
  1. 这家公司将会先利用现有的经销网络推销纳努。

    The company will bank on existing dealer network for Nano initially .

  2. 为了完成摊派任务,银行职工利用血缘和亲缘关系、组织关系以及权力关系构建网络推销,进行跑马圈地。

    In order to complete allocated duty , the bank staffs construct network sales promotion by utilizing the blood relationship , the organizational connections as well as the authority relations to enlarge the enclosure .

  3. 很多时候,设计师太专注于网络宣传推销,却忘记了那些更传统的营销手段。

    Many times designers get so focused on online promotion and marketing that they tend to forget more traditional methods .

  4. 网上商店使他们的营业收入增加了。同时他们还利用网络来推销商品,而不必印制什么专门的材料。

    Revenues are up and with the Net they can advertise sales and specials without having to print up special materials .

  5. 声明称阿里影业将与派拉蒙影业就电影在国内的网络售票、推销和宣传进行合作。

    In a statement , the companies said Alibaba Pictures and Paramount would collaborate in the areas of online ticketing , merchandising and promotion of the movie in China .

  6. 吉利将不会利用传统经销商网络或广告来推销该车。

    Geely will not use a traditional dealer network or advertising to promote the new car .