
  • 网络Team Leader;Team leadership;group leader;Teamleader
  1. 另外一个例子:一个团队领导可以实例化一个工作项模板来创建工作项,以启动与实现一个用户故事(userstory)/用例(Usecase)相关的任务。

    Another example : a team leader might instantiate a work item template to create work items to start the tasks related to implement a user story ( use case ) .

  2. 首席执行官或团队领导应该有强势的最后拍板权。

    The CEO or the team leader should have strong and ultimate authority .

  3. 您需要将这个工作条目分配给团队领导,John,这样就可以将OwnedBy区域更改为John。

    You need to assign this work item to the team lead , John , so change the Owned By field to John .

  4. 蓝色巨人(IBM别称)受益于其企业文化和价值观,而这两点长期以来一直都有助于推行团队领导。

    Big blue is buoyed by its corporate culture and values , which for a long time have been conducive to team leadership .

  5. 我更希望先谈谈业务需求,但是绝大多数SOA计划由IT团队领导的,而不是被与IT团队协作的业务团队领导的。

    As much as I 'd like to focus first on business requirements , most SOA initiatives are led by IT rather than by the business team in collaboration with IT .

  6. 新成立的美国公司将为BP所有,但该公司将与公司其余部分分开运营,由单独的管理团队领导,并从2015年起单独发布财报。

    BP will own the US unit , but it will operate separately from the rest of the company , be led by a separate management team and publish separate financials from 2015 .

  7. 从一个开发团队领导或项目经理的角度来看,理想的SCCM解决方案必须

    From a Development Team Lead / Project Manager perspective , the ideal SCCM solution must

  8. 在LinkedIn网站上,人们会贴出各种关于自己的无关紧要的信息(包括他们是否拥有所谓的跨部门团队领导能力这种技能),但他们从来不会提及自己的年龄。

    On LinkedIn people post all sorts of irrelevant information about themselves – including whether they possesses a skill called cross-functional team leadership – but they never state their age .

  9. 在此之前,他曾在IBM内部的几个产品领域中工作,担任过架构师、设计师、团队领导和开发人员,他的工作涵盖各种IBM产品,包括IntegratedSolutionsConsole、TivoliPresentationServices以及多个Tivoli解决方案。

    Prior to these activities he worked in several product areas within IBM as architect , designer , team lead , and developer on a variety of IBM products including the Integrated Solutions Console , Tivoli Presentation Services , and multiple Tivoli solutions .

  10. 在LinkedIn网站上,人们会贴出各种关于自己的无关紧要的信息(包括他们是否拥有所谓的“跨部门团队领导能力”这种“技能”),但他们从来不会提及自己的年龄。

    On LinkedIn people post all sorts of irrelevant information about themselves - including whether they possesses a " skill " called " cross-functional team leadership " - but they never state their age .

  11. 社区表示非常理解,而且gwt-ext的其他团队领导也已经成长起来并做了很出色工作。

    The community has been very understanding and the other team leaders of gwt-ext have also stepped up and done a great job .

  12. QCon的目标是为软件开发提供技术架构、团队领导和项目管理等深入技术内容的会议。

    QCon is a conference aimed at providing technical architects , team leads , and project management with deep technical content aimed at perfecting your software development craft .

  13. 在故事中,主管Janice和她的团队领导讨论了他们现在做的工作和他们认为公司中(不仅仅是他们这个团队)有可能需要做的工作。

    In the story Janice , the manager and her team leads discuss the work they do now and other work that they think needs to happen in the company ( even outside of their group ) .

  14. 研究型大学创新团队领导问题探析

    Study on the Leadership of Innovative Research Team in Research Universities

  15. 相反地,也许成功完全取决于有效的团队领导?

    Conversely , maybe success depends completely on effective team leadership .

  16. 项目管理员或团队领导对交付项目负责。

    Project manager or team lead Responsible for delivering the project .

  17. 从团队领导到团队决策是一个大的飞跃。

    Going from team leadership to team decision-making is a big leap .

  18. 团队领导的职能、决定因素及有效性

    The Functions , Determinants and Effectiveness of Team Leadership

  19. 授权项目经理和团队领导在不影响模式的情况下配置项目

    Empower project managers and team leads to configure projects without impacting the schema

  20. 团队领导行为能力指标与团队绩效无明显相关性。

    The type of team leader behavior has no significant effect on team efficiency .

  21. 高层管理团队领导特质与公司国际化关系实证研究

    An Empirical Investigation of Relationships between Top Management Team Guidance Characteristics and Firm Internationalization

  22. 在小项目或部分大项目中扮演技术性的团队领导的角色。

    Act as technical team leader on small projects or portions of larger projects .

  23. 良好的团队领导能力及沟通技巧。

    Good team-building leadership and communication skill .

  24. 团队领导行为对团队效能影响之研究

    Impact of Transformational Leadership on Team Effectiveness

  25. 最后论文给出了创业团队领导的综合模型。

    Finally , an integrated model of leadership process upon entrepreneurial teams is given here .

  26. 他们想让我们完成些烦人的团队领导任务,然后再说些大话。

    They re going to make us do crappy leadership tasks and all that malarkey .

  27. 团队领导:路线很重要

    Leadership : route is very important

  28. 贵公司是否正在招聘具有很强项目管理和团队领导能力的电讯经理?

    Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership ?

  29. 团队领导这个角色明显缺席,这要求团队做到自组织。

    Noticeably absent is the role of Team Leader ; the team is expected to self-organize .

  30. 管理多个项目和环境的项目团队领导需要使他们的工作变得更轻松的功能。

    Project team leaders who manage multiple projects and environments need features that make their jobs easier .