
  • 网络Group health insurance
  1. 平安保险公司团体健康保险产品策略研究

    The Study of Products Strategy of Group Health Insurance of PICA

  2. 我国人口老年化的加剧以及2004年底我国保险市场完全对外开放;在这些因素共同影响下,使团体健康保险成为理论和实务界倍受关注的焦点问题。

    The population old age trend turn worse in our country and our country 's insurance industry opens completely at the end of 2004 , the group health insurance become the focus of theories and the practice fields .

  3. 同样必要的是,创造各种途径,让人们在工作场所以外也能获得团体健康保险。

    So is creating ways for people to access group health coverage outside the workplace .

  4. 品牌化目标强调通过差异化的产品和服务,塑造团体健康保险的品牌形象。

    Brand goal emphasize through products and service of difference , mould group brand image of health insurance .

  5. 为此,平安团体健康保险应主要采取以品牌化为目标的创新策略。

    For this reason , safe group 's health insurance should take taking brand as goal innovative tactics mainly .

  6. 究其原因,在于团体健康保险成本未能得到有效控制,因此,当前需要解决的迫切问题是团体健康保险的成本控制。

    Investigate its reason , lie in the group health insurance cost 's can not get the valid control , therefore , the urgent problem need to resolve at present is the cost control of the group health insurance .

  7. 其结果不但团体健康保险产品种类少,价格偏高,现有的市场需求得不到有效满足,而且赔付率高,整个团体健康保险市场基本处于亏损状态。

    Its result in not only product category is limited , the price is higher , the existing market demand can not be met , but also the rate of compensation is high , the whole industry is totally in the state of poor performance .