
  • 网络action management;operations management;Mobility Management;mobile management
  1. 一个数据与行动管理系统

    A data and action management system

  2. 琐碎细节:进行有效的行动管理,光有总的原则是不够的。

    Details matter : general principles are not enough to guide effective action .

  3. 通讯录由世界卫生组织发起主办,并由世界卫生组织无烟倡议行动管理。

    The Directory is hosted by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) and managed by the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative .

  4. 而依据上面所述的特色与概念,我们提出了一个新的成本模型同时考量最佳化的位置区域的大小与形状,来找寻最佳位置更新的门槛值降低行动管理机制对系统资源的消耗。

    Based on these features , we introduced a new cost model , both the size and shape of a LA are taken into considerations , to find out an optimal location update threshold for signal costs minimizing .

  5. 今天的伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)价值3150亿美元,由几十家子公司组成。在收购这些子公司的过程中,巴菲特从来没有干过什么“坏事”,比如削减成本、裁员以及经常引发新收购行动的管理层重组。

    In acquiring the dozens of companies that today make up his $ 315 billion Berkshire Hathaway ( BRKA ) , Buffett has never dirtied his hands much with the sort of cost-cutting , layoffs , and management shakeups that often follow acquisitions at other firms .

  6. 第二部分是志愿行动的管理模式。

    The second part is the management model of the voluntary action .

  7. 排雷行动信息管理系统;

    Gichd ; information management system for mine action ;

  8. 对于交叠在一起的疾病通过彼此互不相干的行动进行管理。

    Overlapping diseases are managed by separate initiatives .

  9. 而在未来的个人通讯系统中,行动位置管理将无可避免的产生大量的讯息传递。

    Location managements in the PCS networks will incur a large amount of signaling traffic .

  10. 在许多美国大公司中,强硬的谈判和坚强的行动是管理风格的要素。

    Tough talk and tough action are the stuff of management style in a great many American firms .

  11. 安全学习志是一种用于解答安全管理难题,将组织的经验知识转化为行动的管理工具。

    Safety learning history is a new kind of tool dealing with conundrum in safety management and turning organizational experience and knowledge into action .

  12. 村民自助组织是开展集体行动、管理森林资源的一项必要的社会工程。作者认为建立村民自助组织是一项复杂的社会工程。

    The author argues that establishment of villagers'self-help organizations is a complex social engineering , and is a necessary condition for effective community forest management .

  13. 想干(通常缩写为电话簿)是一个行动的管理方法创造的戴维艾伦,并描述了一本书的同一名称。

    GettingThings Done ( commonly abbreviated as GTD ) is an action managementmethod created by David Allen , and described in a book of the same name .

  14. 最终期望本研究能作为预铸产业建置行动化管理系统之参考,为产业带来更大的利益。

    The frame elaborated in this research can be regarded as a reference for the construction of a mobilized precast industry management system to bring remarkable benefits for the industry .

  15. 如果股东不满意管理部门对公司的管理方式,他们会发现很难采取联合行动撤换管理组织。

    If stockholders do not approve of the manner in which management runs the business , they may find it difficult to take the united action necessary to remove that management group .

  16. 而柔性管理就是一种在研究人们心理和行为规律的基础上,采用非强制的方式,在人们心目中产生一种潜在的说服力,从而把组织的意志变为个人的自觉行动的管理思想。

    And flexible management is studying psychology and behavior of the people on the basis of a non-coercive manner , in the eyes of people have a potential convincing , the organization will become the conscious action of individuals .

  17. 企业战略决定企业长远发展方向与行动的管理过程。企业实施战略管理是经营环境的多变和不确定性,以及竞争日益激化的必然要求,业己成为管理的核心职能之一。

    Strategic management is that set of managerial decision and actions that determines of the long-run performance of uncertain , instability , changing environment in which an enterprise operates and intensification of competition leads to a great need of strategic management .

  18. 改进预防性和校正性行动及变量管理。

    Improve the practices of preventive and corrective actions and change control .

  19. 我们不能自由的行动就不能管理这个国家。

    We cannot govern a country in which we cannot travel freely .

  20. 求职者的行动逻辑与管理学的创新逻辑

    Action Logic on Job Searching and Innovation Logic on Management

  21. 全球化思维、地方化行动&跨国管理的文化策略模式探析

    Global Thinking , Local Action & A Cultural Strategy Mode on Multinational Management

  22. 在召回管理中,政府和企业是召回行动的监督管理者和实施者。

    In recalls , government and enterprises are supervisor and executors , respectively .

  23. 尤其令将军们恼怒的,是英国政府设法对阿富汗军事行动加以微观管理的做法。

    For the generals , particularly irritating is the way in which London tries to micromanage operations in Afghanistan .

  24. 研究五,探讨360名青年学生过去行动与时间管理倾向、自我价值感的关系。

    The main aim of Study 5 was to explore the relationship between past action , time management disposition and self-worth across 360 youth students .

  25. 新的世界需要在更多国家之间,明确共同利益,通过谈判达成共同的行动,并管理它们之间的差异。

    The new world requires identifying mutual interests , negotiating common actions , and managing differences across a much wider spectrum of countries than ever before .

  26. 要从日常防范、情境管理、应急行动、信息管理、危中找机和维护利益等方面实现图书馆危机管理。图1。参考文献18。

    To realize library crisis management , we should pay attention to prevention , situational management , emergency response , information management , etc.1 fig.18 refs .

  27. 同时,反思过去与自信、成就动机相关显著。(5)过去行动与时间管理倾向、自我价值感显著正相关。

    At the same time , past self-reflection correlative with self-worth and achievement motivation . ( 5 ) Past action correlates positively with TMD and self-worth .

  28. 通过位置信息不但可以知道事件发生的位置,还可以实时的监测目标的行动轨迹、管理网络并统计网络节点的分布情况、促进节点间的相互合作。

    We can not only know the location of the incident through the location information , but also can be real-time monitoring the track of the action , manage the network and count the number of the nodes in the network , promote mutual cooperation between nodes .

  29. 其它评论员称没有这些行动和G的管理,大萧条可能会更糟糕。

    Others say without these moves and his stewardship , the Great Recession would have been far worse .

  30. 为向特定场址的污染土壤清污补救行动推荐相关的管理限值,探讨了核设施退役时放射性污染土壤中允许残留污染水平(ARCL)的估算方法。

    The aim of present work is to discuss the estimation method of allowable residual contamination levels ( ARCL ) in radioactivity-contaminated soil near by the nuclear facilities under decommissioning or to be decommissioned .