
  • 网络group discussion
  1. 通过模拟实验的方法,探讨了团体决策支持系统(GDSS)和团体讨论对团体决策的影响。

    A small group decision making task was used to explore the role of Group Decision Support System ( GDSS ) and group discussion during the process of group judgement .

  2. 方法:对实验组及其所在班级学生进行引入系统式家庭治疗的理念进行干预,包括进行团体咨询活动10次,通过游戏、角色扮演、团体讨论和头脑风暴等方式进行。

    METHODS : The idea of systematic family therapy was introduced into the experiment group , including 10 times of group counseling , which were carried out by games , role-playing , group discussion , brain-storming etc.

  3. 我们与两个从东南亚迁来美国的团体讨论过这个问题:

    And we discussed this issue with two groups that have been coming to the USA from Southeast Asia :

  4. 除了把报告书在网上发放外,政府乐意和有兴趣的团体讨论扩阔税基的各个可行方案。

    Apart from uploading the report on the internet , the government is prepared to discuss with interested parties viable options for broadening the tax base .

  5. 而在这个较小的团体讨论促进经济增长的最佳途径时,欧盟的一些大型经济体会缺席会议,无法对讨论施加影响。

    And when this smaller group discussed how best to promote economic growth , some big EU economies would be absent and unable to influence the discussion .

  6. 在探索研究阶段,本研究进行与高阶专业经理人的焦点团体讨论,以藉此研究方法确认对协同式新产品开发成功有所帮助的服务。

    At the exploratory study stage , we will invite several senior managers to conduct a focus group study for identifying the services that are critical to successful collaborative NPD practice .

  7. AspectJ主页:浏览文档,获得最新的消息,下载或者加入AspectJ团体的讨论中。

    The AspectJ homepage : Browse the documentation , get the latest news and downloads or join the AspectJ community .

  8. AJDT主页:下载最新版本,查看版本的更新内容或者参与团体的讨论中。

    The AJDT homepage : Download the latest version , find out what 's new or get involved in the community .

  9. 我感激这次能来参加这个神圣的团体并讨论国家经济状态。

    And I appreciate the opportunity to come and discuss the state of the financial situation with such an august group .

  10. 他说,我的很多同僚以及我本人都很乐意讨论这个问题,但我从未收到过来自任何同性恋权益游说团体要求讨论这个问题的诉求。

    ' Many of my colleagues and I are open to discussing the issue , but I have never received any request from the gay rights lobbying groups to have a discussion , ' he said .

  11. 声明补充称,与包括Libor使用者在内的利益团体的技术讨论将很快开始。

    It added that a technical discussion with interested groups including users of the rate will begin shortly .

  12. 敏捷测试团体一直在讨论从瀑布开发转向增量开发的运动,以及如何处理他们在此期间遇到的一些问题。

    The Agile Testing group have been discussing the move from Waterfall to Iterative development , and how to handle some of the problems they encounter .

  13. 一些知名的医学团体已经在讨论是否要降低公认的可独立存活胎龄,目前绝大多数医学专家引用的是24周。

    Leading medical groups had already been discussing whether to lower the consensus on the age of viability , now cited by most medical experts as 24 weeks .

  14. 第一层由二、三章构成,从信徒个体处境及团体处境角度展开讨论。

    The first layer is made up of the second and third chapter . The two chapters adopt different Perspectives , the individual situation and group situation .

  15. 甚至在撰写说明书或标准时,你也可以添加视觉材料,比如工业团体商标,与讨论相关的数学公式。

    Even if you 're writing about specifications or standards , you can add visuals : the logo of an industry group , for example , or a mathematical formula that 's relevant to the discussion .

  16. 群众团体的工作,应由群众团体自己去讨论和执行。

    The work of a mass organization should be discussed and performed by the organization itself .

  17. 渔护署将于9月3日约见本港关注动物福利团体,就本港动物福利,与各团体进行交流讨论。

    The AFCD will meet with animal welfare concern groups on 3 September to exchange views on thoughts on animal welfare review .