
  1. 结构方程模型结果表明:变革型领导、交易型领导与团队情绪智力显著相关。

    Transformational leadership and transactional leadership correlated with group emotional intelligence significantly .

  2. 团队情绪与团队效能也存有相关性。

    Team emotion is positive related with team effectiveness .

  3. 结果显示,扩展-拓性互动确实是团队情绪影响团队绩效的关键机制。

    The results showed that broadening-and-building interactions were indeed the key mechanism that explained the relationship between a group emotion of joy and group effectiveness .

  4. 事实上,创业团队情绪的好坏对于创业绩效有着重要的影响作用,良好的创业团队情绪能够使新创企业在激烈的竞争中取得优势地位。

    In fact , the quality of entrepreneurial team mood plays important impacts on entrepreneurial performance and good entrepreneurial team mood gives the new ventures a competitive edge over other ones without it .

  5. 有时,团队成员情绪低落,需要提振精神的时候,他们就会来一个“集体拥抱”。

    Sometimes when a group of people or a team is down and they need to cheer1 themselves2 up they have a " group hug3 " .

  6. 团队的情绪发生了变化;积极性似乎在降低,团队成员变回了原来的角色,他们讽刺地称呼这种角色为“Francis大人的仆人”。

    The mood of the Team shifted ; motivation seemed to go down , and Team members seemed to be reverting to their previous role , what they used to sarcastically call " servants-of-Francis-the-Great " .

  7. 如果团队的情绪不佳,这将直接影响到顾客。

    If the mood of the organisation isn 't good , then that impacts directly on the customers .

  8. 在高管团队整体情绪智力形成过程中同样存在一把手效应。

    There is also a " top leader effect " in the formation of TMT overall emotional intelligence .

  9. 高管团队整体情绪智力不是一把手领导和团队成员情绪智力的简单相加或平均,而是一把手领导和团队成员共同作用的结果。

    TMT overall emotional intelligence is not simple addition or average of emotional intelligence of top leaders and team members , but the result of the combination of top leaders and team members .

  10. 团队成员个体情绪智力高,有利于形成高团队情绪智力,但不是绝对的,更多地还要依靠一把手的领导和协调。

    High emotional intelligence of team members may bring high emotional intelligence teams , but not absolutely , it is more rely on leadership and coordination of top leaders . 2 .

  11. 任何时候企业都不喜欢团队中有抱怨情绪的员工。

    When companies do not like any team has complained that the staff of the existence of emotions .

  12. 文章最后论述了本研究对团队理论研究、个体情绪和团队情绪理论研究的贡献,以及未来的研究方向。

    This research discuss the theoretical contributions of the research to group , individual emotions , and group emotions literatures , as well as the future research directions .

  13. 团队一把手、成员及团队整体的情绪智力越高,团队情感冲突越低;团队一把手领导和团队整体情绪智力高也会降低团队由于认知异同而带来的冲突。

    The higher the emotional intelligence of top leaders , team members and overall teams , the lower the emotional conflict . The high emotional intelligence of top leaders and overall teams is also conducive to reducing the conflicts caused by different cognition .

  14. 团队中不同的冲突类型会对团队情绪造成影响。

    Different kind of conflicts in teams results in different team emotion .

  15. 团队中任务冲突构成比例高,团队情绪较好;反之,团队中关系冲突构成比例高,团队情绪较差。

    Higher proportional task conflict composition leads to better team emotion , but higher proportional relationship conflict composition leads to worse one .

  16. 在管理实践中,管理者通常关注的是创业团队的有形结构而忽视了创业团队情绪这一无形结构。

    In the practice of management , managers always focus their attention on the visible structure of entrepreneurial team instead of the visible structure , that is , entrepreneurial team mood .

  17. 团队沟通公开性越强,目标相似性越高,团队越倾向合作性冲突管理方式。团队情绪氛围也对冲突管理方式的选择产生影响。

    Higher openness and mutuality of goals lead to cooperative conflict management . The same selection results from better team emotion .

  18. 情绪智力对高管团队冲突具有显著影响,在认知冲突向情感冲突转化的过程中,一把手领导和团队整体的情绪智力起部分中介作用。

    Emotional intelligence has significant influence on TMT conflict and conflict management . In the transforming process of cognitive conflict to emotional conflict , the emotional intelligence of top leader and team plays a partial mediating role .