
  • 网络Internet Banking;Online Banking
  1. 随着Internet技术的发展,以网络为依托的网上银行业务日益普及,然而,近年来重大的网上银行盗窃案例层出不穷,网上银行的安全逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。

    With the development of Internet technology , online banking business based on network become more and more popular . However , great online banking crime happens very often in recent years , which make people start to focus their attentions on internet bank security .

  2. 执行网上银行业务。

    Administered online banking functions .

  3. 旨在大力发展我国的网上银行业务,使其能在加入WTO组织后面临的国外网上银行的竞争中立于不败之地。

    Aim at developing the internet banking services of our country , establish in an unassailable position in the competition of the foreign internet banking after joining WTO .

  4. 网上银行业务风险的评价及控制研究

    The Research on Risk Assessment and Management of Banking Online

  5. 网上银行业务的开展是一种金融产品和经营方式创新。

    The on-line banking service is a new financial product and a business innovation .

  6. 我想了解一下你们的网上银行业务,我怎样才能享受你们的网上银行服务呢?

    I want to know something about your e-banking service . How can I enjoy your e-banking services ?

  7. 中国的网上银行业务正处于飞速发展期,年交易额以接近翻倍的速度增长。

    Internet banking business in China is experiencing rapid development , annual transaction amount growth doubles every year .

  8. 只有这样才能使中国银行网上银行业务发展得到快速提升,有效提高网上银行营销效率。

    Therefore , the performance of on-line banking business in Bank of China can be improved rapidly and efficiency .

  9. 网上银行业务,是指银行通过因特网提供的金融服务。

    Internet banking business means a kind of financial services provided by the bank by the medium of internet .

  10. 如何在网上银行业务领域中建立和保持竞争优势是商业银行日益关注的问题。

    How to establish and maintain competitive advantages in this area is a matter of concern to joint-stock commercial banks .

  11. 发展网上银行业务代表着现代银行业的发展方向,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Development of Internet banking business represents the direction of development of a modern banking sector , with broad prospects for development .

  12. 建立相对独立的电子银行管理部门和监管部门,加强行业协调,全面控制网上银行业务的风险,提高监管的有效性,对于提高我国银行业的整体发展水平和竞争能力,有着积极作用。

    For promoting the internet banking development level and strengthening supervision , it is necessarily to establish E-banking management and supervision department .

  13. 希望通过论文研究为股份制商业银行个人网上银行业务的发展提供理论参考。

    I hope that this paper can provide a reference for the development of personal Internet Banking business in the joint-stock commercial banks .

  14. 近年来,我国各家商业银行纷纷大力发展网上银行业务,呈现出井喷式的发展趋势。

    Recently , Chinese commercial banks have to vigorously develop the business of the bank on the net , showing a rapid development trend .

  15. 为拓宽了服务渠道,增强了核心竞争力,山东农村信用社联社(山东农信)于2011年5月也开通了网上银行业务。

    To broaden the service channels and enhance the core competitiveness , Rural Credit Cooperatives of Shandong also launched online banking in 2011 May .

  16. 文章从十个方面简要阐述了如何促进我国网上银行业务健康、有序的发展,增强网上银行的竞争能力。

    The paper briefly gives my views on how to develop online banks of our country and strengthen their competitive ability in ten aspects .

  17. 研究我国商业银行现有网上银行业务和风险管理技术体制,提出了发展网上银行的策略。

    China 's commercial banks on the existing Internet banking business and risk management technology system , to the development of Internet banking strategy .

  18. 近年来网上银行业务发展迅速,但有关网上银行客户账户资金被盗的事件也层出不穷。

    The business of internet banking has been expanding rapidly in recent years . However , stealing occurs frequently in account funds of internet banking .

  19. 网上银行业务由于其本身所具有的高技术性、无纸性、瞬时性等特点,使其所涉法律问题甚为丰富而复杂。

    The internet bank operation has the characteristics of high technicality , none-paper , instantaneousness , which makes its legal problems rather abundant and complicated .

  20. 该文件从董事会与管理层监控、安全控制、法律与信誉风险管理等三个方面提出了网上银行业务风险管理原则。

    Risk of the Commercial Bank Network Business and Its Prevention The paper poses 14 principles of supervision for risks of internet banking from three aspects .

  21. 招商银行是国内首家推出网上银行业务的银行。德国商业银行内部控制对我国银行业的启示

    China Merchants Bank is the first bank that has opened the E-bank service in our country . Learning from Experience of Internal Control of Germany Commercial Banks

  22. 本文的第二部分阐述了我国银行业网上银行业务发展的现状,接着分析了发展过程中存在的问题。

    The second part describes the developing actuality of the internet banking business of our banking industry , and analyzes the problems existing in its developing course .

  23. 20世纪90年代中期以来,随着互联网的发展和电子商务的兴起,网上银行业务也得到了快速发展。

    Since the mid-20th century , 90 , with the development of the Internet and the emergence of electronic commerce , Internet banking has also been a rapid development .

  24. 近年来,随着网络技术的发展和电子商务的普及,网上银行业务开始迅猛发展,国内网上银行的用户不断增多,网上银行交易额屡创新高。

    In recent years , with the development of network technology and the popularity of e-commerce , online banking had a rapidly development and the users have being constantly increased .

  25. 而国内商业银行经过长期激烈的市场竞争,不论存贷款等传统项目还是网上银行业务和产品的同质化现象均十分严重。

    Over a long period of fierce market competition , both deposits and loans as well as the usual is homogeneity of online banking services and products , are very serious .

  26. 国内商业银行的网上银行业务发展迅速,网上银行已经成为商业银行不可或缺的服务渠道之一,市场竞争日趋激烈。

    Internet Banking business in the domestic commercial banks has developed rapidly . Internet Banking has become one of the indispensable service channels to commercial banks , market competition gets more intense .

  27. 这让我提醒自己,在我那台用于网上银行业务的电脑上用来保护系统安全的工具必须要尽可能的安全(而且还要有效)。

    That made me think about the tools I use to secure the computer I use for online banking , which has to be as secure as possible ( and practical ) .

  28. 在这种情况下,银行开展网上银行业务是必然的选择,未来的数年内也将迎来网上银行业务发展的黄金时期。

    In this case , it is the inevitable choice that the bank develops the online banking . Online banking will welcome the gold period for development in several years of the future .

  29. 发展网上银行业务是我国金融业发展的必然选择,而我国网上银行的发展现状与世界差距较大;

    It is a natural choice for Chinese financial circles to develop web banks . However , there lies a gap between the present development of Chinese web banks and that of the world .

  30. 随着网上银行业务的快速发展,电子商务获得了快速和实质性的发展,没有银行的参与,资金流的支付处理过程是不可能完成的。

    Along with the rapid development of internet banking business , E-commerce has embraced fast and substantial development . Without participation of banks , payment handling process of capital flow could not be easily achieved .