
  • 网络Learning Effect
  1. 具有学习效应的虚拟研发组织的激励效率分析

    Incentive Efficiency of Virtual R & D Organization with Learning Effect

  2. 基于全球学习效应的跨国战略联盟机理研究

    Study on Multinational Strategic Alliance 's Mechanism Based on Global Learning Effect

  3. 学习效应、私人关系、审计任期与审计质量

    Study Effect , Private Relationship , Audit Tenure and Audit Quality

  4. 知识溢出或学习效应对于产业集聚具有特别的重要性。

    Knowledge spillover or learning effect has special importance to industry agglomeration .

  5. 考虑学习效应的合作过程构建方法研究

    Research on collaboration process construction method based on learning-curve effect

  6. 具有学习效应的排序问题。

    Chapter 5 . Scheduling problems with a learning effect .

  7. 再认记忆中的概率学习效应:加工分离框架

    Probability Learning in Recognition Memory : The Process Dissociation Framework

  8. 不同练习计划对大学生体育学习效应的影响

    Influence of Different Practice Schedule on PE Learning Effects about College Students

  9. 基于学习效应的质量经济性动态最优化模型

    Dynamic Optimization Models of Quality Economics Based on Learning Effect

  10. 学习效应&少数民族地区经济快速发展理论模型分析

    Study Effect & An Analysis of Economic Development Model Theory in Minority Areas

  11. 以非线性回归方法验证行业专门化经营具有学习效应,从而为之前的研究提供了经验证据。

    This paper validates the Learning effect of industry specialization by curvilinear regression .

  12. 大学生学习效应分析

    An Analysis of the Study Effect of College Students

  13. 学习效应、拥挤性、地区的分工和集聚

    Learning , Congestion , Inter-regional Specialization and Industrial Agglomeration

  14. 嘈杂语噪声下汉语语句测听中的学习效应

    Learning Effect in Speech Audiometry in Babble Noise

  15. 机器具有学习效应的两类分批排序问题

    Two Problems of Batch Scheduling with Learning Effect

  16. 主要分析了出口的自我选择效应、学习效应和外部经济效应。

    Mainly analyze self-election effect , learning effect and external economy effect of export .

  17. 效用、偏好与动态学习效应:关于信任发生的博弈机制

    Utility , Preference and Dynamic Learning Effect ; On Game Mechanism of Trust Creation

  18. 吸烟成瘾者与不吸烟者的内隐学习效应研究

    Implicit Learning Effects of Nicotine Addicts and Non-smokers

  19. 具有学习效应的两台机器流水作业排序问题

    Flow-shop Scheduling of Two Machines with Learning Effect

  20. 带有学习效应和机器可用性限制的排序问题

    Scheduling problems with learning effect and availability constraint

  21. 银行业是典型的金融服务行业,其学习效应不能得到很好的测量。

    Banking industry , as a typical service industry , its learning effect is also unknown .

  22. 产品差异程度越高,或学习效应越显著时,政府会鼓励企业在短期兼并,长期跟随兼并;

    Government will support firms to merger when there are strongly differentiated products or learning effects .

  23. 最近,关于学习效应和退化效应的排序问题得到了广泛而深入的学习。

    Recently , the learning effect and the concept of deteriorating jobs have been extensively studied .

  24. 在不同的销售促进方式下,消费者学习效应的四种心理因素存在差异。

    By different sale promoting means , the four psychological factors of consume study effectiveness are variable .

  25. 同时具有学习效应和退化效应的情形可以在现实生活生产中大量发现。

    The phenomena of learning effect and deteriorating jobs occurring simultaneously can be found in many real-life situations .

  26. 不确定性、不对称信息以及学习效应等都对企业的投资时机及投资价值产生一定的影响。

    Uncertainties , asymmetry , and study effect will have some effect on the investment timing and value .

  27. 与发达国家的企业相比,发展中国家的企业的对外直接投资更加突出对学习效应的追求。

    Compared with developed countries , FDI of enterprises in developing countries has more prominent effect on the pursuit of learning .

  28. 比较深入地分析了次区域经济组织与区域经济组织和多边贸易体系之间相互作用的学习效应。

    Meanwhile , analyses the learning effects of multi-action among sub-regional economic organization and regional economic organization , multilateral trade system .

  29. 采用计算机网络模拟技术,考察分布式群体在动态系统控制决策过程中对系统规则的内隐学习效应及其迁移。

    This study examined implicit learning and its transfer effects on decision performance of distributed group in simulated dynamic system control task .

  30. 上瘾的麻醉剂成瘾者的,与其有关的或倾向于其的吸烟成瘾者与不吸烟者的内隐学习效应研究

    Of , relating to , or intended for one addicted to a narcotic . Implicit Learning Effects of Nicotine Addicts and Non-smokers