
  • 网络Administrative philosophy;public administrative philosophy
  1. 行政哲学:研究对象与基本问题

    Administrative Philosophy : the Research Object and Basic Issue

  2. 关于中国行政哲学研究若干问题的思考

    A reflection upon several issues of Chinese Administrative Philosophy

  3. 行政哲学:一个亟待进一步开拓的领域

    Adminstration Philosophy : a Field to Be Further Opened up Immediately

  4. 政治哲学与行政哲学的比较分析&从另一种角度探讨行政哲学

    A Comparative Analysis between Political Philosophy and Administrative Philosophy

  5. 行政哲学视野中的政府决策

    Government Decision Making in the Vision of Administrative Philosophy

  6. 简言之,行政哲学的研究对象不是行政活动,而是行政科学;

    Briefly , its studying object is not administrative actions but theory of administration .

  7. 行政哲学的学科性质及研究特性

    The Discipline and Research Qualities of Administration Philosophy

  8. 政府决策是决策主体的一种特殊思维活动,具有丰富的行政哲学蕴义。

    Government decision is a special thinking activity , which has abundant connotation of administrative philosophy .

  9. 行政哲学再探讨

    Further Probing into Administration Philosophy

  10. 但人们对行政哲学的学科归属、研究对象和研究内容,存在不同的看法。

    People have different views on what subject administration philosophy belongs to and on the object and contents of it .

  11. 行政哲学研究对象再探讨&从回归现实生活世界的角度分析

    Research on the Object of Administrative philosophy & Analysis from the Angle of Marx 's Returning to the Real Life World

  12. 行政哲学作为实践哲学,就是以政府公共性理念及其现实化为研究对象的一门科学。

    As a practical philosophy , the administrative philosophy is a subject with administrative publicity and its realization as studying object .

  13. 行政哲学已经成为行政学界关注的一个热点领域,并产生了为数不少颇具价值的理论成果。

    The administrative philosophy has already become a hot spot of administrative domain and produced quite a few valuable achievements in theory .

  14. 近年来,在国内外学术界都出现了加强行政哲学研究的趋势。

    In recent years , there is a tendency to strengthen the research of administrative philosophy in the domestic and foreign academic circles .

  15. 笔者认为行政哲学是以马克思主义哲学为根本指导,围绕着行政主体和行政客体的基本矛盾,揭示公共行政领域内行政理论和行政活动发展的一般本质和普遍规律的逻辑体系。

    I believe that the Chief of Marxist philosophy is based on the fundamental guiding philosophy surrounding the administrative body and administrative object basic contradiction .

  16. 行政哲学研究具有批判性、反思性和价值性三个方面的特性:批判性主要体现为对行政现象及其背后原因的分析与批判,对行政理论合理性的检讨、反思与批判;

    Administration philosophy is characterized by its being critical , reflective and valuable : it is critical of the phenomena and of the roots of the administrations ;

  17. 因此,加强行政哲学领域的公共行政实践研究是公共行政实践理论与实践的现实需要和客观要求。

    Accordingly , it is actual demand and objective requirement for the public administration theory and practice to reinforce the investigation of the public administrative practice in the field of administrative philosophy .

  18. 就学科性质而言,行政哲学是一种面向行政实践、以行政问题研究为主的实践哲学,其理论活动方式在于对时代提出的行政问题进行解构和批判。

    Academically speaking , the administration philosophy is a practical philosophy focusing on administrative practices and administrative problems , and its theoretical mode lies in the deconstruction and criticism of the realistic problems .

  19. 管理哲学是对管理生活的哲学反思,行政哲学是对行政生活的哲学反思。从行政生活方面而言,其核心设施是乡村行政组织&乡镇政府与村民委员会;

    Managerial Philosophy means a philosophical rethink about managerial life , while Administrative Philosophy defines a philosophical rethink about administrative life . In the administrative life villages and towns ' governments are the nuclear establishment .

  20. 从行政哲学维度来看,价值与技术的分离奠定了行政学独立的学科地位,但也成为当前公共行政理论与实践陷于困境的根源。

    In terms of administrative philosophy , the separation of value and technology establishes science of administration as an independent discipline and meanwhile leads to the plight of theory and practice of public administration at administrative and social levels .

  21. 政治哲学是对政治生活的哲学反思,行政哲学是对行政生活的哲学反思,政治与行政之间的有机联系必然会在政治哲学与行政哲学之间的关系中体现出来。

    Political Philosophy means a philosophical rethink about political life , while Administrative Philosophy defines a philosophical rethink about administrative life . Thus the dynamic connection between politics and administration will be inevitably reflected in the relation between Political Philosophy and Administrative Philosophy .

  22. 因此,采取适当的途径,借鉴理论形态相对成熟的管理哲学的研究经验和成果,对处于初创时期的行政哲学及其面向的行政实践的发展具有重要的推动作用。

    So taking suitable measures to make use of the experience and achievement of managerial Philosophy whose theoretical morphology is comparative mature , will provide an important driving power to the development of administrative practice and Administrative Philosophy which is in a period of initial establishment .

  23. 行政哲学站在宏观的角度对行政生活进行批判反思,具有探索行政之真,追求行政之善,塑造行政之美的价值,对于政府决策起着重要的指导作用。

    Standing on a macroscopic angle , administrative philosophy criticizes and rethinks the administrative life , showing the value of exploring the administrative truth , pursuing the administrative good and molding the administrative beauty . It plays an important role of guidance in the decision-making process of government .

  24. 行政法哲学中的公共利益本位论

    On the Public Interest Standard Theory in Administrative Jurisprudence

  25. 行政回应的哲学解读

    The Philosophical Interpretation of Administrative Response

  26. 大学政治组织的特性、经济依附的现实、巨大的规模、完善的现代管理理论体系共同构成了大学行政权力的哲学基础。

    The philosophical background of the administrative power in universities comprises the political trait , dependent actions in economy , large scale and modern administrant system .

  27. 第二章,阐述三个体系建设的理论价值,分别从档案学、行政学、哲学三个角度切入,结合我国档案资源、档案利用及档案安全的现状对其理论价值做出系统诠释。

    The second chapter elaborates the theoretical value of " three systems " respectively from the archival science , administrative science , and philosophy . Except that , it makes systematical interpretation on its theoretical value with the combination of our archival resources , the files utilization and file security .

  28. 公共行政实践是行政哲学的重要组成部分,是正确行政、科学行政的认识论前提。

    The public administrative practice is important part of the administrative philosophy . Equally , public administrative practice is the premise of the correct administration and scientific administration epistemology .

  29. 透视大学强大的行政权力生成的哲学基础,将会使大学改革更具针对性和科学性。生命哲学被认为是一种具有生命力的哲学。

    Understanding the philosophical background of the administrative power in universities will be helpful to reform or improve universities . Life philosophy has been regarded as a philosophy with enduring vitality .

  30. 公共行政伦理是公共行政哲学的一个重要组成部分,同时也是公共行政学中重要的分支学科。

    The public administrative ethics is an important part of the public administrative philosophy , which is also an important sub-discipline of the public administration .