
  • 网络Team Production Theory
  1. Alchian和Demsetz提出的团队生产理论,采用监督机制来控制团队成员的机会主义行为。

    Alchian and Demsetz put forward team production theory , which adopted monitoring mechanism to control opportunistic behavior of team members .

  2. 团队生产理论下的会计选择行为就是一种计量团队成员贡献的过程。

    The accounting choice theory in team production theory is a process to record the contribution of team members .

  3. 团队生产理论在说明管理与监督重要性和存在难题的前提下强调加强教育的重要性和教育内容的选择方向。

    The imp or tance and the selection of the educational content are emphasized by team production .

  4. 交易成本理论和团队生产理论分别从交易成本与生产成本的角度论证了企业的存在。

    The theory of transaction cost and team production have demonstrate the existence of firm respectively in terms of production cost and transaction cost .

  5. 企业契约理论是研究公司治理结构的理论渊源,主要包括交易费用理论、团队生产理论和委托代理理论。

    The contractual theory of the firm is the theory origin of studying corporate governance , mainly including the trade expenses theory , the group production theory and the principal-agent theory .

  6. 第三章是股票期权的理论基础,本文的研究所基于的理论主要是人力资本理论、人力资本产权理论及相关理论,如委托代理理论、剩余索取权理论及团队生产理论等等。

    Chapter 3 is Theoretical Basis of Stock Option . The thesis is mainly based on human capital theory , human capital property rights theory and some interrelated theories such as principal-agent theory , residual claim theory and team production theory .

  7. 第五,对股份合作制的治理结构及其效率与局限进行了分析(第六章)。分析的工具主要是委托代理理论、团队生产理论以及威廉姆森的治理结构理论;

    ( Chapter Five ) Fifthly , the dissertation analyzes the governance structure of the SCS , its efficiency and disadvantages , in which the transactional cost theory , team production theory and the Oliver Williamson 's governance structure theory are wildly applied .

  8. 交易费用理论主要研究企业与市场的关系、企业的边界及企业存在的原因,而团队生产理论则着眼于研究企业内部的组织结构和企业中的代理关系。

    Trade expenses theory main research the relation of enterprise and market , border of enterprise and the reason of enterprise in existence , the group production theory is with a view to study institutional framework and agent relation in enterprises inside enterprises .

  9. 最终得出应用交易费用的分支理论激励相容和团队生产理论是帮助企业解决人力资源激励问题中公司和雇员目标不一致问题和雇员卸责等问题的有效方式。

    Eventually come to a branch of applied transaction cost theory of incentive compatibility and the team production theory is to help enterprises solve the problem of human resources in companies and employees incentive target inconsistencies and issues such as employee shirking effective way .

  10. 阿尔奇安和德姆塞茨关于团队生产的理论,对解决企业内部由于道德风险所引致的效率低下问题具有一定的启发意义。

    Alchian and Demsetz 's team production theory is beneficial to solving the inefficiency problem derived from moral hazards within enterprises .

  11. 所以本文认真研究了马克思主义的经济理论,产权理论、交易费用理论、委托代理理论、团队生产与现代厂商理论、人力资本理论,探寻国有资产管理的理论基础。

    Therefore , this paper seriously researches the Marxism economic theory , property rights theory , transaction expense theory , principle-anger theory , team producing and current enterprise theory , and human capital theory , in order to search for the theoretical basic for the management of SOAs .