
  1. 本文对于B2C企业开展电子商务活动,维系与网络顾客的关系质量具有重要的指导意义。

    This study has important guiding significance for B2C corporate to develop e-commerce and maintain high relationship quality with network consumer .

  2. 因此,探讨B2C顾客体验对网络顾客忠诚的影响作用具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    Therefore , it is necessary to explore how customer experience affecting customer loyalty , which has important theoretical and practical significance .

  3. 尚品网的赵世成也在这样做,他说很多网络顾客都是通过微信、微博和qq空间分组的。

    Shangpin . com 's Zhao concurs . He says many of the website 's customers are " grouped " by WeChat , Weibo and QQ Zones .

  4. 最后,B2C网站应根据不同的控制变量对网络顾客进行细分,选择适合自己的目标顾客,从而进行定位。

    Finally , B2C Web site should be based on different control variables to segment customers on the network , choose their own target customers , thus positioning .

  5. 基于转换成本的网络顾客忠诚实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Online Customer Loyalty Based on Switching Cost

  6. 加强网络顾客服务实现网上顾客满意

    Strengthening Network Consumer Service and realizing network Client satisfaction

  7. 串联排队网络顾客准入的模糊控制

    Fuzzy control of arrivals to two queues in series

  8. 可见,网络顾客的满意体验能显著提升顾客对该网络商店的信任感。

    So online customer satisfied experience can significantly enhance customers ' trust on online vendors .

  9. 本文以网络顾客为调查对象,探讨了信任前因、信任与购买意愿之间的关系。

    This paper explores the relationships among antecedents of trust , trust and purchase intention .

  10. 网络顾客购买意愿影响因素实证研究&顾客信任的中介作用

    Empirical Research on the Factors of Online Purchase Intention & The Mediating Effect of Customer Trust

  11. 服务价值价值对网络顾客忠诚有显著的正向影响作用。顾客价值包括信息价值、产品价值、过程价值和服务价值。

    And , it is validated that information value , product value , process value and service value influence loyalty directly .

  12. 最后,本文的核心自然落在以需求为基础的网络顾客服务工具研究上,即基于互联网的顾客服务工具研究。

    At last , the core of the article naturally focuses on the research of the network tools for the customer service , which is based on the demands .

  13. 通过本文的研究,验证了在网络顾客满意度中确实存在晕轮效应的影响,并对网络顾客满意度中晕轮效应产生的原因进行了一定程度的分析。

    Through this research , it is verified that halo effect do exist in the network customer satisfaction , also to a certain extent research the reason why hole effect is formed .

  14. 最后,根据数据处理的结果得出了如下研究结论:1、网络顾客价值对网络顾客忠诚有直接显著的正向影响。

    Finally , according to the results of data processing , we reached the following conclusions . 1 、 The E - customer value has a direct positive effect to the E-customer loyalty .

  15. 同时,本文的研究丰富了顾客满意度理论,有利于企业客观的看待网络顾客满意度,考虑晕轮效应的影响,并有效使用网络顾客满意度去指导企业实践,实现经营目标。

    Meanwhile this research enriched the customer satisfaction theory , it avail enterprises to face network customer satisfaction estimation objectively , enterprises and individual operators could use network customer satisfaction to guide practice of business , finally realize the business objectives .

  16. 它通过电子网络给顾客高速网络进入。

    It gives customers high speed Internet access through electrical networks .

  17. 改进型模糊神经网络在顾客分类中的应用研究

    A Customer Classification Based Modified Fuzzy Neural Network

  18. 基于模糊神经网络仿真顾客饮料口味的评价模型构建

    Structure the evaluation model of beverage taste for customs based on Artificial Neural Network

  19. 网络购物顾客满意度影响因素的实证研究

    Empirical Study of Influential Elements of E-satisfaction

  20. 在此基础上构建了体验营销的网络团购顾客忠诚的模型。

    On this basis , customer loyalty model of online group-buying by experiential marketing is built .

  21. 之后,以大学生中的网络购物顾客为对象进行了实证分析。样本涵盖了专科、本科及研究生等不同学历。

    Later , the paper had an empirical study in university . Sample covers specialist , undergraduate and postgraduate education .

  22. 价值网络是顾客价值管理的重要内容之一,它涉及合作伙伴的选择、价值网络的管理和测评。

    Value network is one of important contents of CVM , and it involves choosing its members , managing and measuring it .

  23. 然后,通过实证分析,验证了指标体系的合理性,得出了影响网络团购顾客满意度的关键因素,并建立了评价模型。最后,基于实证结果对网络团购未来的发展提出了相应的建议。

    And then the thesis makes the empirical analysis on the rationality of the index system and the key influencing factors in the CSI of online group buying , and builds its evaluation model .

  24. 另外,通过对网络游戏顾客价值与玩家个体特性作方差分析、与玩家行为特性作相关性分析,证明顾客价值的个体性特征。

    In addition , paper proves that there are individual character through the variances analysis between online-game CV elements and the customer 's individual characteristics , and the partial correlation analysis between online-game CV elements and customer 's behavior characteristics .

  25. 从质量感知、顾客价值、顾客满意、顾客信任等方面,构建网络购物顾客忠诚的理论模型,通过实证研究确定影响网络顾客忠诚的主要因素及相互关系。

    From the perceived quality , customer value , customer satisfaction , customer confidence , this research builds the customer loyalty model of online shoppers , then it determines the key factors and the relationship of them by practical study .

  26. 假设网络游戏顾客感知价值存在社会价值、情感价值、功能价值、享乐价值和利失价值;假设顾客感知价值各维度对网络游戏消费者重复购买行为均有正向的影响作用。

    This paper assumes that the dimensions of online game customer perceived value are social value , emotional value , functional value , hedonic value and benefits lost value . This paper also assumes that the dimensions of online game customer perceived value affects consumer repeat purchase behavior .

  27. 使用网络来为顾客,Amazon。com,uses,the,internet,to,create,real,value,创造真正的价值,通过这样做,希望创造一个持续的公司,甚至大市场。

    Amazon com for its customers , and by doing so , hope to create an enduring franchise , even establish a large market .

  28. 网络企业在顾客关系管理方面存在的问题主要是企业经营理念落后、CRM技术不到位、人才缺乏等造成的。

    The main existing problems result from the lagging management idea and technology as well as lack of talents .

  29. 本文首次尝试在B2C环境中定义并测量关系价值,从而为其他学者们进行相关研究提供有益借鉴,并为网络商店诊断顾客的关系价值感知提供有效工具。

    The dissertation defines and measures relationship value in B2C environments firstly , which provides reference for other scholars to conduct similar studies and tools for managers to measure customers ' perception of relationship value .

  30. 另一家电子玩具制造商伟易达(VTechHoldingsLtd)称,11月公司曾遭遇一轮网络攻击。顾客在登录公司网站下载儿童游戏、书籍及教育材料后,个人信息会遭到泄露。

    Electronic toymaker VTech Holdings Ltd said in November that it was the victim of a cyber attack that compromised information about customers who access a portal for downloading children 's games , books and other educational content .