
  • 网络Investment Banking Business;corporated investment banking
  1. 美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)驻伦敦北欧公司和投行业务副主席哈里縠德维克(HarriSundvik)要他的助理把健身计划像会议一样放入每天的日志中,这样它们就不会从他的时间表上被挤掉了。

    Harri Sundvik , vice-chairman of Nordic corporate and investment banking at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in London , asks his PA to put workouts into his diary as meetings so that they are not crowded out in his schedule .

  2. 假如你是WilsonFeng,今年40岁,身为美林中国投行业务负责人,是家族的骄傲,而且明显拥有远大的未来。

    You are40 years old , head of China investment banking for Merrill Lynch , the pride of your family and clearly destined for greatness .

  3. 瑞信(creditsuisse)已把投行业务“圈护”起来。

    Credit Suisse has ring fenced its investment bank .

  4. 中国银行(BankofChinaLtd.)是中国债券发行市场的重要角色,投行业务收入的排名也上升了三个名次,位列第九。

    Bank of China Ltd. , a debt powerhouse in China , also moved up three spots to ninth in the rankings for investment-banking revenues .

  5. 正是这一逻辑,确保了美国《1933年银行法》(usbankingactof1933)做出明确隔离吸收存款的商业银行与投机性投行业务的规定。

    It was this logic that ensured a clear separation in the US banking act of 1933 between deposit-taking commercial banks and the speculative investment banking business .

  6. 此外,摩根大通昨天宣布,前投行业务共同负责人史蒂夫布莱克(steveblack)将成为集团副董事长。

    Separately , JPMorgan yesterday announced that Steve black , the former co-head of the investment bank , would become a vice-chairman .

  7. 不过,温特斯与另一位投行业务联席首席执行官史蒂夫布莱克(steveblack)表示,该公司从过去的事故中汲取了教训。

    But Mr winters , and his co-chief executive at the investment bank , Steve black , say it has learnt from those past accidents .

  8. 随着首次公开发行(ipo)和杠杆融资业务的滑坡,各银行也在对投行业务部门的员工人数进行内部调整。

    Banks are also re-allocating staffing levels within investment banking , following the downturn in initial public offerings and leveraged finance business .

  9. 从花旗(Citigroup)身上,我们看到,更多迹象显示,眼下投行业务的情况到底有多么的糟糕。

    More evidence for just how bad the investment banking business is emerged from Citigroup ( c ) .

  10. 今年迄今为止,美国银行(BankofAmerica)、德意志银行、瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)和瑞士银行(UBS)都已任命了各自投行业务的新主管。

    So far this year , Bank of America ( BAC ) , Deutsche , Credit Suisse and UBS have all named new heads of their investment banks .

  11. 因此,江西省G银行提出了投行业务在促进全行业务增长方式转变和业务发展转型等方面的重要意义。

    Therefore , the G bank in Jiangxi province points out that the investing banking business plays an great role to promote the transformation of business development mode of our whole bank .

  12. 随着瑞银(UBS)退出全方位服务的投行业务,这家德国银行想要获益于后雷曼时代的最新一轮行业整合。

    Now , as UBS retreats from full-service investment banking , the German bank wants to capitalise on the latest round of post-Lehman sector consolidation .

  13. 曾与雷曼竞争投行业务、并有过类似融资需求的高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)表示,他们从未利用此类交易。

    Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley , which competed with Lehman in investment banking and had similar funding needs , said they had never used such transactions .

  14. 2009年,亚太地区产生了160亿美元的投行业务收入,BCG预计这一数字到2014年将升至360亿美元。

    In 2009 , the region generated $ 16bn in investment banking revenue , and the consultancy expects the figure to reach $ 36bn by 2014 .

  15. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)在华关键投行业务合伙人即将辞去其在双方合资公司里的全职职务,以便将主要精力放在成立一只中国国内私人股本基金方面。

    Goldman Sachs ' key banking partner in China is to relinquish his full-time duties at their joint venture to focus on establishing a domestic private equity fund .

  16. 另一个主要问题是投行业务。《巴塞尔协议III》(BaselIII)国际规则将意味着,对于一些交易业务,除了最大的几家投行外,所有其他投行的回报率都会降低。

    The other main area of concern is investment banking , where Basel III international rules are expected to mean lower returns for all but the biggest in some trading businesses .

  17. 根据重组计划,自1979年就进入摩根大通的史丹利将接管投行业务,而另一联席主管史蒂夫布兰克(steveblack)成为该部门的执行主席。

    Under the reshuffle , Mr Staley , who has been at JPMorgan since 1979 , will take over the investment bank while Steve black , the other co-head , becomes executive chairman of the unit .

  18. 自美联储前主席保罗沃克尔(paulvolcker)于1987年卸任并投身投行业务以来,演讲在美国已成为一桩大生意。

    Public speaking has become a huge business in the US since the previous Fed chairman , Paul Volcker , left office in 1987 and went into investment banking .

  19. 与拥有庞大投行业务的其它银行集团一样,rbs正在调整自己的业务结构,以应对萎靡不振的市场与银行业监管的收紧。

    RBS , like other banking groups with sizeable investment banks , is reshaping its business in response to sluggish markets and tighter regulation across the sector .

  20. 前几年,由于并购和ipo活动的减少,投行业务不太强劲,我们的雇员数量反映出该行业当前的状况。

    There were several years recently where the banking business was not as robust due to a decline in M & A and IPO activity , and our staffing levels reflected what was happening in the industry .

  21. 高管猎头和市场情报机构optionsgroup的首席执行官兼创始合伙人迈克尔卡普(michaelkarp)表示,从招聘活动来看,大宗经纪业务是最热门的投行业务领域之一。

    Michael Karp , chief executive and founding partner of the options group , an executive search and market intelligence business , says prime brokerage is one of the hottest areas of investment banking in terms of recruitment activity .

  22. 但是温特斯离职的时机和出乎意料的性质,引发了一些问号。去年是摩根大通投行业务创纪录的一年,还成功地整合了贝尔斯登(BearStearns)。

    But the timing and unexpected nature of Mr Winters ' departure , which follows a record year for JPMorgan 's investment bank and the successful integration of Bear Stearns , raised questions over the move .

  23. 它大幅削减一度兴盛的投行业务,并出售其私人银行Coutts的国际部门。

    It has drastically cut back its once mighty investment bank and is selling the international part of its Coutts private bank .

  24. 法国兴业银行(SociétéGénérale)公司和投行业务分析师史蒂芬•赖特曼(StephenReitman)表示,外国车企在保护自己的知识产权方面一直做得不错。

    Stephen Reitman , analyst at Soci é t é G é n é rale Corporate & Investment Banking , said foreign carmakers had been good at protecting their intellectual property .

  25. 在上周委任驻伦敦的尼克•罗(NickRoe)担任其主要金融业务的负责人之后,花旗集团的投行业务现有9位全球业务负责人或联席负责人驻扎伦敦。

    After last week 's appointment of London-based Nick Roe as head of its prime finance business , Citigroup 's investment bank has nine heads or co-heads of global businesses in London .

  26. 野村控股(nomura)将严控其全球投行业务,此前监管机构对该行施压,要求针对一起破坏性较大的内幕交易丑闻清洗高级管理层。

    Nomura is to rein in its global investment banking operations after regulators pressured the bank to purge top management in the wake of a damaging insider trading scandal .

  27. 在苏格兰皇家银行增强其投行业务时,santander银行则坚持致力于零售银行业务,在拉美和美国进行扩张。

    RBS was building up its investment banking business while Santander had stuck to retail banking , expanding in Latin America and the US .

  28. 摩根士丹利驻亚太地区的投行业务负责人金仕浦(MatthewGinsburg)表示:就员工总数而言,亚洲保持着较好水平。

    Matthew Ginsburg , head of investment banking for Morgan Stanley in Asia Pacific , said : Asia is holding up in terms of head count .

  29. 一个月前,也就是这波促使政府出手拯救高盛(goldmansachs)和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)的市场动荡出现之前,一位华尔街顶级银行家准确指出了独立投行业务模式的致命弱点。

    A month ago before the market convulsions that precipitated a government intervention to save Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley a top Wall Street banker pinpointed the Achilles heel of the business model of standalone investment banks .

  30. 受固定收入部门和其它交易业务收入强劲增长的推动,摩根大通的投行业务为整个集团贡献了一半以上的利润。上个月,其投行业务联席负责人比尔温特斯(BillWinters)刚刚被赶出公司。

    JPMorgan 's investment bank , which saw the ousting of its co-head Bill Winters last month , accounted for more than half of group profits , driven by strong revenues in its fixed-income unit and other trading businesses .