    Meanwhile , the realization of virtual inventory and collaborative distribution is an impertinent part of the information-based management of logistics companies .

  5. 节点企业的组织结构特征是否符合供应链合作关系的要求,决定了物流等职能活动之间的协同程度,以及物流管理效率的高低,并最终影响着供应链合作绩效。

    Whether the characteristics of the organization structure accord with the demands of the supply chain cooperation , decides ultimately the coordination and composition of the activities among different logistics functions , the efficiency of the logistics management , and the overall achievements of the supply chain cooperation .

  6. 本文介绍了基于协同供应链的物流信息系统内涵,并分别叙述基于互联网的协同物流、知识管理和虚拟企业等关键技术在现代物流系统中的作用、功能和发展趋势。

    The concept of Collaborative Supply Chain ( CSC ) is proposed in this paper . The key technique of collaborative logistics , knowledge management and virtual enterprise are described respectively .

  7. 首先,分析了协同、虚拟企业及多Agent系统理论对物流系统的指导作用,运用协同学自组织原理解释了协同物流和协同物流管理的内涵及特点并且提出了协同物流管理的实施框架。

    First , applying theory of synergy , virtual enterprise and multi-agent system , we analyse their instructional effect on logistics system , applying theory of synergetics and self-organization , explain connotation and characteristic of synergetic logistics and synergetic logistics management and raise a implementary framework of synergetic logistics management .