
  • 网络Induction method;Inducement method;Magnet;ERCD;elicitation;la passe
  1. 关于学生的注意方面,调查分析显示,诱导法和元语言信息法能较好的吸引学生的注意,引导学生自我纠错。

    On the aspect of students ' noticing , elicitation and metalinguistic clues can attract students ' attention in a large extent and guide the students to do self-correction .

  2. 研究中发现:三个班级的老师都倾向使用明确纠正和重铸的方法纠错,但是高水平班的教师会更多使用形式协商法(请求澄清法、元语言信息法、诱导法、重复法)。

    The data analysis finds that teachers all tend to use explicit correction and recasts more in class , but the teacher in high level class prefers to use more negotiation of forms ( clarification requests , metalinguistic clues , elicitation , and repetition ) .

  3. 利用丝裂霉素C(MMC)诱导法,对上述20株乳杆菌进行溶源性检测,结果发现其中7株是溶源性菌株。

    Seven strains among the 20 lactobacilli were found to be lysogenic strains by Mitomycin ( MMC ) induction .

  4. 联合诱导法对K562细胞红系分化及其相关基因和膜蛋白表达的影响

    Co-induce of K562 cells into erythroid differentiation and expression of gene and membrane protein on cells

  5. [目的]:运用内毒素(LPS)诱导法建立大鼠牙髓炎实验模型;

    [ AIM ] : To establish a model of rat endotoxic pulpitis induced by Lipopolysaccharide ( LPS );

  6. 用Mathematic软件求解了螺旋升角、接触线、界限函数、诱导法曲率,并进行了图形仿真。

    The helix angle , the contact line , the limit function and the induced normal curvature are discussed with the aid of Mathematic .

  7. 球磨-溶剂热诱导法合成WS2纳米棒及其摩擦性能

    Synthesis of WS_2 Nanorods by a Ball Milling-Solvent Thermal Induced Method and Their Friction Property

  8. 我们尝试对传统的ATRA诱导法加以改进,提高其诱导分化的效率,建立一种相对简便、高效和可信的诱导方法。

    We tried to modify the traditional ATRA induction way to increase the efficiency of differentiation .

  9. 用10只大白鼠制作了右侧听神经瘤的动物模型。采用单耳刺激两侧诱导法,分别记录两侧听性脑干反应(ABR)。

    The ABRs were bilaterally recorded with monaural stimulation from the animal model of acoustic tumor in 10 rats .

  10. 这些结果证明,改良的ATRA诱导法与传统方法一样,可以成功诱导ES·2·细胞定向分化为神经细胞。

    So , it indicates that the modified ATRA induction way can induce ES cells to differentiate to neural cells .

  11. 结论通过GMCSF、IL4及TNFα的树突状细胞培养体系和分阶段诱导法可高效率诱导脐血树突状细胞。

    Conclusions The programmable culture system with combination of GM-CSF , IL-4 and TNF - α can effectively induce and expand cord blood dendritic cells .

  12. 结果两种方法都培养出了抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶(Tartrateresistantacidphosphatase,TRAP)染色阳性的多核细胞,诱导法获得的破骨细胞数量较多(P<0.05)。

    Results The tartrate resistant acid phosphatase ( TRAP ) positive polykaryocytes were obtained by both means , and the amount of OLC was more than that of OC ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 方法对30例COPD患者用痰液诱导法收集下呼吸道的分泌物并进行监测。

    Methods Secretions of the lower respiratory tract were collected by the method of sputum induction from 30 COPD patients . All patients were monitored during the procedure of sputum induction .

  14. 方法:浓度梯度诱导法和人MDR1基因载体转染法建立阿霉素耐药细胞株OVCAR/AR和多药耐药亚株OVCAR/MDR细胞。

    METHODS : An adriamycin-resistant human ovarian cancer cell subline OVCAR / AR was established by stepwise inducement .

  15. 用SOS反应原噬菌体诱导法筛检14种常用抗肿瘤药物的致突变性。

    The 14 kinds of common antineoplastic drugs were tested for their mutational by using the SOS induct test whether the S9 was added to or not .

  16. 方法用阿霉素(Doxorubicin,Dox)浓度梯度递增诱导法,建立人肝癌多药耐药细胞株Bel-7402/Dox。

    Methods Using gradually increased concentration of doxorubicin in culture , an doxorubicin-resistant human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line ( Bel-7402 / Dox ) was established in vitro .

  17. 利用Ar等离子体射频放电,在不同功率和时间下处理高密聚乙烯(HDPE),通过X光电子能谱(XPS)及化学诱导法进行测定和分析处理后样品表面引入含氧基团的性质。

    High density polyethylene ( HDPE ) was treated by Ar plasma at different time and different power . XPS and chemical derivatization were employed to explore the characters of groups incorporating oxygen on the surface of the treated HDPE .

  18. 方法:回顾性的分析本科近6年收集的71例化妆品皮炎的临床资料。实验室检查采用斑贴试验和原噬菌体诱导法(SOS试验)。

    Methods : 71 patients with cosmetic dermatitis over 6 years were retrospectively studied , and laboratory examinations by patch test and bacteriophage induction method ( SOS test ) were performed at the same time .

  19. 使用序贯诱导法可将ESCs大比例诱导分化为神经样细胞,光镜下观察细胞形态均一、胞体圆亮、突起细长。

    After the sequential neural induction , the cells converted into neuron - like cells , with homogeneous forms , which had round bright cell bodies and thin long bipolar or multipolar processes .

  20. 目前主要采用基因转染法或药物诱导法以促进缝隙连接细胞通讯(GJIC)、诱导细胞凋亡或提高患瘤机体免疫功能等措施来提高自杀基因系统的旁观者效应。

    The current methods adopted to raise bystander effect of the suicide gene are applying gene transfection methods or medicine revulsion methods to promote the GJIC , inducing apoptosis or improving the immune function of tumor mechanism .

  21. 另外,采用离心沉积法、蒸发诱导法、垂直沉积法对SiO2微球和核壳结构的SiO2@Ag微球进行组装,比较了上述三种方法的利弊,研究表明利用垂直沉积法制备的光子晶体质量较高。

    In addition , centrifugal deposition , evaporation-induced method and vertical deposition method were used to prepare SiO2 microspheres and core-shell structured SiO2 @ Ag microsphere . Compared with these three methods , the vertical deposition method is the best method to achieve high quality photonic crystals . 3 .

  22. 目的:通过比较联合诱导法和多氯联苯诱导法制备的S9的活化作用,探讨两种S9活化作用的差异对两种试验阳性结果的影响。

    Objective : To compare activation of two kinds of S9 which were induced by PCBs and the combination of PB and BF and to investigate effect of the difference of activation of two kinds of S9 on the test result .

  23. 方法通过放血或去铁胺(DFO)处理建立低铁动物模型。采用卡介苗加脂多糖(BCG+LPS)诱导法复制免疫性肝损伤模型。

    The animal model of iron low-load was created by intravenation of deferoxamine ( DFO ) or phlebotomy respectively , and immunological liver damage model was reproduced by injection of BCG ( Bacilli Calmette Guein ) and lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) .

  24. 盐诱导法高效表达重组人内抑素

    Overexpression of recombinant human endostatin induced by salt in E. coli

  25. 方法采用外科诱导法对60只大鼠行建模手术。

    Methods Endometriosis was surgically induced in 60 rats .

  26. 关于几个诱导法曲率公式的统一

    The Unity of Different Equation for Induced Normal Curvature

  27. 金属铝诱导法低温制备多晶硅薄膜

    Preparation of Polycrystalline Silicon Films by Aluminum - Induced Crystallization at Low Temperature

  28. 变型锥蜗杆诱导法曲率和卷吸速度的计算分析

    Calculational analysis on induced normal curvature and entrainment velocity of version conical worm

  29. 圆弧齿轮齿面方程及诱导法曲率的探讨

    Investigations of Tooth Profile Formulas and Induced Normal Curvature

  30. 转捩诱导法向力及其对细长尖锥气动特性的影响

    Transition induced normal force and it 's effects on slender sharp cone aerodynamic