
  • 网络Learning management;study management
  1. 在询问有关课程设计的问题之前,请阅读教学大纲和学习管理系统信息,以确保答案不会隐藏在显而易见的地方。

    Before asking questions about the course design , read the syllabus and learning management system information to be sure the answer isn 't hiding in plain sight .

  2. 学习管理系统(learningmanagementsystem)是全面支持基于网络的教与学过程的各个环节的软件平台。

    Learning Management System is a software platform that supports the whole procedure of web-based learning .

  3. 抑或在TheOpenUniversity等网站上免费学习管理或金融类课程呢?

    Or taking free online classes about Management or Finance on websites such as The Open University ?

  4. 基于学习管理系统的Authorware课件的设计

    Design of Authorware courseware based on the learning management system

  5. 学习管理和领导力技巧只是EMBA的一方面。

    Management and leadership skills are just one aspect of EMBAs .

  6. 基于IRT的自适应学习管理系统设计

    Design of IRT-based adaptive learning management system

  7. 但德梅耶尔教授补充称,mba课程仍是对这些挑战作出回应的最佳方法,因为它提供了“一种全面学习管理基本原理的经历”。

    But Prof de Meyer adds that an MBA programme is still the best way to respond to these challenges because it offers " a thorough learning experience in the fundamentals of management " .

  8. 最后,设计实现了系统原型,并将规范化后的课件应用于符合IMSCELTS规范的第三方学习管理系统(LMS)之中,验证其可重用性与可共享性。

    Finally , a system prototype has been contrived and the standardized courseware has also been applied to the third party Learning Management System to attest that it could be reused and shared .

  9. 课件可跟踪性差,LMS(学习管理系统)无法对学习者学习数掘进行跟踪记录,无法对其学习进行个性化定制;

    Network coursewares developed are unable to be tracked by LMS ( Learning Management system ), and LMS is unable to record the learners ' studying data , unable to customize individualized study ;

  10. E-learning学习管理平台的新发展,特别是学习活动管理平台的发展为以上问题的解决提供了可能。

    These issues are placed before researchers and to be resolved . With the development of learning management system , particular of learning activities management system , it is possible to solve these problems .

  11. 探索基于AJAX的网络教学应用系统界面交互性设计的系统化流程。设计并实现一个基于AJAX技术的学习管理系统。

    The systematic process of designing web interface interaction of network instruction application system based on AJAX was put forward , and the design and realization of the system was developed by employment of a specific learning management system .

  12. Taleo的软件能帮助人力资源部门处理招聘、绩效管理、学习管理和补贴等事宜。

    Its software allows HR departments to handle recruitment , performance management , learning management , and compensation .

  13. 结合在线学习管理系统用户规模大,对系统的安全性和并发性具有较高的要求这一实际情况,采用java为开发语言,利用Struts框架搭建系统。

    Consider of the online learning management system have a scale users , and the actual situation need to have a higher requirements for security and concurrency of the system , to build the system using Java as the development language and struts as framework .

  14. 在教学管理方面,对现有的开源学习管理平台进行了收集和比较,并使用开源学习管理系统Moodle对研究生课程的教学管理进行了尝试,对其应用方式和优缺点进行了分析和总结。

    In teaching management , the treatise tries to take Moodle in practice in a postgraduate course and analyzes its advantage and disadvantage through collecting and comparing the existing open source LMS .

  15. 最后,本文对微博应用于教育领域提出了两点思考,包括将开源微博系统与Moodle等开源学习管理系统的整合以及构建内置微博功能的社会化学习系统来增强家校协同教育等。

    Include combining open source microblogging system with open source learning management system like Moodle , and constructing social learning system , built-in function of microblogging , to strengthen the home-school co-education .

  16. Moodle具有课程管理、学习管理、网站管理三大功能,是目前世界上最流行的适合基础教育、高等教育、教师教育的学习平台之一。

    Moodle has three main functions : course management , learning management and website management . It is one of the most popular learning platforms in the world for basic education , higher education , teacher education .

  17. 最后,通过对ADL的SCORM规范运行环境的扩充,为开放式内容对象OCO在不同的学习管理系统间的运行设计了一个通用运行环境。

    Finally , a common run-time environment for open content object running between different learning management systems was designed by extending the run-Time environment of the sharable content object reference model ( SCORM ) .

  18. 至此,您正在运行一个适当的内核,安装了LXC实用程序,并且有了一个可用的环境,接下来便可以学习管理该环境的实例了。

    Now that you are running a suitable kernel , have installed the LXC utilities , and have a working environment , it 's time to learn to manage instances of that environment .

  19. 学习管理评价指南加快医院建设与发展

    Studying management assessment guide and speeding up hosptial construction and development

  20. 基于动态任务空间的协同学习管理模型与实现

    Dynamic Task Space Model and Implementation for the Collaborative Learning System

  21. 大学生体育爱好者个性特征与学习管理

    The personalities of college sports amateurs and their study management

  22. 网络学习管理系统中智能学习导航研究

    Research on Intelligence Learning Navigation in Network Learning Management System

  23. 大学英语听力的课外合作学习管理探索

    A Study of Management of Extra-curricular Cooperative Learning in College English Listening

  24. 学习管理呼叫中心员工的正确方法。

    Learn the right way to staff your Contact Center .

  25. 学习管理就是学习成功。

    The learning of management is the learning of hearding for success .

  26. 远程教育中的学习管理系统模型研究

    Research of the Learning Management System Model on Distance Education

  27. 为什么现在这么风行学习管理学呢?

    Why is the study of management currently so popular ?

  28. 本文主要是针对网络化学习管理系统应用理论方面展开探讨。

    The paper is mainly application theory study of the learning management system .

  29. 第四学习管理企业知识联盟研究综述。

    Fourthly , it summarizes studies on learning how to manage enterprise knowledge alliance .

  30. 改进一个开源的学习管理系统。

    It leverages an open source learning management system ( Moodle ) with some modification .