
  • 网络public opinion
  1. 诚然在网络民意迅猛发展的带动下,我国政府回应已经取得巨大进步。

    It is true that our Government response has also made a great progress driven by the rapid development of public opinion .

  2. 鉴于我国现有制度的缺陷,本文对美国经验进行借鉴,并尝试构建我国的法庭之友制度,以期解决网络民意监督司法中存在的问题。

    Because of the deficiencies in the system of China , the essay refers the U.S.experience to try to build our " amicus curiae " system , in order to solve the problem that exist in public opinion on the internet supervising judiciary .

  3. 网络民意通过网络表达民众的意见提供了一种新的参政议政模式。

    Network public opinion provides a new political participation model .

  4. 试论网络民意的形成及特征

    On the Forming and Characteristics of Netizen Opinions

  5. 在一份网络民意调查上,这一举动招致了80%的反对。

    The move has outraged over 80 % of respondents to an Internet poll .

  6. 该吉祥物是通过俄罗斯网络民意调查选出的。

    The mascot was chosen following a poll on the Internet in the country .

  7. 网络民意能否真正体现民意,甚至能否代表民意的争论也愈演愈烈。

    The debate about the netizen opinion can reflect public opinions or not is intensified .

  8. 第五部分探讨网络民意对地方立法有何促进作用。

    The fifth part discusses the network public opinion how to positive affect local legislation .

  9. 这些特点决定或者影响了网络民意的真实性和合法性。

    These characteristics determine or influence the network public opinion of the authenticity and legitimacy .

  10. 同时,网络民意也要从自身内部进行规制。

    At the same time , the network also wants from their own internal regulation .

  11. 网络民意的兴起正是这一影响力的重要表现。

    The rise of the network public opinion is the influence of the important performance .

  12. 信息时代的到来,网络民意这把双刃剑发挥着越来越大的作用。

    When information era is coming , internet public opinion exerts more and more important function .

  13. 网络民意是一把双刃剑,它对于公共政策的影响可进行双面解读。

    The influence of network public opinion on public policy can be interpreted in two meanings .

  14. 在此基础上,着重分析了网络民意作为公共政策制定基础的可能性。

    On this basis , the focus of the public network as a basis for public policy development possibilities .

  15. 第六部分则是对网络民意对地方立法有哪些干扰作用进行概述。

    The sixth part is the network public opinion on local legislation what are the negative effects are summarized .

  16. 第二节网络民意表达影响司法独立的实证分析主要通过三个现实案例来分析网络民意表达如何影响司法独立。

    Section II is through three actual cases to analyze how network public opinion expression mainly to influence judicial independence .

  17. 第三部分进一步对网络民意的发展道路和理论价值进行分析探索。

    The third part further road and theoretical value to the development of network public opinion are analyzed to explore .

  18. 网络民意时代的到来,政府必须做好应对的准备。

    The advent of the era of network public opinion , the government must also be prepared to deal with it .

  19. 此后,每年都有司法案件受到网络民意的关注和监督。

    After that , there are court cases paid attention to and supervised by public opinion on the internet every year .

  20. 网络民意表达是一种新的社会现象,它是随着网络的发展而产生的。

    Network public opinion expression is a new social phenomenon , and it is developed with the progress of the internet .

  21. 本文立足当前现实,对网络民意如何进入国家法规政策制定过程提出了一些制度化的模式设想。

    This research explores in depth how online public opinion gains access to the process of national law and policy making .

  22. 第一节网络民意表达的产生主要是从网络民意表达这一新生事物入手,界定了网络民意表达的定义。

    Section I is to define the definition of network public opinion expression from the new thing about network public opinion expression .

  23. 同时群体交往能可以表达一种网络民意。也让管理者能了解学生的思想动态。

    Moreover , group interaction can help them express the network public opinion and also allow managers understanding the students ' ideological dynamic .

  24. 网络民意通道的普遍开辟打破了传统的单向传播格局,形成了交互的传播新景观。

    Network of public access generally open to break the traditional one-way dissemination of pattern , forming a cross-spread of the new landscape .

  25. 成都当地一家新闻门户网站对玲玲的遭遇作了报道,她的故事很快在网上传播开来。该网站同时发起了一项网络民意调查。

    After her story spread online at a local news portal , a survey was launched on the website to solicit netizens ` opinions .

  26. 网络民意通道不同于现实中的物理存在式的民意传达渠道,它具有虚拟性、开放性和多样化的特点。

    Public access networks of different physical existence in reality-style channels to convey public opinion , it has virtual , openness and diversification characteristics .

  27. 在某种意义上,互联网为我们创造了新的舆论空间,同时催生了网络民意这一新生事物的形成。

    Internet has created the new public opinion space for us , simultaneously has expedited the network public opinion this newly emerging things formation .

  28. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟,如今水在很大程度上就体现在网络民意上。

    Water carry a boat , can capsizethem , to a large extent on the water now reflected in public opinion on the network .

  29. 第一节网络民意表达影响司法独立的表现通过正反两方面来展开阐述,具体说明了网络民意表达对司法独立的监督作用和消极影响作用。

    Section I is to explain the supervision and the negative influence of network public opinion expression to judicial independence from the pros and cons .

  30. 在众多论文中只做现象性分析,没有详细分析网络民意的特征、属性等。

    Only makes the phenomenon analysis in the multitudinous papers , does not have the multianalysis network public opinion characteristic , attribute and so on .