
  • 网络investment insurance;vul;investment contract
  1. 通过对投资型保险投资风险和投保人弱势地位的分析,研究投资型保险投保人投资利益保护的必要性,来论证为什么要保护投资利益。

    Meanwhile , the analysis of investment risk investment insurance , investment insurance policyholders of the need to protect the interests of investors .

  2. 论投资型保险及其对我国保险业的影响

    Investment-style Insurance and Its Influence on Chinese Insurance Industry

  3. 再根据这些产品关键因素,建议寿险公司应该如何在这些产品关键因素上去作努力,以提升投资型保险商品的竞争力。

    Then , based on these key product factors , suggestions are provided for insurance companies to promote Investment-Oriented Insurance product in efficiency .

  4. 对于如何保护投资型保险中投保人的投资利益,笔者主张从微观的权利义务设定和宏观保险监管两个方面探讨其法律保护路径和体系。

    For investment-type insurance policy holders of the investment interests , the author advocates the right to protection from the micro and macro aspects of the insurance regulatory path and means of legal protection .

  5. 投资型保险是有别于传统型保险的新型保险产品,集保险保障与投资收益功能于一身,相应的,其应适用特别的保险法律制度。

    Investment-oriented Insurance deemed as a new insurance product has both the function of safeguarding and investing , and is very different from the Traditional Insurance . Therefore , special legal system shall be applied .

  6. 投资型保险契约之投资资产,非各该投资型保险之受益人不得主张,亦不得请求扣押或行使其它权利。

    With respect to the invested assets of an investment-linked insurance contract , persons other than the beneficiary shall not lay any claim thereto , nor shall they demand attachment or exercise any other rights .

  7. 作为众多险种之一的投资型保险产品,将保险保障功能和投资功能相结合,保险公司和客户风险共担,利益共享的险种,在保险业中占据一定地位。

    Investment and insurance product , as of the insurance types , combines insurance and investment function . The insurance company and customer risk sharing , and Shared interests cover It plays a certain role in insurance industry .

  8. 本文先予分析投资型保险之产生缘由、定义和特征,指出我国目前保险市场存在的两种主要投资型保险品种:投资连结保险和万能保险。

    Firstly , this thesis indicates that two major Investment-oriented Insurances named Investment-linked Life Insurance and Universal Life Insurance exist in the current insurance market in China , with analyzing the reasons of appearance , definitions and characters of Investment-oriented Insurance .

  9. 在现代保险中投资分红型保险已经逐渐取代年金保险。

    In contemporary insurance investment share out bonus insurance has replaced pension insurance gradually .

  10. 认清人寿保险信托与投资连接型保险的区别有利于投资者善加利用人寿保险信托,并按照投资者的意愿不折不扣地为自己及亲人提供理财帮助。

    Clear understanding of the distinction between life insurance trust and investment-type insurance will help investors make good use of life insurance trust . 3 .

  11. 本文从流动性本质出发,提出公司流动性本质上是提供一种灵活性,而这种灵活性又可以分为投资型灵活性和保险型灵活性两种。

    With the discussion of the essence of liquidity first , this paper shows that corporate liquidity is to provide flexibility which include investment flexibility and insurance flexibility .