
  1. 在B2C领域,传统营销渠道与网络营销渠道是一对相互竞争的矛盾。

    In B2C area , traditional marketing channel and Internet marketing channel is a pair of contradictions .

  2. 并对国内药品行业营销渠道模式的发展趋势进行分析,估计今后主要发展趋势为DTC渠道模式、DFC渠道模式、网络营销渠道模式。

    Meanwhile , the first part analyzes the developing tendency of pharmacy enterprises . It is estimated that the main trend in the future will be DTC channel mode , DFC channel and selling in the internet mode .

  3. 网络营销渠道策略的经济系统分析

    Economic System Analysis on Online - marketing Place Strategy

  4. 网络营销渠道风险评价模型建立及应用

    Study on risk evaluation model of network-marketing channel

  5. 电子商务模式下的网络营销渠道

    Network Distribution Channel under Electronic Commerce Mode

  6. 网络营销渠道是近些年兴起的外贸业务拓展的主要渠道之一。

    Network marketing channel is one of the main channels in foreign trade business in recent years .

  7. 网络营销渠道是新生事物,凭借低成本优势得以迅速成长。

    Internet marketing channel is a new thing , and by right of low cost , it grows rapidly .

  8. 通过对传统营销渠道与网络营销渠道的比较分析阐明了网络营销渠道的优势。

    The essay researches the advantages of the internet marketing channel by comparing with the traditional channel and the internet channel .

  9. 第二章回顾了历年来各类学者对营销渠道选择的研究,其中包括对传统营销渠道选择和网络营销渠道选择的文献;

    Chapter 2 reviews the literature on marketing channel choice , including traditional marketing channel choice and the internet marketing channel choice ;

  10. 第五章进行海尔营销渠道研究,总结了包括直接渠道、呼叫中心和网络营销渠道等几种模式。

    The fifth chapter presents the innovation pattern of marketing channel of HAIER , and summarizes the directing-channel , call-center and Internet - channel pattern .

  11. 现今大多数培训、咨询公司都在使用网络营销渠道进行营销,网络营销的竞争正在逐步加剧,渠道效率受到挑战。

    Currently most consulting corporations initiate network marketing channels successively . The channel efficiency , however , is challenged by the increasing competition in network environment .

  12. 而研究网络营销渠道整合正是为了寻求这一背景下网络渠道作用的最大体现,谋求营销效果的提升。

    The research of network marketing channel integration is to seek the maximization of the network channels role in this background and enhance the effect of marketing .

  13. 在信息时代,网络营销渠道作为一种新的渠道形式和理念快速发展起来,逐渐成为一种主要的渠道形式。

    As a new channel form and concept in the information era , network marketing channel develops rapidly , and becomes gradually one of the main channel forms .

  14. 本文在简要梳理渠道结构演变轨迹的基础上,揭示了渠道结构变迁的内在机理,分析了网络营销渠道结构的一般特性。

    By illustrating the changing process ot channel structure , this paper reveals the inner mechanism of channel structure change and analyzes the general feature of marketing channel structure .

  15. 力图通过对这三方面的网络营销渠道的优化以进一步拓宽企业的营销渠道,提高渠道的营销效果,实现企业营销战略。

    Trying to expand marketing channels through the optimization of these three aspects of online marketing channels , improve the effect of channel marketing , and realize corporate marketing strategy .

  16. 由于渠道成员之间存在目标冲突、领域冲突及理解冲突,网络营销渠道与传统营销渠道间的冲突不可避免。

    As conflicts exist among the members involved in marketing in their targets , territories and understanding , differences and competition are inevitable between the Internet marketing channels and the traditional marketing channels .

  17. 对网络营销渠道的概念以及如何建立和完善网络营销渠道进行了探讨。

    This article discusses the percept of the network-marketing channel and analyses how to establish and improve the network-marketing channel , which , I hope , would be helpful to most enterprises in China .

  18. 依托研究结论,本文进一步提出了以消费者为中心的新兴网络营销渠道整合的新思路,为企业寻求在网络营销市场中的竞争优势提供借鉴。

    The article also put forward new ideas of consumer-centric network marketing channels integration by building a mechanism model of network channel integration , in order to provide a reference for enterprises seeking competitive advantage in the network marketing .

  19. 对于环境的变化,企业必须调整或革新营销渠道形式以适应竞争和消费者的需求,如渠道的扁平化、增加网络营销渠道等。

    Resulting from this environment change , corporations have to adjust their channel forms or innovate new ones , such as channel flatting , network marketing channel exploitation , etc , in order to adapt to competitions and customers ' needs .

  20. 以选择适当的旅游营销渠道类型,加强对旅游营销渠道的管理,联合化营销渠道,网络化营销渠道等为内容的旅游营销渠道策略;

    Place strategies of " choosing proper channel type , strengthening place management , unite channels , network channel " ;

  21. 企业网络营销与传统渠道整合探析

    Analysis of the Integration of Enterprise Network Marketing and Traditional Channel

  22. Internct的出现,网络营销对传统渠道带来了巨大的冲击。

    The Internet brings the great impact on the traditional channels .

  23. 实施网络营销对分销渠道的影响

    The impact of the implement of cyber marketing to the sales channel

  24. 本文就实施网络营销对分销渠道的影响做一简要分析。

    The paper analyzes the impact of the implement of cyber marketing to the sales channel .

  25. 服装企业如何面临着网络化的营销渠道变革的新趋势挑战,找到一条适合于市场环境的新型营销渠道模式呢?

    Facing the marketing channels reforming challenge , could the garment enterprise find out a new suitable marketing channel mode ?

  26. 其影响与作用表现在:一是网络营销使分销渠道、购物手段、支付方式虚拟化,必然改变人们传统的交易方式;

    Its effects and functions are as follows : Firstly , internet marketing is inevitable to change the traditional transaction method as it fictionalizes retail channel , shopping method and means of payment ;

  27. 首先,运用网络营销开拓国际营销渠道,开辟国际市场;

    First of all , to develop international marketing channels by network marketing .

  28. 网络营销与传统营销渠道的冲突及整合探析

    A Study on Channel Conflicts and Integration of Network Marketing and Traditional Marketing

  29. 论制造商网络营销与传统营销渠道冲突的管理策略

    On the strategies for conflict management of Internet marketing channels and traditional marketing channels

  30. 由于互联网不受时间和地域限制,加上使用者数目庞大,越来越多的企业已经或正打算将网络这种新的营销渠道形式纳入到企业现有的渠道系统中来。

    Now more and more companies have decided to introduce Internet as a new type of distribution channel to their distribution system .